V3make: Truth Trigger Havoc - Chapter 11 - chesternut (2024)

Chapter Text

**Cafeteria Dining Hall**

The alluring smell of freshly cooked food filled the dining hall. On the long rectangle table were various different pizza’s laid out like a buffet. The cheese meats and veggies that decorated each pie were inviting us in.

We also had drinks ready. Sakura prepared some coffee flavored drinks for her Hina and Leon though she made it specifically clear that it’s not the same protein coffee shake from before. Hifumi got out a bunch of Cola out which Junko, Hiro and I accepted. Celeste prepared some tea in a pot but it was only for herself. The rest had juice or water.

Yasuhiro: Aight dudes I propose a toast!

Aoi: That sounds good! What should we toast to?

Yasuhiro: Uh...I dunno I just thought a toast would nice. Can someone else do it though?

Sayaka: Hey Mondo, I think you should do the toast.

Mondo: Huh? Why me? I ain’t good at all that proper talking crap

Sayaka: Well as the guy who destroyed Monokuma, or rather tricked the Monokubs into doing it, you should have the honors!

Hifumi: That’s right! Owada-Bancho grabbed onto Monokuma and held onto him long enough so the kubs could blast him!

Jill: Good job muscles! I fantasized cutting up that stupid bear all the time! God it was super duper satisfying to see it destroyed!!

All the attention Mondo got actually got him to blush.

Mondo: Er...yeah I guess I did that.

Junko: Aww look he’s blushing red~

Mondo: I’m-I’m not blushing! I’m red because I’m angry!!

Aoi: What’s there to even be angry at? We’re complimenting you

Mondo: Hmm...Hey Shrimp! You do the f*cking toast!

Makoto: Huh? Me?

Mondo: Yeah!! I held up that f*ckin bear but erm...I guess I would’ve lost control of myself if you didn’t like interfere and sh*t...so uh it was definitely a good thing that you did that.

Celeste: Ah so you are capable of self-reflection.

Mondo: You’re goddamn right I am! Wait what do you mean by self-reflecting?

Makoto: I’m just glad we got out that scrap in one piece.

Leon: Yo Mondo so you’re like chill with anyone trying to stop you from punching--

Mondo: Just don’t do it again Kuwata

Guess that’s closest we ’ll ever get of Mondo trying to make peace with me and Leon for now.

Sayaka: Thank goodness you were there too Makoto.

Ryoko: I can’t believe how quickly you both got over the fact you almost got lazer’d to death

Mondo: Of-Of course! A real man doesn’t let anything bother him!!

He yelled so loudly it was almost like he was yelling at himself.

Makoto: Honestly I’ve been trying not to think about that… just trying to focus on the positive y’know?

Chihiro: That’s a good habit.

Hifumi: Alright Naegi-kun, grace us with a toast!

Looks like I’m really gonna be the one to do it.

I quickly tried thinking of something inspirational to say as the other students looked at me expectedly…

Thirteen sets of eyes looking at the completely average guy. The average guy about to make a toast to the ultimate students...

Makoto: Um well...I’m uh nervous... I mean I was nervous about coming here and attending Hopes Peak Academy cause I’m just an average guy who got here through a lottery, and uh I guess I got even more nervous when Monokuma appeared and forced us to...well you know…

Makoto: *Ahem* But even though I felt so nervous all the time I don’t regret coming here because I got to meet all of you. And together we we beat Monokuma! He was so confident that we would crack and fall into despair. But I was more confident in our friendship!

Makoto: So um lets toast to the end of Monokuma and the true beginning of school lives!

Sakura: Well said Makoto!

Celeste: An excellent toast indeed.

Mondo: Hell yeah!

Looks like I managed to save that speech in the second half. Thank goodness.

The 14 students raised their drinks and together...


Jill: Alright!! lets cut these bad boys up!!!

Several pizza cutters suddenly appeared between Jill’s fingers! She posed like that western comic book super hero with the metal claws.

