Raw results, live blog: King & Queen of the Ring fallout (2024)

WWE Monday Night Raw comes waltzing back into our lives tonight (May 27, 2024) from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, Georgia, featuring all the fallout from the King & Queen of the Ring premium live event that took place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia over the weekend.

Advertised for tonight: Braun Strowman returns to the ring for the first time in more than a year. That’s actually the only thing set for tonight as of this writing, but we also know that Becky Lynch wants a rematch after losing the WWE Women’s title to Liv Morgan on Saturday’s show. We should get more build for Damian Priest’s next World Heavyweight championship defense, which is now officially against Drew McIntyre at Clash at the Castle... and whoever is holding that belt come SummerSlam now knows they have a SummerSlam date with King Gunther! Plus, more!

Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the Raw live blog will kick off once the show starts on USA Network. It will be below this line here. Reminder: GIFs and pics allowed, but no links to illegal streams, please.


Shellshocked, battle fatigue, overwhelming anxiety. Flashbacks, panic attacks, death raising it’s ugly face at me, but here I am liveblogging this here pro wrestling show for you, folks.

The show opens with a recap of King and Queen of the Ring.

Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring to give your new King of the Ring a big introduction, and GUNTHER makes his entrance, crown in hand, and the two men embrace before the Ring General gets on the mic.

He hesitates long enough that “We want Randy!” chants go up, and then says he beat Randy Orton and now he is the rightful King of the Ring. He talks about getting a title shot out of it and how it was on him to step up and become the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, and so too, he stepped up raised the King of the Ring tournament to levels never seen before.

And now the World Heavyweight Championship is lacking prestige because the champion won it by taking a shortcut, and he doesn’t appreciate—

Enter Judgment Day, here consisting of Damian Priest, Finn Balor, and JD McDonagh

Damian confronts GUNTHER and congratulates him but says he earned nothing, he didn’t actually beat Randy Orton, and if he wants a pat on the back, sure, but to take credit for anything but costing Randy a title match is absurd? And yeah he cashed in, but he EARNED the briefcase in a ladder match. That’s how that works!

He asks GUNTHER if he knows how things work around here and offers to teach him a lesson, but the Ring General says he focuses on the facts and the facts are he is King of the Ring and if Priest is still champion at SummerSlam, he’s going to challenge him for the title. In terms of teaching him about business, maybe, business isn’t his expertise, and he’s been waiting for someone in this company to teach him anything.

He can’t teach Damian about business, but he can teach him about this great sport that he loves and protects with everything he has. So either he can give him respect now and address him as king, or after and address him as World Heavyweight Champion. Priest says he respects him in the ring and as an Intercontinental Champion, but as world champion, what can GUNTHER teach him that he doesn’t already know?

Enter Drew McIntyre.

He gets on the mic and says CM Punk has been back for six months and the highlight of his return has been him, anyway, he introduces himself as #1 contender and says he’s going to be champion in less than three weeks. Priest says he’s not looking past him, he just knows what’s going to happen when they’re done.

McIntyre says Damian is spreading hismelf too thin, Judgment Day are screwing up left and right, and ever since Rhea Ripley got hurt things have gone to hell. He says he’s the only person from the UK to have ever won the world title and advises him to go watch his match at Clash at the Castle last year and says he would have won last year if it wasn’t for Solo Sikoa and this year is in Scotland, his country!

He gives a quick geography lesson on the layout of Great Britain and says Damian will be walking into a war zone where the fans will break him mentally and he’ll break him physically. Damian is skeptical and asks if his wife is gonna be there and what her name is, and McIntyre tells him to back off.

Priest says he was just looking to get under his skin and find out if he’d be man enough to do something about it—

Enter Braun Strowman, for some reason.

Drew beats a hasty retreat and the Monster Among Men stares Priest down, and we go to break.

Braun Strowwman vs. JD McDonagh

McDonagh charging right into a military press, slipping out before anything can happen, shoved into the corner, JD crawls under but Strowman hosses him up and throws him down! Braun bieling him around, kick to the ribs, stalking around the ring. McDonagh with chops, Braun knocks him down down with one of his own!

