Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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TO SENATORS and Members of the House ot Representatives A gentleman who ha had twenty years experiencoas a parliamentary legal and geneial re porter both In Europe and America having several leisure hours each day proposes io devote them to the service of any gentleman hiving writing te do either for the press or of any other description Desiring somo mode of employing those hours until the adjournment of the present session of Con grew he is perfectly indifferent as to the character of the writing he may be required to perform and will perform it upon the most reasonable terms Communications addressed to it Mrs corner of 4J street and Mbuouri avenue will 'meet with prompt attention References of the highest order ii feb 1 tf' CtCHOOlj BOOKS of every description" for sale low by JRANCK TAYLOR Penn ar between fith and 4 sts WASHINGTON: i SATURDAY fJVLY 22 54 VOL HJL KO 12018 1 AUCTION SALES CIRCULAR SALES THIS BAY deed of trust from the undersigned Kitchen Be july dtf URNISH! OR ala A 1 hgTJfac ts el land fdthe expenses of the sale fop the reri thycouutios of Hardy and RandAlphji'H'sonai security will be required for i na rtf tha Virginia Cn1 talita i jy 2m Agency of andzimmeiv Pure Native Wines has constantly on hand $10 BRILLIANT SCHEMES i I To it on 1 THE 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 25 officers commanding companies will havethem in the time above stated as the regiment' will move 60 60 60 8940 31860 City Hall this (Saturday) afternoon at a quarter four to render military honors to the re ef the late General Kathan Towson of the United JAS McGUIRB Commission Merchant of 26 wholes 26 halves 26 quarters 26 eighths Do Do Do $100 80 60 50 40 20 $75 50 40 80 15 588 Do Do Ho Dy McGUIRE Auctioneer a SAIE Bv virtna nf 1 Charles Mondv Pharia runi 1 uiuuuj vu UuUCrBiKUQQ win sell at pubhq auction on Saturday morning August 12 atll on the corner of street north and 12th street asnington a onefc noeged CartenterK I bnop a Horse about six or seven years eld one Spring Wa I gon and set of Harness Terms cash HENRY CLARKE Trustee July AuglOAds McGUIRE Auctioneer REGIMENTAL ORDER IIMENTAL HEADQUAKTtBS Of VoLUMXBKS Washington July 21 1854 300002000010000 Ji I 6957U 2000L 150 PUBLISHED BY GALES SEATON I 'TBSMS: Atti Pari $10 a thab CovNTur Pafs $6 a yuan Payable in advance Do De Do Single wholes lo Do Do 64 crises nf 04 64 64 3200 22176 7th streets By order: REEMAN Assistant Adjutant General oo 5 00 2 50 24 1 prise of do do do do do do By order of Col Hickxy: MIDDLETON Adjutant do do do Wm Mayhew Jr Esq do IV tn SaLIoV hsrt Julius Pringle Esq South Carolina 160 64 Certificates of 25 wholes 25 halves 25 quarters 25 eighths Single whiles Do halves Do quarters Do eighths i 4 MAKE Engraver' instate County and Corporation Seals Pressesa Hirnislied itay 1 cptf WABMiToa urniture vanishing repairing and Jobbing shop 'Pennsylvania avenue one door wcM' of Apollo Hall betwoeiplBtn and 134 streets Cabinet urniture offsli descriptions repaired and varnish ed and put in completOCftder by experienced and practice workmen a I Chairs re caned and painted in imitation of the various' woods Gl Old Sofas Chairs 4c7iecoverod is Looking glass PlateslVf Variods sires always on hand Prompt attention wofk 'done as it ought to be and rnodc rate charges may be coSdently irelied upon A call is ref spectfully solicited JT July eolm ROBT WALMSLEY DESIRABLE DtVEULING in the Northern LI? beetles Will be sold at private sale upon application the undersigned part of Lotgj 16 and 17 in Square 36 fronting fifty feeton 9thetreet Mand streets north running back 1I2 foet 9 inches yrttn the improve ments consisting of a iybstantial and well finished two story rame House with baclr building or particulars inquire of july 10 eo6t rAuctionA 90 AA 60 www now ujg pre investments as he will sell on very ao Address A CARTER Warrenton auquier county Virgin? PUKVHASE ANO SALK OK REAL ESTATE JUS KENNEDY eontinues to purchase bell Or take charge of Real Estate effect investments and netiate loans on commission Office on street between Ninth and Ttnth I may tf SEVENTH STREET PROPERTY That valuable business stand on Seventh street opposite the Centre Market and near the canal now occupied by RappelJ as a tavern is offered for sale This property froap location in ihe heart of the city and in the centre' wiireess must Continue to enhance in value and affords tivorable opportunity for investment It will be sold on ao MffiuodAting terms If not disposed of before the first of AsguM it will then be offered at' public auc(ien or to A ROTHWELL Agent eo3w Odd ellows' H1L RENT on moderate terms a small Mouse comfortably furnished and desirably situated Apply st the eounting rooin of this office july 12 eotf DEATHS On the21st instant JOHN ARRAR aged 64 years 9 Hi VALUABLE AND ARMING LANDty JLu Virginia any 25'aryTaiid for I am author mi 1 1 1 a 1 1 zx Sir Tn a I a a ti 1 44CU BCJ8 IUV VUUWflljnVVWA SOiMU No 1 7500 ftrres in 1 4 a rxi in Virginia Ibis tymj 14a partat tne irgima uoai leias and is immediately at fhciead of the North Branch of thti Potomac river In adpitieh to (ho immense quantity of coa to be found on it thereios Mprgp quantity of iron ore It i finely watered and and finely situated and adapts ed to grazing If soldi bj the 1st ot October tho sum $35000 will be taken fess $5 per aers The purchasij of this land offers a rate srimneo for speculation Lands ncC more valuable but better ijuatod have sold for upwards $100 pt acre '4 No 2 A tract of ares Jiear the Potomac about 44 miles below Washingfanti Very superior lands improve ments of all kinds goon per acre sV No 3 A tract adjoulnS Iso 2 of 450 acres Improv mentr not good per acre i No 4 Adjoining Ni A0( acres good improvements Price $20 per acre Ji rv If these tracts are s6M ty of October the purchaser of each will receive oil bbtss of scorn 1 wagon and 2 horses! 