Kiyotaka: Watch where you’re waving those things Jill!

Jill: Dun-Dun-Dun-Dunnnnnnn!! Behold the ultimate cutting technique!!

*Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash* *Slash*

Super fast and super wild, Jill went around the table quickly cut up all the pizzas! She sliced up them all in under a minute!!

Makoto: W-whoa!

Leon: Damn that was pretty sick.

Junko: Way to go gurl!

Jill: Gyahahahaha!!

And so our dinner began. We grabbed some slices and started up some casual conversations with each other.


Ryoko: Why did we make this plain pizza again? Seems kinda boring.

Makoto: W-well I like plain! And you said you didn’t feel like dealing with toppings...

Ryoko: Ah! Hey don’t turn around but… I think my sis is staring at us.

A drop of sweat slid down my forehead. Dang it, why do things have to be like this?

Makoto: Hmm, without the threat of Monokuma looming over our heads, maybe its a good time to connect with your sister. You shouldn’t be afraid of her when there’s no reason for her to hurt anyone. Not that I think she would hurt anyone in the first place.

Ryoko: I dunno… I rather just talk to you for now.

Is she planning to just talk to me for the whole party? Well...I guess I... wouldn’t mind…

Yeah since she only remembers things better around me, its probably for the best that I’m with her all the time.

She wouldn’t be able to remember things when she talks to other people anyway. At least until she gets the...notebook back...

Makoto: ...

Ryoko: Plus Junko looks kinda mad. I don’t wanna talk to her like that!

Makoto: Yeah it might be a good idea to wait for her to cool down some more.

Makoto: But maybe you could... try talking to the other students?

Makoto: You said you remember things a little better when I’m involved right? Maybe its because we’ve been hanging out so much. If you try hanging out with the others some more, the same thing might happen.

Ryoko: Well if you think if its a good idea I’ll give it a shot. You haven’t steered me wrong before!


Mondo: So you a dog or cat person?

Celeste: Cats.

Mondo: What'd you just say? What'd you just say!?

Celeste: I’m assuming you’re a dog owner?

Mondo: No...not anymore. I used to have a Maltese named Chuck.

Celeste: A maltese? That’s rather cute

Mondo: How the f*ck is that cute?! Chuck was a real manly Maltese!! A MANtese if you will!!

Celeste: Fufufu. Could he do tricks?

Mondo: Heh you bet!


Leon: I made a promise? Uh…

Chihiro: Y-You forgot...

Leon: No I remember now, after you found my E-handbook right? You wanted to talk about something but I had to run back to the dining hall.

Chihiro: Yeah! Well you see…um...I wanted to ask you...what do you like to do in your spare time?

Leon: That’s it? Well I like playing on the guitar and listening to punk music. I wanna have a collection of guitars in the future, I just need more money, right now I just got a single strat. But other then playing music I just going out to party and mingling.

Chihiro: What about sports? I think Hina mentioned something like that before?

Leon: Hell no! I’m never doing sports again!

Chihiro: But you’re so strong! Why’d you stop?

Leon: I have my reasons...

Chihiro: S-sorry, if you don’t want to talk about it then you don’t have to.

Leon: Maybe some other time. Hey so you program sh*t right? Can you like...program music?

Chihiro: Oh I’ve dabbled in Midi!


Hifumi: He has Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus with the rikidou paths ability equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano'o, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.

Jill: Okay but is he cute?

Hifumi: Um well I’m sure someone must have drawn some doujins of him...

Jill: Alright!! You know the artists?!

Hifumi: Genokawa-chan do you actually read doujins? I’m so used to normies recoiling to even the mention of it.

Jill: Normies Shnormies. They’re all buncha snobs and prudes. I am a girl who loves Boy’s Love by the way.

Hifumi: Not really my thing, but I respect anyone who can admit there tastes proudly!


Sakura: My apologies for not contacting you sooner Junko, everything happened so quickly.

Junko: Eh its cool. She seems fine now. Thanks for carrying her back to her dorm Sakura.