Stinger Splash, second try, JD trips him into the post and the monster crashes to the floor! Referee Eddie Orengo counting, McDonagh with a chop block on the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, JD working the leg but Braun explodes out of the corner to drop him with a desperate shoulder block! Strowman to the floor, hobbling around the ring and he still manages to freight train McDonagh! Finn Balor runs interference, Carlito runs down to distract the monster and gets chopped down!

JD with a headbutt, a chop block, off the ropes, Strowman counters...

Braun Strowman wins by pinfall with a running powerslam.

Post-match, Carlito and Finn try to beat the big man down but he shrugs them off and clears the ring! McDonagh attacks Strowman from behind with a steel chair and Braun stands up ramrod straight and turns and smacks the chair out of his hand, sending Judgment Day packing!

Liv Morgan is interviewed backstage.

She has no remorse over how she beat Becky Lynch but she didn’t know Dominik Mysterio was going to come out like that, but she’s not here to talk about that, she’s here to talk about how she’s a fighting champion and she’s going to defend the title against Becky in a steel cage tonight.

And so we go to break.

Back from commercial, we get a media hype reel for King and Queen of the Ring.

Backstage, Damian Priest tells Finn Balor to go find JD McDonagh and bring him back to the clubhouse.

We get a video package for Bron Breakker’s trail of destruction of late.

Footage from earlier shows a trainer clearing Ricochet and Adam Pearce chatting with him. He wants Bron but Adam says he’s suspended, and Ilja Dragunov rolls up to thank him for pushing him out of the way last week, and as soon as he’s healed up he wants to go. Ricochet says funny enough he’s cleared, and Ilja says he fights people and breaks them, and he doesn’t fight broken people, but the One and Only wants the match and Pearce makes it official.

Ricochet makes his entrance and we go to break.

Ilja Dragunov vs. Ricochet

Dropkick and uppercuts from Ricochet, chops from Dragunov, rolling German suplexes and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Constantine Special countered with a dropkick, Ricochet fired up, off the ropes, suicide dive connects! Kickflip moonsault, both men down but the One and Only gets fired up! Back inside, up top, nobody home on the 450 splash, roll through, big boot gets an uppercut and a rolling elbow gets a lariat!

Dragunov fired up, Constantine Special connects this time, cover... NOPE! Superkick caught, elbow, big powerbomb from Ilja and both men are down! Off the top... RICOCHET CUTS HIM OUT OF MIDAIR WITH A SUPERKICK! RECOIL... DRAGUNOV KICKS OUT! Shooting star press connects— BRON BREAKKER OUT OF NOWHERE TO CUT RICOCHET DOWN WITH A SPEAR!

Ricochet wins by disqualification, presumably.

Post-match, Adam Pearce rushes to the ring and gives Bron hell about it, and Breakker decides to walk away as we go to break.

Back from commercial, Adam Pearce is continuing to yell at Bron Breakker and he ends up going off with Kiana James.

We get a vignette of Awesome Truth running an ice cream truck for Memorial Day and New Day roll up looking for a title shot.

The tag champions run away and Karrion Kross rolls up to play more mindgames with Xavier Woods, trying to peel him away from Kofi Kingston, and Woods ends up setting up a match against Authors of Pain for next week.

Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) vs. Creed Brothers (Brutus & Julius Creed)

Authors taking it to Brutus early, choking him in the ropes, working him over. Eventually he tags Julius in, moonsault, not much out of it, Brutus up top as Scarlett Bordeaux puts Ivy Nile into the steel steps for the distraction! Tag made...

Authors of Pain win by pinfall with What a Rush on Brutus Creed.

Rey Mysterio cuts a promo at Carlito about how if he hadn’t gotten jealous over Dragon Lee they’d still be brothers but tonight he’s gonna find out what happens when you cross the Latino World Order.

Sheamus is walking backstage and we see Braun Strowman hobbling in search of JD McDonagh.