1 yoke of oxen and 2ftws The purchasers can have tun on a portion of the purchase money 1 Apply to the undorilgfifd at the Potomac House Wash insrton or in his absence AleX Baker Esq! i June tf JOHN A PARKER OR RENT thei new fuur etory Brick Dwelling partly furnished Or not with back building for Kitchen lad Servants Stable1 Carriage house Water Ac situated ea north Capitol and streets now in tho occupancy of'Sam Anderson The premises can be shown at any time' and posse srion given immediately To a careful tenant the rent will be made low Apply to Hall 4 Brothkr 7th street july eq3t I i ti MARYLAND STATE LOTTERIES! OICIAL SCHEMES OR JULY' 1854 GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY Class 19 Saturday July 22 1851 18 numbers 18 drawn ballots SCHEME 1 $40471 19000 6000 I 4000 41 3000 2000 200 subscriber having retired to the permanent residence offers for rent his Hons adjoining now occupied of 8ven on the CanL MU3t UQe8'esrlier possession can be arranged ipplrin ha kindly consented that Aho the premises situated Oi Jhat commodious and desirable propeff od recnieJin1T'a avenue nearly opposite Jaokscn Aho 'T 7 oecupied as a boarding house square Houses fln 8troet south pear 7th street be dirZl 1 before the 30th instant they will fx highest bidder at publi? hhe 4 parUeularl please apply at the store of jun 19 to 4 WHITE splendid capital of $65912 5 do i 20000 splendid prizes of10000 139 (lowest 3 Nos) a jfc ja Tickets $20 Halves $10 Quarters $5 Eighths $250 Certificate of a package of 25 wholes $299 00 do 29 naives iso de 36 quarters 65 do I 25 eighths 82 Lottery the benefit of STATE DELAWARE Tobe drawn at Wilmington Delaware on Saturday July 29th 1854 78 number 12 drawn ballots 1 prize of $37000'1 20 prizes of $3000 1 do 15006 1 197 (lowest 3 No prises 600 1 do 6792 Ac Ac Ac i Tickets $10 Halves Quarters $250 Certificate of 26 wholes 00 Do 426 halves 75 60 Do 26 quarters 37 50 'JW Orders for Tickets and Shares and Certificates of Packages in the above splendid Lotteries will receive the most prompt attention ini an account of each drawing will be pent immediately after it is over to all who order from me 4 Address BUCKEY june Agent 00! 00 50 4 All orders for Tickets or Packages in the above or of the Maryland State Lotteries promptly and faithfully attend ed to and official drawing sent to all purchasers Please Address RANCE CO Manager Maryland Lotteries 1 No 4 North Calvert sttwt Baltimore Md uno 2swcp4w 4 1 ACRES V4LUABLEMEUERRIN I Pors in which the mercury at the name hour was River Laud la the county of Brunswick be doors and blinds of the room were closed and the Virginia lor Sale By virtue of a decree of the Circuit I "windows open Court for Brunswick county pronounced in the case of Stork On the 4th of July the mercury in each of theae ther vs Cunninghiun Ac the undersigned commissioner will sell I mometert was above zero at noon fhe 29th bTXu'tisM the auBnerC ZToVVfi tftion i Tbe the premises that Uum the first mentioned thermometer in iCAYAa nnv nhnva Ar a I oj ooa VJ VUU VUC OU OQ 1 nave seldom seen the thermometer in this location in sJb 'rk dicato a irreatcr of tKnn on I nn rqi iH curuiuK recent ana accurate survey con 1 uo5i I Juni 22 eotm Pcr seld Withers A Co's Ban? tains 4168 acres which will bt sold in whole or in parcels 14 shw high as before the 4th instant in the HOLMEss 8 ateiyi Therapeutic or Hygcau purchasers The soil is admirably adapted to the pro 1 twelve years that I have resided in this house i to preserve heiritp' to comfort and to cure slttingjrej i ductlon tobacco wheat and corn It lies in the very heart I Respectfully yours RENCH 1 nr Ivtnre TH 4 i a it 4 neAfila if tlm knob d'i4tf th 6 fin A tnLftftfrvr60tnn nf ihn AAtinlr snl Kn tsraai nt oral a I 1 Pl 11 AW fit A hi A Tt Iltll AC th A vs 1 1 nvn A a we fiS rs I 1 £1 i I I I 1 ntll li I a Dt a I I 1 vyuuuvun 4 Sts IW I HBUIU) II wm UVitU LU net 16 MUi IUIJ MUVUlJlLlOn OI lUe uvvvociuuj uuiutaitu upvj JUCJO nu avrUB I 1 TO CASH AND SIX MONTHS BUVEHS )XLY I the parents and' guardians uf the pupils they have had tinder I moving at the will exit thb person renders thia the first' quality river low grounds equal to any in the State I i MARRIAGE HALLOWELL A CO Philadelphia have row I tbeir charge during the last academic year a list of whom is I valuable combine lion chair a lounge a bed and a piiywfi Tbero are also about 150 acres of rich creek flats considered I On the 20 th instant bv theRev Mr Gross Mr SYL open for the fall season a very Jarge and splendid I appended in catalogues containing all desirable information I to be rolled with tho 7iJpanUto the eoalest part of tho hifjirCi jal' value to the river low ground It abounds in va 1 VESTER MUDD to Miss JOANNAH PEAKE both of assortment of Silk and ancy Goods I respecting tho institution These catalogues inay ba obtained I in summer and to thfrfrmesti in winter or' sale by Jqlluable limber lying in such a manner as to afford an ample I this city' Having an established branch of our house in Paris with I at the school onapplication personally or through the post JAS CMcGUIRE fcpPPly for 11 the tracts into which tho