Sakura: I gave her some protein coffee but Leon was the one who carried her.

Junko: Oh the Ultimate f*ckboy did huh? Heh guess I should like thank him later, take him out to a nice dinner and a movie.

Sakura: If you want to date someone I don’t think you should call them derogatory names…

Junko: like how he calls all the girls “babe”? Personally I don’t think its that bad but I know some people like see it as that way. Honestly I think its more funny then flirty. What about you?

Sakura: I don’t know. No one’s ever called me that before… everyone just sees me as a warrior… or a monster...

Junko: Well he probably wished it was me when he was carrying my ugly sis around.

Sakura: Aren’t you guys twins? Calling her ugly is like calling yourself that, is it not?

Junko: I’m the pretty one! We might look similar at a first glance but that’s make its it worse. She just has so many small imperfections that add up and prevent her from looking perfect like me!

Sakura: ...The modeling industry is really something…


Sayaka: Hiro...you’re thinking... “how much money could we make together?”

Yasuhiro: W-wow! You really are psychic!

Sayaka: Hahaha. So what about my guardian spirit?

Yasuhiro: You’ll be happy to know your guardian spirit is more like a guardian angel! I can see wings and stuff! Alot of white feathers! And a few black ones...

Sayaka: An angel? That’s cool!

Yasuhiro: Anyways I usually charge $1000 bucks per session but for our new friendship could you just give me a few autographs?


Aoi: Heeeey Ryoko!

Ryoko: Hello...uh...umm...Aoi?

Aoi: That’s right! But you can call me Hina!

Ryoko: You have two names? One was hard enough to remember...

Aoi: You can just right it down in your notebook right?

Aoi: Oh about your notebook… I kinda sorta overheard you lost it… didja get it back?

Ryoko: Nah I don’t think I need it. I’m gonna try remembering more without it!

Aoi: That’s a nice goal! Hey so like what do you remember? Do you remember to like take a shower everyday?

Ryoko: Basic functions come naturally to me. I still talk and walk and breathe. It’s just big complicated stuff. Well relatively big stuff.

Aoi: Do you remember your favorite foods? Mine are donuts! Chocolate iced with sprinkles! Or strawberry iced with sprinkles...or maybe glazed with sprinkles? Oh have you tried my pizza with sprinkles?

Ryoko: Favorite foods...I’m fine with anything as long as it’s tasty. Like beef stew or pizza… I just like whatever comes out of those bags.

Aoi: What bags?


Kiyotaka: The administration was supposed to increase government expenditure, but the consumption tax hike brought about its own set of problems! It was obvious raising taxes that high so quickly would discourage people from spending!

Makoto: That’s...uh...

Kiyotaka: You think we should lower taxes too right?!

Makoto: Um I don’t really follow stuff like that. I don’t really get it...

Kiyotaka: Oh...

Makoto: ...

I was about to suggest talking about a smaller scaled topic, but we were distracted by the loud melodramatic voice that suddenly cut through the awkward silence.

???: Excuse me gentlemen!! I am in need of your assistance!!

The contrast between hearing the deep heroic voice and seeing it come from the Ultimate Doujinshi Artist was amusing.

Makoto: Hey Hifumi. Y’know you could be a voice actor if you really wanted to!

Hifumi: Hehe Thank you Naegi-kun. Anyways I was sent by Miss Ludenberg to come get you! You should come too Ishimaru-kun.

Kiyotaka: The Ultimate Gambler… just what nefarious schemes is she up to?

Makoto: She’s not a super villain Taka.

Hifumi: But if she was I would happily follow any order as her underling. Hehehe

Pretty sure Hifumi meant that as a harmless joke, but his glasses fogging up and little drool coming out of his mouth made me second guess myself. Still though I was a bit thankful to him for getting me out of that conversation with Taka. No offense to the hall monitor but I couldn't get into the “fascinating” topic of taxes.

We followed Hifumi to long table where Celeste was waiting with a dainty smile on her face.