The usual somber Memorial Day video package follows to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Sheamus makes his entrance and gets on the mic.

He asks if we enjoyed King of the Ring and says they were great matches, banger after banger after banger, etc. But sadly, no Sheamus because Ludwig Kaiser smashed his knee and took him out, but that’s the name of the game. What he is salty about is that GUNTHER’s glorified coat rack left him sitting at home waiting to get cleared.

So he has a message for Kaiser, and that’s that he’s back, he’s cleared, and he can’t wait to get hands on him. Ludwig appears on the tron and says that since GUNTHER is King of the Ring, nobody stood a chance anyway. Sheamus tells him to shut up and charges to the back to go find him!

Backstage, Ludwig blindsides him but soon enough the Celtic Warrior regains control as the brawl spills out onto the stage and referees and Adam Pearce swarm to pull them apart!

Becky Lynch gives Lyra Valkyria a quick pep talk backstage.

Kairi Sane makes her entrance with Dakota Kai at her side to send us to break.

Lyra Valkyria vs. Kairi Sane

Circling, Valkyria blocks a kick, waistlock takedown, rolling solebutt, strike rush, suplex for two. Lyra goes up top, Sane cuts her off, gets her down in the corner and charges in with a sliding forearm! Stomp from the apron, slingshot stomp, pressing the attack, up in the corner, Tree of Woe... DOUBLE STOMP CAN’T KEEP LYRA DOWN!

Valkyria thinks fast...

Lyra Valkyria wins by pinfall with a crucifix pin.

Finn Balor and Carlito meet with Damian Priest.

Priest asks where JD is and what Carlito is doing here when he asked for the Judgment Day to get it done. Carlito finds McDonagh on his way out and JD says he gave Braun the slip. Damian asks if he has to step in and take care of this and then Dominik Mysterio rolls up.

Damian asks the others to leave and asks Dom what he’s doing and says he messed up big time and he better fix it, and tonight, and if he doesn’t, he wouldn’t want to be in his shoes.

Rey Mysterio makes his entrance and we go to break.

Back from commercial we get some hype for some German football team winning and getting title belts.

IYO SKY is shown backstage when Kairi Sane and Dakota Kai roll in, and she smashes a lamp and generally starts wrecking the room before storming out screaming.

Carlito vs. Rey Mysterio

Carlito in control early, big quebradora, Mysterio comes back and sends him to the floor and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Carlito clubbing him down in the corner, up top and jockeying for position, Rey slips out, quebrada for two! Whip reversed, duck a lariat, crossbody caught, fireman’s carry and Colon hits a TKO out of it... NOPE! Finn Balor here to run interference, Rey goes for a victory roll, countered, wheelbarrow into the second rope, 619...

Rey Mysterio wins by pinfall with the slingshot splash.

Post-match, Mysterio throws Finn into the announce desk and calls Dragon Lee over for help! Lee up top but Damian Priest makes the save and Carlito spits in Dragon’s eye! Priest under him... RAZOR’S EDGE! Rey setting up for a 619 on Damian but he recovers and knocks Rey down with a boot... SOUTH OF HEAVEN!

Backstage, Chad Gable berates Akira Tozawa for not being in Saudi Arabia and blames him for his loss. Tozawa apologizes and Gable tells him not to, that he’s not mad, he’s just disappointed.

Braun Strowman storms through yelling about JD McDonagh when Maxxine Dupri and Otis Dozovic roll up. Chad is mean to Maxxine and yells at Otis for costing him the match but says he’s going to give him a chance to redeem himself by beating Bronson Reed.

Reed makes his entrance and we go to break.

“Big” Bronson Reed vs. Otis Dozovic

Reed in control early, sending Dozovic to the floor, back inside, Otis fired up, big crossbody, Stinger Splash in the corner, Dozer thinking about the Caterpillar but Chad Gable gets on the apron to yell at him! Gyrating, Chad gets in his face and grabs his beard, a dejected Otis turns around into a superkick and a senton...