land may be subdivi I uivmucr our arm permanently located mere we will be pi July is stawamdAc jy 5 codBt und Commission MerchanJ gjueu in nignianas ot wnicnt4su acres are original supplies of new and desi CAKD T0 those of our customers wh I havk in rfuj LKpEnIk1ND Tho lh ff good heat and are LdTiS ottr half yearly call we blends keeping aciXo? been purchased abroad by one of our house who demotes hi! thoM "rho ur This plantation is in a proverbially healthy country the Mwsoun avenue oh Sunday afternoon at 3 His whole time and attention to this important department 7 Hotdone sp as yet to call at thoir earliest convenience hits and Lumber water is pure and there aVe never fiiling streams in every friends are invited to attend Upon entering ourinew warehouse which is one of the ocounU We feel satisfied that we have a Carolina Timor drXfsed and undressed Carolina tel(1 Th bnildiDgg arB out of repair with the exception of In thiTUty oh the 19th instant William Dext infant largest in America wi adopted new terms which have been ueedonly' toberemiuded ofthew accounts me andE isHnW hore looring negr cabins which are built of clay in the most sub of 'Milon Jambs SArmv E2T mfant successful ia increasing our business in a ratio beyond aU'h tXptCt ly response Unfortd Spruce and hemlWay out and Scan ling UntiH manner are large and airy and ifford sufficient ac precedent 7 111 nately we have pn opr books a goodly number of notes and cherry Akyand sh Plank trom one to ft firj Uommodltion for 100 0M theUract be sold in on 06 13th ANDREW 3 a a I GDen Account! of lone standing which if not nmd th a first I Inchon thick i 41 at I ACRSO PORTER 1 i it iuiuu lu lurinnr increase onr nnsines abtia i i cisllrith those Who: buy for cash and believing that the 7 0" 6tfk pel ed to in hand of an Latbs bbingl ngt fairaat viu in Mljn officer for collection 'which ts always a very unpleasant thing Also Lime CementVara Calrineu Plaster call the attention of 'the thinking merchant to the fact that iD MThsJtATl SIJUSTER under our system and terms we not only can afford to Cut) xnsqigxp irom necessity 'ell at lower rates than those who do I TTTRUNKS TRUNKS business on me otu long credit system our terms being more I call the attention of the travelling community to our stringent and the purchasers whom we seek to attract being I large and superior stock of Trunks which we have just Te as a class the closest puyers and best judges of goods' I ceived from the manufacturers viz i I terms: 1 Dress Trunks and Hat Boxes Cash buyers will receive a discount of six ner cent if that Gentlemen's: Tn nl nn nn money be paid in par funds within ton days from date of bill olio wood j1 fr do Unchrrent money only taken at its market value onthe Also Valises Carpet Bags Satchels Ao dv it is rpftAiYAd I i I All a i a xt vr Li i i I io or nnGniinTAfi ttnn iintf nrnriit nr sir mAnih i will be given if desired i I Where money is remitted in advance of maturity a discount I jy 20 eod6t uuo mi twelve per cent per annum will be allowed 4 They ask from merchants visiting the Eastern cities tho favor of an examination of their stock being satisfied that they will be convinced that it is not for their interest to pay the large profits that are absolutely essential to those who give long credits HALLOWELL The Regiment of Volunteers will assemble in front of th beforu maim Staten Army lh line a from he ground to proceed to the funeral precisely at four do I do do do do 1 Ac Ac I $300 150 37 $20 00 1 10 5 2 Adjutabt Ofticb xx Jult 21 1854 As a mark of respect to the memory of the late Major General Towspsr the Officers of tho Army now ia Wash ington either on duty or transiently are desired to at tend hiafuneral in uniform to morrow (Saturday) after noon at 5 o'clock from his residence at the corner of and 1 kereby offers hi The subscriber ktzncli of the on jauction whpfa Alexandria railroad immediately acres adePoL This farm contains farm fl Can be dlTided two conveni a ke improvements consist of a small dwellinc weiuf exbcDenCtOwlteUblte le house of water at the door 175 acres are inSldswenbwtfqA14llt dividedThto theg0ll7eJand very 5 adapted to both grain and crass deJcribt the Property further thfsab before 50 OOp WORTH REAL AND PERSONAL Estate for the People MAGNIICENT LIBERAL" EQUITABLE AND CERTAIN DAGUERREOTYPE ENTERPRISE WHITEHURST has deeded to Trustees in trust for fz the benefit of tho shareholders In the above enterprise $50000 worth of real and personal estate to be disposed of among the holders of shares at the earliest possible date after the sale of all tho The shares are $3 each which entitles the holder to an equitable share in the within named magnificent collection of real and personal property also to one of Whitehurst's £3 air Premium Daguerreo types of self or friend at any time when the certificate is pre sented at either ot his Galleries in Baltimore Washington Richmond Norfolk Lynchburg Wilmington and Peters burg Arrangements have also been made to redeem the certifi cates with the following celebrated artists: Gfiroey New JersiftrCity Collins Philadelphia (Pa) Springfield an! Westfield (Mass) A Partridge Wheeling (Va) and Wm Porter Cincinnati (Ohio) The fact that this properly is deeded to trustees in trust residents of the District of Columbia for the benefit of the shareholders and every shareholder receiving a Daguerreo type worth $3 and of the very finest quality and elegantly cased the high character and7 positions of those trustees and the great and extended reputation and business of Mr Whitehurst he