Celeste: Well. Hello boys

Makoto: Hey Celeste, Hifumi said you wanted us for something?

Celeste: Yes. I would to hear your opinion on my Gourmet Pizza.

Kiyotaka: Your gourmet pizza? I saw Hifumi working on this but didn’t see you do anything.

Celeste: He cooked it under my supervision. Perhaps I should’ve helped you instead considering how burnt your pizza is.

Kiyotaka: At least I can make the true claim to actually making a pizza!

Celeste: At least I have a pizza.

Kiyotaka: Grrrgh!!

Hifumi: Fret not Ishimaru-kun I’m perfectly fine taking orders.

There was a tray of 6 small slices of pizza beside Celeste. The toppings looked fancy, some thinly cut meat and green leafy looking things.

Makoto: So what kind of pizza did you guys make?

Celeste: This is Neapolitan styled pizza. It contains Prosciutto and Arugula, as well as some balsamic glaze.

Kiyotaka: Very well, lets give it a shot--

Celeste: Not you. Makoto goes first.

Kiyotaka: Huh?! Why?!

Makoto: ...uh we can just do it at the same time--

She dropped her smile and leaned her head forward staring at me with a frightening gaze.

Celeste: Pick one

Makoto: O-Okay…

I quickly grabbed a random piece of the six slices and took a bite, which seemed to get Celeste back in a better mood as she smiled again.

Celeste: Fufu, what do you think?

Makoto: *munch* *munch* Pretty goo...

Makoto: …



Hifumi: Naegi-Kun?!

Kiyotaka: Wh-what is this?!

Makoto: AGHHHHHH!!!

Celeste: Fascinating! Truly Fascinating!!

Taka and Hifumi looked horrified while Celeste grinned at me with intense interest in her focused red eyes.

I had to spit out the spicy pizza back onto my plate! But I could still feel the fiery sensation burning in my mouth! And now it seems that my screams of pain caught the attention of the class.

Sayaka: Makoto are you okay?!

Leon: What are you guys doing?

Makoto: *Pant* *Pant*

Kiyotaka: What did you do Celeste?!

Celeste: Oh? But wasn’t it Hifumi who cooked this pizza?

Hifumi: Th-that’s true! Did I make an error somewhere?!

Celeste: Fufufu relax, I was joking. It was me who added a little something extra to one of the slices after Jill so expertly cut them up. I wanted to perform an experiment.

Celeste: You see the hot sauce I used is made of Carolina Reaper Chilli Peppers, one of the hottest--

Makoto: Water!! Water!!

Sayaka: I’ll get some water for you!

Celeste: You stay put Sayaka. Water wouldn’t be enough. To counteract spice you need something like milk.

The gambler took out a tray that contained...six cups of milk

Celeste: Now pick carefully Makoto, one of these cups of milk contains--

I quickly grabbed one of the cups and drank it.

Makoto: *Gulp* *Gulp*

Makoto: ...


I quickly spat out that milk. That... sour...chunky...slimy milk

Chihiro: Eek!

Junko: Pfthahaha!

Jill: So what’d you put in that drink Gothie McGee?

Celeste: There was an open carton of milk just left out in the kitchen. Someone forgot to put in back in the refrigerator so I just made use of that. And please call me Celeste.

Yasuhiro: Whoops that might’ve been me who left out the milk… hehe sorry dude.

Sakura: So irresponsible...

Celeste: Listen Makoto, out of the six pizza slices, you picked the one with the extra spicy hot sauce in it. And out of the six cups of milk you picked the one that was expired. That’s like shooting yourself twice in Russian Roulette.

Makoto: Good to know...

Kiyotaka: Wait a second! This isn’t an experiment, this is a gamble!! You had Hifumi make a pizza for some stupid gamble?!

Celeste: Come now Taka I thought you of all people would be interested in this.

Kiyotaka: Why the hell would I be interested in your degeneracy?