“Big” Bronson Reed wins by pinfall with the 747 Splash.

Post-match, Gable yells at Dozovic to get back in the ring and calls for the rest of Alpha Academy to get in the ring so they can take care of this because he’s had enough.

They come on down and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Gable asks Otis what is to be done with him and asks what it’ll take to get through to him.

He tells Dozer he lacks discipline and he’s going to show him discipline. He tells Otis he made him do this as he takes his belt off and orders him to grab the rope while Tozawa and Dupri are ordered to stand and watch what happens when you bring shame to Alpha Academy. He tells Otis this is going to hurt him more and winds up... AND MAXXINE DUPRI GRABS HIS BELT HAND!

Chad asks if she’s gonna dry and tells her to get the hell out of his ring, and she does so! He berates Tozawa and winds up again—

Here comes Sami Zayn!

He checks on Maxxine on his way through the aisle and charges for the ring over Gable’s warnings. Sami gets in the ring and asks what Chad’s gonna do and calls him a weak little man who has manipulated his way into opportunity after opportunity and came up short every time.

When he does he looks for everybody else to blame but he’s got news for him, it’s nobody else’s fault, Chad is the one who can’t get the job done. Gable fumes and tells him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and winds up to hit Otis again but Zayn grabs his hand and takes his belt from him!

Sami throws the belt out of the ring and takes his title off as well, and advances. Chad hides behind Otis, with his sad face and teary eyes. Sami asks Dozer if he’s going to listen to Gable and how much more of his crap he’s going to take. He tells Otis to listen to his heart and Chad takes matters into his own hands, shoving Sami down!

They brawl in the corner, double leg, Otis pulls Zayn off of Chad and Gable hits a German suplex on him! Jacket off, cuffs rolled up, mounted punches on Sami! Otis and Akira watch, frustrated, as Chad finishes his beatdown and grabs the title and drops it on Zayn. Gable leaves and Tozawa follows but Otis hangs back.

Chad yells for him to come along and Dozovic does, walking up the aisle alone ahead of the other two.

We get a Liv Morgan video package.

We see both our main event competitors getting ready and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark are interviewed backstage.

They’re confident that they can win the tag titles and Sonya Deville rolls up to tell them they’re getting ahead of themselves and they need her help. They walk away and run into Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn, who give them guff for saying they’ve beaten everybody.

Becky Lynch vs. Liv Morgan (c) (WWE Women’s World Championship Steel Cage Match)

A quick bit of feeling out and we go to break.

Back from commercial, Morgan in control, grinding Lynch into the steel, throwing her into the wall, seated Liu Kang bicycle kicks on the apron! Climbing, Liv smashes Becky’s face into the wall over and over! Lynch crashes to the apron, Morgan laughing, charging in for a boot into the steel!

A dropkick, another one, hammering Becky, shoulder thrusts through the ropes! Lynch recovers, fired up, goes up top, missile dropkick takes the champion off her feet, crawling, only a nearfall! Liv turns it around, flapjack into the wall, and we go to break!

Back from commercial, Morgan climbing, Lynch behind her, back on the mat, thinking Dis-Arm-Her but Liv sends her into the steel! Codebreaker connects, up top, both women atop the cage and trading punches! Morgan slips down and pulls Becky with her, Tenryu Powerbomb... SO CLOSE!

Liv breathing heavy, thinking about the next step, headed up top, Lynch behind her, side Russian legsweep off the second! Cover... NOPE! Dominik Mysterio comes to ringside to ruin things, unlocking the door and trying to wave Becky through, but Finn Balor and JD McDonagh rightfully come down to ask him what the hell he’s trying to achieve. Liv crawling for the door, Braun Strowman arrives to chase JD!

Freight train around the ring, Dom falls into the cage door and slams it in Becky’s face! Morgan crawls to the door...

Liv Morgan wins by escape, retaining the WWE Women’s World Championship.

Liv Morgan shares a moment with Mysterio in the aisle.

That’s the show, folks.

Raw results, live blog: King & Queen of the Ring fallout (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.