deems sufficient guaranties that the every promise of this advertisemerit will be promptly and faithful ly performed as the pictures to be taken will be distributed among many Galleries cpableof producing 1500 daguerreo types ptr diem 1 Not mere than fifty thousand shares will be sold Persons residing at a distance and wishing orders for a Dagucrieotypo which will entitle them to a share in the above enterprise will pleww enclose the amount post paid to1 Gallery Washington i 1I1LBUS A Hitz agents for the sale tf orders in this city at their Music Depot south side of Pofinsylvania avenue be tween Tenth and Eleventhstreets in Georgetown at Miss a Homas a dock aau lancy store mgu street near rirst jgly eodtf GEORGETOVVN EMALE Georgetown Rev Wm Clark and Mrs A Clark Principals 1 rfuly tf HAND BOOK TO THE LIBRARY the British Museum 1 vol London 1854 Diary and Correspondence new edition 4 vols London 1854 eContributions to Literature Historical Antiquarian and etrical by Mark Anthony Lower 1 vol London 1854 Tbe Halt Century 1800 to 1850 its History and Policy bj Wilks 1 voL London 1853 Elements of Banking 1 vol London 1854 flirt's Hand Book of the Law of Storms 1 vok Liverpool 13 CThe Woollen Guide by Tbberson 1 voL lUndon 1853 sTh Young Companion by Cot Lord de Ros 1 vW London Igiuly RANCK TAYLOR The work to be! commenced immediately after theVon i made isnd finished within twenty days from the date VAN RKSWTCK Commissioner of the ifth and Sixth Wards WAsnijtdTOK National Monument Ornes Jutr 21 1854 At i meeting of the Board of Managers of the Washing ton Ni tional Monument Society the following resolutions weretDanimously adopted: Jleeilved That tho members of this Board have heard Wltll Dilin hn1 nftlia 4ka Llc hfaJnw C7 ww VUV UbUZU Vt VUQ AU tv wSASJUA Gcq Nathax Towsox Pavznastr General tif tha I one of I the original and most zealous members oT its Board I of Mannffexneut and a iKHtinretiiaiiA1 AiTira ze rjpJIE duties of thia Seminary will be resumed on Monday 1 1812 JL September IsL I Resolvdt That as a testimony of their eincere sorrow The course of studies actually pursued in this Institution I and respect to the memory of the deceased they will at embraces a higher and more thorough range than that pur tend his funeral in a body from his late residence Semiaar' ln 'uVv01! ir Vice President be requested to The location oCthe bominary is remarkable for ite salubrity I1 Tho buildings aro large the rooms capacious and the grounds I to the family of for recreation arc very ample I laipented deceased and to express to them the sin Terms for boarding pupils $260 per session ten months cere sympathy and condolence of the Board in their me payable ou the 1st of September and 1st of ebruary This I Inocholy bereavement charge includes bearding tuition ia English and Math ema 1 True copy from the Journal ww 1 tics room rent fuel lights and rashing Music rench I I ECKLO Clerk Ac Drawing and Painting extra I I Duy eclioJars from $5 to $10 per quarter according to the I attempted Yesterday morning about desses which they enter two a lady in the boarding house of Mr Willia Reference is made to Dr Grafton Cept Geo de I iqL la Roche Ridgely Esq Hunter Esq eorner of Bnd et3 was awakened by some Taylor Esq rancis Dodge Esq Robert Dodge Esq I strange! man'in a room occupied by other ladies when she aid Dr 0 Linthicum Georgetown and to Jos I gave the alarm waking her companions who shrieked Mj u5gh sw mw sh swt cLAKENii7N NEV YORK 1 tte ndow of the second story the way he enter fjpHIS elegant Hotel which situated on ourth avenue I andwith some associates made their escape JL and Eighteenth streets in the upper and most fashionable I 7 1 part of the city has been agdu enlarged during the past year Wo also of burglanous demonstrations having a(fd is now ora of the largest of the magnificent hotels which I been made on Thursday night in street near' Sixth have recently been erected in New York The aceommoda The kitchen door of one house was unlocked but a bolt lions are of the latest and most approved character without I regard to! expense There are over fifty suite of apartments oa 1119 Prevented au entrance having biths and Other ivater conveniences attached to each I I which makes it perfectly luxurious to the traveller I East Capitol Stbxkt Capitol Hill The Directors of the Exhibition of all Nations have decid I if Jult 21 1854 ed to continue the same for the year 1854 and the location I Messrs Editors I observed that in thia In is nearer to the Clarendon than ny otter the I tetllgender yoa state the average range of the mercury hotels It i situated near the depots of the railroads going I yesterday at above zero I have in my house three North and East and the coaches connected with the house thermometers one hanging on the casing outside of my convey paesengersto and from all the principal depots and front do0r and inBide the Venetian bfind a Th whole stnbiio'hiMent which has been furnished at an I which at 3 ester utby of more than one hundred thousand dollars will be a 1 one hanging on the casing of my 11 kept in a manner that the proprietor hopes will meet the I ry Xindow looking north the window of the room views and enstfre the patronago of the traveller I having been open and the blinds closed all the morning 0 PUTNAM Proprietor I the mercury in which at 3 was one hang New York May 16 1854 june dim I ing at the side of the folding doors in the centre of my ina nemiwaoist and tocantnug Muintisl manner aro large and airy and afford sufficient cherry cuki'and ash Plank trom one to fit