Celeste: We’ve had discussions about this before. About Luck. And with this I can prove that luck is a true force to be reckoned with.

Makoto: Luck? Are you talking about my talent?

Celeste: Indeed. Admittedly I painted you as some plain everyday boy initially, but after giving it some more thought perhaps Hopes Peak chose you because of an abnormal luck you possess that goes beyond a simple lottery.

Celeste: I believe luck is a powerful force that is ingrained into every human at the moment of conception.

Chihiro: Like a computer program?

Celeste: Yes that’s a good comparison.

Yasuhiro: Believing in the power of luck that much? Sounds occult...

Mondo: Aren’t you a friggin fortune teller?

Yasuhiro: That’s totally different man!

Hifumi: Well I think this Russian roulette dinner is pretty exciting! It reminds of a game in the Death-T arc.

Aoi: Now that she explained it, it does sound pretty fun!

Sayaka: But why use extra spicy hot sauce and expired milk? Makoto wouldn’t have hurl up all that stuff if the changes weren’t so extreme.

Celeste: When you gamble, you don’t gamble with chump change.

Jill: Hell yeah! Go big or go home!

Ryoko: Randomly picking the bad choices twice though, that sounds more unlucky then lucky.

Chihiro: 1 out of 6 twice…. That’s a 1 out of 36 chance!

Celeste: Two times is merely coincidence though. But if you were to pick it three times...

She brought out the next tray.

Celeste: ...it would be a pattern. Out of these 6 bowls of ice cream--

Kiyotaka: ENOUGH!! Look everyone we should start cleaning up soon.

Celeste: *Sigh* Perhaps that’s a good idea. It would be improper if we didn’t clean up after ourselves

Yasuhiro: Can’t we just wash dishes in the morning?

Aoi: You would probably forget about the dishes.

Celeste: I hope my game didn’t upset you too much Makoto.

Makoto: Ah its fine Celeste. But next time you’re going to do something like that, could you give me a warning?

Celeste: Fufufu... Ultimate Lucky Student… does this perhaps exceed my own luck as Ultimate Gambler?

Celeste: One day, I hope to put that to a more...competitive test.

Makoto: R-Right…

She avoided saying she would give me a warning. Celeste is an interesting chick...but she kinda scares me sometimes...

Honestly if we had time I would have tried her last round with the ice cream. There’s no way I would’ve gotten 1 out of 6 a third time.

With all the satisfied smiles and full stomachs I think its safe to say that this was a pretty successful Pizza Party. But now its time to wrap it up.


There were some left over slices, some people put them in Tupperware containers and others covered them in tinfoil. As I prepping my pizza for the fridge, Sayaka started up a conversation with me.

Sayaka: Hi Makoto, we didn’t get a chance to talk during the party but I wanted to tell you that… well I just think that you’re an amazing guy!

Makoto: Oh Thanks Sayaka! Y-you too!

Makoto: Uh I mean that you’re an amazing girl, not an amazing guy...

I don’t know why Sayaka suddenly started praising me but I was happy to take any compliment from the Ultimate Idol. And this time I won’t second guess any compliments from her. Anything from an Idol like her would be amazing. Or at least it would come with the best intentions.

Sayaka: Ahahaha! I’m not just saying this out of the blue Makoto.

Sayaka: After Kyoko yelled at everyone, there was a depressing mood in the air, we were all getting kinda mopey. But you managed to lift our spirits and get us back on track for this party!

Makoto: Did I do that? Oh yeah I guess I did... But I don’t really see how that’s amazing compared to the things all you Ultimate’s do.

Sayaka: But in the end you’re the one who helped everyone find their motivation again. Not any of us “Ultimate” students.

Sayaka: I went into the Idol Industry because I wanted to spread smiles and joy to others. I think we’re similar in that regard!

Makoto: R-really?

Wow to be compared to the Ultimate Idol...

Sayaka: Well I don’t mean to sound arrogant or anything. Like I said It was you who lifted up everyone’s spirit

Makoto: N-no I mean you’re an Idol, you must’ve inspired way more people then an average guy like me!