un lt MiiuiDuusuira lor loo negroes snouiu ne Aract oe sola inTprt tDXCK 4 jS Prtall tK APO OVA num Arnil a kaowfifnl an a Aa I IvKlLli Vsgroves of forest trees and springs of delightful water youngest son of Gbo Portek deceased Governor of i rnis plantation is considered to be tBe best in the county puwuigau ernmry uuraai veiroit on We 23d June Whicu he offers for laMUt ftur price and on aocoinntoj fronU 5J miles pen the Meherrin rirelf which is a lawf 1832 ting terms (j 5 iLI Saencc It is as littie liable to overflow as any river nlanta 1 ttt TRUNKS TRUNKS TRUNKS! raaoeotfuriv bimmon sown Ktlon but one injurious freshet having occurred within the I Attention Montgomery Guards! By order nufactureansuperlortofs twenty years It is aix miles from Lawrenceville (Bruns from the Colonel you will meet at your Armorvthis af stringent and the purchasers whom we seek to attract being I larco and superior stock of Trunks which wa have iut re W1 a Mfick Court house) by the road The great body of the low ternoon tfie 22d instant at 3 in full winter uniform aa a elan cIaZ a ana Bupenqr tocx ot iranKe wmen we nave justre Successor to Ttornyi Blagden near tho Navy Yarde rnnn(i tiM tMi 21 wiim rt illA 4'a4' nf 4km 1 ATld tha ftiiuinmftllt 3 tb th fnnnwal nf June 27 3taw2uifclwScp lyirunwick and Roanoke nlankroad: and when that road is rTow8onk brave and gallant veteran is no mnr Tt tnereiore exnectea tnat every omcer and member nf thA rnm ten be on duty to pay that tribute of respect to the memory lftst Ou the east it ia fifteen miles over an excellent road) july 22 IP KEY gt all seasons from the Petorsburgh and Roanoke railroad Washington Light The company farmer Will thus have access by three routes to the Pe wiu meet at the past 2 oYl0ck this afternoom rsbnrgh Richmond ahd Norfolk markets tfor tte purpose of attending the funeral of Major General a As the tract is in a rapidly improving section of country it Towson By order of the Captain July 22 filers peculiar inducements to farmers from more thickly ser I I £ed States who desire to remove to the South All persons I 0 The members of Central frjk'sirous of purchasing are invited to examine tho land Mr: I to meet at their Hall at 2 o'clack on Sabbath(homas Kirkland on tho pre mises or the undersigned in I afternoon (to morrow) next to attend the funeral of our Utenwrenteville will take pleasure in showing tho land A I Brother John M1arrar Members of sister Lodges are coach by plank road leaves Pctersbunrh for Lawrence i mosl invited to unite with us on this occasion He three times a week I ROBT WHITE MIDDLETON VTerms of sale: Cash sufficient to defray the costs of suit I MaeonlcA Special Communication of St jiq iue expenbes ui iuj Buie jup vne rcsiuue duuuf wiiu gouu i jonn a Bodge Pio xi wm be held this Saturday evenimr it nftvmanr' in Ann I a rrli tk wan wiw if nj mm uas auw uuuiavva ah turn iiau GUXAlcr OI 1 utn htalments at 1 2 and 3 year from the day of sale with I streets All brother in good standing are fraternally invi Sttrcst on each instalment payable semi annually The lted to attcnil Ktle will be retained as a farther security 'I july 22 MARSH Secretary TURNBULL Commissioner inly 2awtds The Rev slicer will (by leave of Provfo N2 1 dence) preach the Hall of Representatives on next Sab i yllil CONTRACTORS The Wayorley Literary Socie I bath the 23d instant ati 11 july 22 I A ty of Upper a duly incorporated body has I ri determined to repair thoroughly the brick building in md AOK SALE WiU be old at private sale thatwaknown a the "Old Ball The walls of the 7th street plank road in Eenso aro sound but the roof floor and Ml other wood work Montgomery county Maryland about even miles from Wash te ossible cheftnut timber in the woods suitable for a further division of 1 The undersigned have been aptfiinted by the Society ita Jf heallh beantZf and Iocation it aot gilding Committee with full power to contract for the work ia the State of Maryland It ha alwayi been their own pleasure They wpl take pleasure in bowing for itg bcauty The Dwelling contains eight promises and explaimng repair needed to person I 4o cellari Ae all surround CBidare solicited on or before the 1st day of August when '''Thl'eandther outohousePMdZ? XVTth be never failing spring of cool aAd deligUf CONTEE MULLIKIN hand a would over be PTn It it CHEW necessary onithe farm Building Committee A orchard and some excellent' peach pears I enemas Ac: or particulars inquire of JAMES MILLER Esq Real Estate Agent over lelden Wither Co Banking House ap eotf HALLOWELL JAMES TRAQUAIR HALLOWELL A LITTLE SWENEYj I prize of HUTCHINSON 8 Sparkling and Dry Catawba together with the IsabeUa Wine I and Catawba Brandy (These Wine are made from the pure ann i i I Dw jmawv va azw WUIVU it pgVMVUUUGU DV LUO iUUBk WUQlV some beverage in use JOST Importer and Dealer In all kind of Wine Liquor and Cigars Px av bet 17th and 18th streets lawCm 1 i riday July Department 4th District Tuesday July 2 ''emale Department 4th District Wednesday 26 emale Department 3d JPi'Jidt Navy Yard Thuraday July ir emdle Department 2d of City Hall 'ta ft 1 riday July 28vemaIe! Department 1st District New Ione avenue near JJj'th Streit 3 The examinationLto commence at 3 15 The public are iu51md to Attend july 2aw3w A PAVIS Seertiff: vr aw TRUSTE SALE REAL On i Oflice the United States Penitentiary Thursdav aftrnrwin TnlwOik A 1 a I ashiUfftOU July 1854 mises by rirtue of a deed uf trust from Jame Thomas Tnm SIElSD 4SePartt Proposals for hishoue duly recorded in Uber A SNo 69 MIUth 1 Washington county shaU proceed "sSl Lono 10 in Cords fof half seasoned good Oak Wood of medium YTquare No 675 fronting 58 feet on North I street betwren free from lirn or lop wood 1U Notth Capitol andEirst street east running back 142 feet 7 7n uihes to a 30 feet alley with the imnrovement 40 Anthracite Grate Coal Iwoavw tt I ine ood to be delivered at the Penitentiary' Term eaah All conveyancing at the expense of purehaaen TH0 1 the terms of 41e aft not complied with within five 1mv I arden the Trustees rewrye the right to resell at the risk and ex TJMNY celebrated new book of for a loLcr nod pense of first pureaaser WALKER 1 Travel in Iceland is iut retired tor a longer nod Tlvwa TAYLOR A BofokstoroJ JAMES MeGUIRE Auctioneer 1 July 19 near 9lh street teua UUAQUJ WAM'ED immediately a smart active youug Mau cf sober industrious hab)ts accustomed to in door work a slave preferred Apply to the counting room of this office 'f 6t YITANTED a situation in a Hotel or rstore Jby theadvertiser a ydung roan of steady habits write a fair hand is capable of accounts and willing to make him seif generally useful impioyment more an object than sala ry References unexceptionable A july 20 Address 1' at this Office PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned at the office until Monday the 24th instant at 12 for filling up (to remove a nuisance condemned by the Board of Health) Utz Nos 7 8 9 and 10 in square No 902 Bidders will state the price per cubic yard ho more tiling will be paid for ihkn is reported in the Surveyor's esci UsAlV AUG TUiAk tract is made! and vf the contract jy 19' A HOUSE WAITED I wish to purchase a diftl ling immediately price from $101 0 to $2000 Apply a my office on Pennsylvania arenue seven doors eastof the National Hotel up stairsi POLLARD WEBB jy 3t WANTED a Dwelling House the rent not to ex ceed $509 Apply to Mr Dicxrss street neart 13th or at the office Of the Secretary of the Senate 3t 1 'j' OR RENT a large three story House with extensive back buildings stable coach house and smoke house Tne buildings contain twenty two rooms and a kitchen and te well suited for a boardidg house It is situated on the north side of east Capitol street about one hundred yards east of Capitol square Tijeirent to a tenant will be $400 perannum paid by monthly instalmentsfo advance Jfii july lawtf Star WM EASBY 60 prizes of 60 do do I do I do i 4c Ac $170 85 42 1 21 iSUBLIC SCHOOLS irrlHE ExaminMiolis of the District Sclmnla ijv iith i BY GREEN ds SOOTT Auctioneers I JL year lll bo hdd ak follows viz SHK HOUSEliniil A Nil I a' luaio department nt districtewner urniture Biircfes Air ur a nn I of I4th and i I 'syfe Ou Saturday the 22d instant at 9 o'clock A we shall I enceday JuljlO Malo Department 2d A veil 14 Art A A A 1 VttT AXILLA 8 1 i avenuo and Sixth street an excellent assortment of urni nTiUrsday JulWj Malq Department 3d Diatricvy i ture Ao viz I ard Mahogany! Chairs Sofas and Bureaus I Bedsteads Bods Hair and Shuck Mattresses I Washstands Workstand and Tables ftv jjn 'Mr STizr Carpet Looking glasses Blinds and Toilet Sets ra V2ouecf' Crockery Glassware and Kitchen Utensils Square No 496 fronting 29 feet on 44 street between south I jy 22 ltl ii i al and streete running beck 100 feet improved by a snug rr A Auctioneers two story frame Dwelling 14 by 23 with a two story back I Dy JAMES McGUIRE Auctioneer hnildino I rTIRUSTERS SIU! Tnisa 05 1 a IA vre suwsws vasai A I 1111 1 "'fl at the'Auctiou Rooms of Jas McGuire CHESTNUT EMALE SEMINARY eighteen months with interest Secured by a deed of trust oal and bJ virtu uf deed of trust from Charles 525 street Philadelphia the premise JAS McGUIRE Vocke to the subscribers bearing date the 14th day of I MARY BONNEY Ji july Star Auctioneer 1 1 and duly recorded in Liber No 22 page 21 HARRIET A DlLLAYE McrtUIH Anritnnasr I one of the ludi records of said county all those piecesand if Associate TRUSTE of small ram si nuc I ground situate lying and being in Prince Wil I 0 next Acadentij Year this Institution will coiiinveice On mJ a lm county in the State of Virginia: one called GlHad September i 7 ij premTes I tat th i9? or less the other called kskkencxs No 637 fronting 22 feet 6 inches on south 'street? "between I 7 184 acres and 5 poles more or less and I A Boatman tD Rev Charles WadJwOth South Canitol staeat and nil uJS! for description of the said tracts of land re Bev David MaJm lSr Paul Jones Philadelphia trs feet 6 srithl th 10? bB hd t0 deed from John Gibson to A Arens Emma fllard Mr Mohn 4 fllard Troy 'leen frem dwfor TePr cab n8 2didVo7 ebreyy J8 L6 and of record in thoffiee Taylor LJ IL A i' I it p'iv't I olerk pf Prince William county with the buildings and I Ref Babeock 1 ork Rev uller DD Ellti july eod i (Star) JAS IC 1 McGUIRE Auet more Md PullP? lfon Barnwell Biaufet I Terms: Ona third of the purchase money to be cash in wrard Nionx DD Lewisburg Px ISsv rtJ rwrewn GKEEN SCOTT Auctioneers I hand the balance in six and twelve months with interest from Kempton New BruiwiSk NJr Rev i'Saftfo RTOR RAME HOUSES aud Lots day of sale and to be secured to the satisfaction of the trus I nah Ga RcvE Iralirop New York City Beniatnm LTSv A on Irginia avenue near the Navy Yard at Auc I ee AU conveyances at the expense of the purchaser I ton Esq fata Louis iifttt A Turner A On Tuesday the 25th instant we shall "sell iu front of Should the purchaser fail to comply with the terms of sale in Esq WarrentoNf? George Esq the premises at 6so'clock two good and nearly new I dTe days after the day of sale the trustees reserve the right I By Albert It fiteriuan