Sayaka: Hehehe. We’re all Hopes Peak students, I guess we all have to be inspiring in one way or another.

Makoto: Yeah that’s true. Thank you for saying all that Sayaka. Really.

Now that I think about it, earlier in the day she called me “amazing” but she didn’t get a chance to explain why because Hina ran into her. I’m glad she had the chance to now. Sayaka is really kind. She’s like a saint.

Sayaka: I also just remembered the obstacle course in the basem*nt. We we’re all feeling hopeless but you managed to motivate us then too.

Sayaka: Maybe you should be the Ultimate Motivational Speaker hahaha.

Jill: Whatcha guys talkin about? A basem*nt? An obstacle course? When the hell was this?

Sayaka: Heya Jill. You don’t remember that underground passage?

Jill: Uhhhhhhhh nope!

Makoto: Monokuma called it the Despair Death Road

Jill: Despair Death Road? Sounds fun!

Makoto: …?

Wasn’t Jill one of the students who voted not go through the passage again? Well she’s probably j ust joking right now...

Sayaka: This party was much more fun then that horrible tunnel! I hope you had fun at least.

Jill: Yeah the party wasn’t bad at all. This was actually the first party I’ve ever been too. Usually I’m just hiding away from people.

Sayaka: Really? But you’re so outgoing! And your trick with the pizza was super cool! When we get out of here we should hang out more!

Jill: Gyahahahaha you sure you wanna tangle with me?

Sayaka: Of course! Id like everyone here to be friends once we get out of here!

Jill: Heh well I’m not so sure if I’ll be as...available when we leave this place

Sayaka: *Sigh* I guess I’m the same.

Sayaka: Being trapped in this school is really unpleasant but a little part of me feels… I guess it feels a little nice to act more...casual?

Jill: You feel like we’re more free without the public watching over us? That’s how I feel.

Sayaka: Y-yeah! Exactly! Hehe It’s ironic. Feeling more freedom from being trapped.

Jill: I didn’t expect you of all people to get it. Aren’t you like a famous singer or something? I thought being famous and popular meant you could do whatever the hell you wanted.

Sayaka: Well I have to keep up that “perfect” idol image.

Jill: Ooooh and what have you been doing to break that image in here?

Sayaka: Hehe well not much. I don’t really feel the need to be “rebellious”. I guess I watched a bunch of movies with Leon earlier.

Makoto: Oh r-right I saw you guys earlier…You and Leon… so uh the movie you guys watched--

Jill: You two bangin?

Makoto: Wh-What?! Of Course They’re Not!!

Sayaka: ...We are not… “banging”. We’re not even dating.

Jill: How is watching a movie with a guy friend ruining your precious Idol image then?

Sayaka: My agency doesn’t allow me hanging out with boys, even just as friends. It’s complicated to explain…

Jill: A life without boys? Jeez I think I would die of boredom!

Sayaka: Its not just boys, I can only dress a certain way, I have to be constantly show happiness all the time, I can only talk about specific popular shows that my agency makes me watch, and I can’t even try experimenting with different ways of music!

Sayaka: I mean I get why…. my agency says if I stray from my specific genre of pop even by a little, then my popularity might go down...

Sayaka: And just to be clear, I’m not saying the stuff I do now isn’t fun, it’s amazing and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to keep it going! It’s just that sometimes I feel a little restricted I guess. Especially with all the cameras and paparazzi following me around.

It’s interesting to hear Sayaka explain all this stuff. We went to the same middle school so I used to see her as a “normal” person. Well she was one of the popular girls, but it was still “normal” compared to being a national celebrity. When I saw her on a TV screen, it felt weird seeing someone I know become so... incredible. Part of me almost forgot that she’s still a normal girl, a normal girl who just happens to be an Idol.

Hmm… has it been too long to tell Sayaka we went to the same middle school? Would it be weird? I’ll just tell her later.