Esq PhiL John'B JteuifJe two story rame Houses containing four rooms and a cellar resell at tho cost and risk of the first purchaser by giving I Esq Pittsburgh P(J si sb july 8 5 20 each and the Lots on which they stand it befog part of ono notice of such resale by publication in tho Na AMI ldt'AN lions' hihkiv Lot No 3 in Square No 797 having a front on Virginia ave donal IntbUigenecr SWEENY rrrmi JWi i I Hosf ON 4 nue of thirty (36) feet running back to a teq feet alley I NICH CALLAN rei i between 3d and strteti I i iTnL ranged hotel IJogland and the tutacnlgr lve Terms taOne fourth cash balance in 6 12 and 18 months June 3tawids JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer its magniti ent arrangements Ad for notes bearing interest from th day of sale A deed rivea 11 uuinr Auctioneer acuommodans The furniture is made to cqmbe and a nf tm4 tvnA rnuis 1 I utility and convhmeno with luxurious ea3 and csaifiU I srnTT WITWS resiaence In this city together The drawing roams moil elegantly aj pointed th svfyi July I 1 TRiArtl a I with urniture Carriage Ac le for rale I of rooms well arranen for families and large travelling Auouoneers July 3d4y ties the sleeping SpjnmeuU commodious and weUVl 5X McGUIRB Auctioneer 1 I lated and a largo nrtU'rhon of theffi suonHcd with CoftEltdkfa water and gas Lvqi effort wdl be made by the prorior to contribute to the fort of hll frUiirA whilA At r'f i 1 Tirnn xj 1 I Va Boston June Igsl july 1 (MIKE'S LA 4 I 1 hi truiy delightful uc Place so sjiicv'ssfuilv conducted for tho laetlve is now open for the rjA'ptionsof visiters To those whrf wep to enjoy the benefivf Salt VV srter Bathing ishintf Wharf and I every luxury the coif ijry can? afford this cannot be exwlhX ids oeutiiui cene anu 01 tnis location nave in quired a reputation tisl canuO: be surpassed Terms £1 nrr dav 1 rMuinuhl a fln'lnnfinn will 1 a tf tr Inrurnr TsirirtJ i ki £iB Ihe sieambtf Columbia and Maryland touchj' thT twiee a week leaving A ashington and Baltimore 'w NP jiity line 1 MOORE uv a k' ni i TVlfUl tea i 5 I I 7 an niuura or mneipai 01 Broadway ft date A 27th 7f7nn A the Alexandria High School npiIIS tabLshmenT wnl be opened by the undersized Ni 59 folios 491 irT vacanta The poMUon is one of la the city of as firs class hotel abcj Vi fogton cotmtv will I ta foe salary is correspondingly liberaL 8th instant Its loca is among the most desirable tu rfe MV offered for sale on the premweiat 6 persons cleaning to open corrwpondeaee in reference to city nnl Its rooms dtl XfuJ No lin aaAre c5 Ot I l1Dg 88 CALEB HALLQWELU I No pains or expentfnll benared to render its patrSneHa ted States I juy29 dflfoppt Alexandrix Vx eomfortab as betel in the country J' I SB ELLIOTT Trustee I RENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING XND DAY July 2awAds McGOIRE Auctioneer I SCHOOL OR YOUNGLAD1 ES 1 KEN TON tULS heiir Utica New Yrid By GREEN A SCOTT Auctloueerx Jfotamehl elreet between Park and Howard etreete rPI1KnnderKned fob public that his Hotel qJ tTe VALUABLE IMPROVED RROPEKTY on 11th 1 Baltimore I abover lace open for the reception of comwA street opposite the War Department at Auction DESPOMMIERS graduate of the Academy of Pa On Wednesday the 26th instant we shall uK I ria udi Madame DESPOMMIERS Principals 3 lh A in front of the premises part of Lot No 20 in rp dutlis of the School will be resumed on Monday the wta MOO square No 169 front 17b wc wi S04 1 JL 4to of September sT to more or less opposite ar Department but a few steps from Tihis AcaOeify It situated the most elevated and 3 I lj' Pennsylvania avenue running back tho depth of said lot part of tbecity the building large and air with BEKKeMY SPRINGS Virginia with the improvements which are two Three story Brick ample pla ground are admirably fitted for their de Tut HOTEL OlTllE UNDERSIGNED IS House eon tainfog 9 or 10 room each I signed iu I I JL ready for cmmpaftW Thi w1 a ALSO The ocure of injtruction embraces the rrencn aa itog i will bli wiili jingle room or placc in forgjfj Immediately after toe sale of the above shall proceed arithmetic algebra geometry history ten amihea at the same ptrt to sell Lot No 3 in square No 75 having a front on North I foctoric composition rench and English litera by the of chamber room occupied tardf a iKUGaaDwis3ftiiciii'T iiiwrn i a je Mr isu res aawvwaMJp UOSUlle U4U AuviM iopby iue rrencii joeing of the family is the Jan guage oz toe caLaiHunmeni i i me terms ox safe are one fourth of the purchase money I i cash on the day of sale the balance in three equal inscal George Tiffany Eiq Baltimore rn ant nt am a a 1 lb a I I LI T'l i If vaav LWV AAU VUICV JVOAa UIAO pUrCDB I sera to give notes for the deferred payments bearing interest I John BqinesKsq from day of sale secured by a deed of on the premises I John Whitridge IQ CO Dy in A TtSBdor All tOnt6VlltliA th nfl al 1 9 I too purchaser I bcLley Esq Al Uie snouia laii to comDiv with the terms in I five days after the day of sale the vendor reerves the right I Rev Bommers New York to resell at the risk arid cost of the first purchaser by giving I Dwight Porter Esq Washington Institute three day! notice ef such resale in the National Intelligencer I Theodore Porter Esq do dp i do july 8 eodAd GREEN A SCOTT Auctioneers I Wm II Dillingham Esq Philadelpbix Lottery for the benefit of THE STATE DELAWARE Class for 1854 be drawn at Wilmington Delaware on Saturday Jnlv 22d 1854 75 number 12 drawn ballots I And every Ticket with three drawn numbers I 10 RnlAnnid rimea a 9 AAA i A i an 1 i enuueu ozuuu I I 00 do 1600 I noivn OAVOorTnimm TA nn nnTT'm snn I uux ioai vines I Saturday July 29 1854 Ml Drawn Ballots i i ICHIXI 64 pris IjUIR SALE itioj acres of very valuable Laud nil4s iof Loganspert Indiana arid near vticsgo lUilrqad or terms apply to 1 JAMES ILLER 8 Real Estate Agent over Selden Withers A Co VALUABLE CITY LOTs OR The sub scriber is authorized to sell at private sole the following tujlily valuable Lots in the city of Washington viz bet 1 the east half of 2 37 and 38 in Reservation A at i loraer 2d street and Missouri avenue fronting towards Capitol LeU put of 18 and the whole of 19 in Reservation 11 Jonungon and 24 streets west and Lots 2 part of 3 half LoU 6 and part of 14 and 19 in Square 635 and Lot 8 in 636 lying near and south of the Capitol BAYLISS' Real Estate Agency jHy eo6t Missouri aveaue' between 4 and t6h sts VR KENT Office Rooms Nos 6 and 7 "ColumbiaT rner of Louisiana avenue and 7to street Also Si i story rooms each embracing the whole extent i Apply to BARNEY eodtf Star between 6th and 7th st QTORfc3 or RENT The subscriber baa for rent 0 conveniently situated on the corner of 16th Louisiana avenue opposite the old gas house It da? 'totes could readily be' turned into a large warehouse a SuUU lenaui me rent would no GEO GARRETT 1 eotf Lumber Merchant cor 6th and ate LET a two story Brick House pu be ween and streets Good reference required' in t0 0 MKELDEN 19 eotf between 6th and 7th streets Qffices suitable for lawyers or Ageit for rent fo Buildings opposite: the Applyto CHUBB BROTHERS Bankers Kiinti TaTE Tbo 'subscriber pays Uis ek attontion to the purchase and sale of real estate wd'eitT offereTeral valuable arms in the vicinity of aomk mDch valuable improved property and a forge Ki LoU in the thB tn kslng 10 Pttrchase will find it to their interest to jiteW bujiD8 JAMES MILLER Over Selden Withers A Bank' do do do do do do I Certificate of a pakaj di I haliteA quarters eighths MAGNIICENT SCHEME Capital Prize $60000 1 HoUsE TO LET The northernmost House of the two recently finished first class dwelling on 15th street between and I street Jis to let It has all the modern imi proTemencs To a good tenant the rent will be $1290 per) annum Inqufre of RENCH next door to the pre laSg8 tf UKNISHED UOU8B HORSES CARRIAGES Ac ORj RENT House newly and handsomely fur cubed and pleasantly arid conveniently located having nia reowi beudes kitchen and servants and bath rooms with gas SALK rair At Hnrs snnnH Irinri wtwI I aaa I ary waf wa Wj IUJ 4 4 VIZ SU XI Un A UML having Tlrt unnArifirt in thw Iltrint laves milv fSa hnfwann 91 at anrl 994 AT 1 nn w' UP VI UUlUg ICefcl VI ng in good order a handsome Buggy nearly new with to a 30 feet alley The above described property is handsomely I Tlnnhl ttnrl Qinvla tii 11 I Tn rtttr xo aaaMwa jg iwawu urar cuusja aveuue immeuiAUMT lm rear or luquira of i Gr KENNEDY I Dr Magruder's residence Ittly 1 5 dtf 1 TT Htrfifit QtK CinrllhfTv Th tttwma enla nm 1 waret rlHEA Scott Randolph jtf pwn tinned by its charter to the Roanoke river its most di a ItfiTA Hmawilnfnin hrtrrl ti faw vnLifnn nf thA wa route Will be through this nlantafion IL i fihnnt tan of Napoleon from theKrfroh Do wjth italics from the Boydtown and Petersburgh plank road on the of the departed By order: ate a I a aJ aa I il lucre 1 1 ZJvs 0 tll bfl )n 1 11 A AQf it 18 fl ttAArt TTI I A8 A VAT nn A VAAl I rAOfl 1 1U1T 22 I Aiioi wnicn we wm seu at tne lowest New xork prices 2 DOWNS HUTCHINSON I Also the Life of John taando lpb of Rcpnoke by Hugh A Athenes im Building near orir and a half street I 2 I A T) I n1 a4 a A 1 nAttaa re st II rr rere Kd il It 1 4 ii uc a ouusrn a vvisu III tuvu JU aa xw aawv mix' is Scott complete Wovks 10 vol $10 Vti I Together with severi'il Sellable works the whole of we have instructions ttHckse cut by the 1st of August at low prices DOWNS 4 HUTCHINSON I Atheneeum Butldlsg near our aud a haif street i St boardr win IfrU wUh room or place in lygtr one ten dollars pr week amilies at £the same igatpli modifiedy the extent of chamber room occupicd artflt the age and members Board without loitjji even dollars per werkft Transient visiters two dollar tf pfV day or at the rate dollars per week for less two week JOHN STROTHeU71 i JUHC NJONEY fflQ The subscriber pays special a (J I A to a gottang loan in largo or small motntb lAt public auction if not sold privately before on Tuesday either for negotiable ai'Sr or OU mortbsee bond aLo mAlxbXk 1 ook mvtemenro on ur i sac pities on real e(ate i the premises that most valuable plantation known as ort dicateTsAo 3 TbtaoTeta rtS? cn lblc htm lying on Meherrin river in the county of Brunswick TXXt 86 VMvVr ww Vi rVc1 torinerly belonging to the late CoL Wm Allen of Surry I to IS il JOHN HAMILTON Atrorney at Law Washington Office on Louisiana avenue between 4J and 6th street J' jaly eolSt 'i i KIRKWOOD HOUSE pennaylvaMia avenue corner ot Twelfth street If WILL ba opened on and after Monday July 3d for Mie reception of guest July 6 Im JA A KIRKWOOD Proprietor MEI EKE Professor of the rench Spanish arid German Languages at Mr Robinson a on street between 9th and 16th streets oot 7 tf BOARD with or without rooms permanent or transientcan be had at Mrs on street near 14th aP27 eotf I TfA NTED TO ENT IM5IED1ATELY a smallV three story or twq story Brick House in the vicinity of tbe Capitol or City Hall Any one having such a house to rent will please apply toiSCHWARTZE A SON Druggists Pennsylvania avenue between 3d and 4 streets julyl5 eo2w ill be $1260 ap tf fl.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.