We finished cleaning and left the cafeteria. Before returning to my dorm, my redhead friend had a few questions to ask me first.

Ryoko: Heya Makoto. Are you sleepy yet?

Makoto: I’m not too tired, why do you ask?

Ryoko: I’m feeling pretty rested up, I must’ve took a nap earlier, so now I’m gonna go for a little walk. You wanna come with?

Makoto: Oh sure yeah let’s go!

Guess Ryoko forgot she did take a nap earlier. But she’s smart enough to deduce that she still did so it’s whatever.

During our walk we didn’t really say much, we just kinda went around in silence. But I don’t mind, it’s a comfortable silence. Well Ryoko did some humming but it was mostly silent. We didn’t feel the need to force a conversation when we don’t need to. Not like the first time we walked around.

Ryoko: ~Hm Hm hmmmm~

Makoto: ...

...she considers herself talent-less . She thinks we have that in common. Is that why I feel so comfortable around her?

But her being having no talent isn’t really true. It’s just that she doesn’t remember it. And she doesn’t care about knowing it.

So…the notebook... I should--

Ryoko: Plain is pretty tasty after all

Makoto: Huh?

Ryoko: The pizza we made. I thought it was going to be bland but it was still pretty good.

Makoto: Yeah I agree! What matters most is that we cooked it as the best plain it could be.

Ryoko: That’s true. Although even if it was the best plain ever, maybe toppings would make it even better, probably.

Ryoko: I didn’t feel like dealing with a bunch of extra steps and extra ingredients today cause I thought it would be too much to remember, but if we try again in the future...

Makoto: That sounds fun but I’d like to wait a bit. I’ve had way too many pizzas the past two days.

Ryoko: We can wait. Heh just make sure you don’t spit anything out next time.

Makoto: Haha as long as you don’t put any surprise sauces in there it should be fine.

Makoto: Hey so who’d you talk to during the party? Do you feel like your memory is getting better around other people?

Ryoko: …

Ryoko: To be honest--

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*


Monosuke: Now that pops is gone we can be in charge of the announcements!

Monosuke: It is now 10pm! It’s night-time you bastards!

Monophanie: We were always in charge of the announcements though, daddy just wanted to do it this morning for something special.

Monosuke: Yea? And look where that got him. A one way trip to deadville. Population: Monokuma

Monokid: But you know, maybe having a dead daddio ain’t so bad. Now we have our freedom!

Monotaro: Yeah that’s right! Kids rule and adults drool!

Monosuke: We’re like the dark knight! Or those young bird boys in spandex who live in his mansion!

Monophanie: That’s right! All cool protagonists have at least one dead family member!

Monodam: …

Monodam: So-I-Did-A-Good-Thing?

Monokid: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now.

Monokubs: Hooray for dead parents!


Ryoko: Wait I thought all the Monokumas were destroyed. Isn’t that why we had the party?

Makoto: Those are his kids, the Monokubs, and they’re still as annoying as ever… and morbid

Ryoko: But isn’t the game over? Why are those Monokub things still doing announcements?

Makoto: ...um...that’s... actually a good questio--


The both of us flinched when we heard the sound of… something hitting the floor.

Makoto: ...What was that noise? I think it came from down the hall, around that corner!

Ryoko: It sounded like… a body hitting the floor

Makoto: Huh? Did you say a body? …Maybe we should check it out.

Ryoko: Shouldn’t we be running away from scary noises?

Makoto: But what if someone needs our help?! Maybe they like tripped and sprained their leg or something.

Ryoko: Urghh...fine...

The two us walked down the hallway to find out the source of that sound.

Makoto: …

Ryoko: ...

I didn’t realize until halfway through the hall…

that my steps have gotten slower...

and my legs have gotten wobbly...


Monokuma is definitely gone.


The killing game is gone


So no one is... gone


We reached the end the hallway… now all we have to do now is look around...

Makoto: Welp its right around this corner…

Ryoko: Yup...

Makoto: ...

Ryoko: ...

Step by step, inch by inch we got closer to the source of that loud sound. We peeked around the corner and saw…

Makoto: ...

Makoto: Kyoko?


...The Ultimate Detective Kyoko Kirigiri

...was on the ground…

...not moving--


Makoto: Huh?!

Ryoko: What the...


Makoto: Oh thank god! I thought...hahahaha. Oh my god…

Ryoko: You thought what?

Makoto: ahahaha...

A wave of relief washed over me.

Its just Kyoko! And she’s snoring up a storm! Oh man what a funny sight. G uess all those restless nights investigating and overworking herself finally caught up to her!

Ryoko: Makoto did you… did you think someone was going to die or something? Cause of the killing game?

Makoto: Huh? N-no of course not! the killing game is over! Even if it was still going on, I still believed in everyone’s friendship!


Ryoko: Wait a sec, this girl… she’s the one called me a mindless zombie! Damn it, why do I even remember that?!

Makoto: She insulted all of us...and even hit me a few times…

Ryoko: She did? Wait is this the girl who kicked you in the balls and penis?

Makoto: Y-Yeah... but that’s in the past! We should take her back to her dorm now.

Ryoko: Huh? Why do we have to do that? She’s got nothing to do with us.

Makoto: Well we cant just leave her here! Kyoko’s like family!

Ryoko: “Family”? Like Junko and I? Since when were you guys were related?

Wait what? Did I just call Kyoko “family” again ? Why did I... ?

Ryoko: And yesterday you said something like “hurting your family is cruel” so are you okay with it after all?

Makoto: No hurting your family or anyone else is definitely wrong! And she’s not my family, I don’t know why I said that.

Makoto: But even if she’s not family Kyoko is still our friend!

Even though I corrected myself Ryoko still looked genuinely confused.


Ryoko: How is she our friend? Did you guys make up during the pizza party? Wait a sec, did I talk to her during the party?

Makoto: Um she wasn’t at the pizza party…

Ryoko: She wasn’t even there?! Then what’s the deal? You just said she insulted and hurt you! How could you possibly call her a friend?!

Makoto: Because... she’s our classmate!

Ryoko: She’s your friend because she’s your classmate? Is this what normal friendships are like?

Makoto: It’s not like she’s my best friend but… we’re all in this together y’know?

Ryoko: ...

The hallway was silent again. We just stared at each other in disbelief. I thought Ryoko would be okay with helping Kyoko back to her dorm. Ryoko was nice to me, she cheered me up when I was feeling down, so I know she’s a kind person.


Ryoko: Can’t we just forget about this whole thing and go back to our dorms? She’s not your friend Makoto.

Makoto: Kyoko is myfriend! And I wont abandon a friend!

Ryoko: Grrrgh...! Well she’s not my friend!! Screw her!!

Makoto: You don’t need to get so upset! Why are you so against helping her?

Ryoko: Because I don’t like her! Friendships actually mean something to me! I thought it was the same for you!!

Makoto: Of course it means something to me! I want to be friends with everyone!

Ryoko: Gah you don’t get it! You’re being annoying!

Makoto: How am I being annoying? I’m being helpful! You’re being difficult!

Ryoko: No I’m not! You’re the one trying to force me to do something I don’t want to do!

Ryoko: It’s her fault for passing out here in the first place! In fact I’m glad she’s sleeping on the floor like an idiot!

Makoto: Ryoko what’s your deal?! How could you say something so heartless?!

Ryoko: Heartless?!You…! What about you?! You’re just going to leave her anyway!!

Makoto: What the hell? Why would I do that?! I’m the one trying to convince you to help!!

Ryoko: You say you want to help her but what can you even do?! You couldn’t even carry me!!

Ryoko: Saying you’ll help people when you don’t, does that make you heartless?! Or a just a liar?!

Makoto: Ah…! Uh…

My hands started trembling...

Makoto: That’s--! That’s not fair Ryoko… that’s different!

Makoto: I wanted to help you! I just… couldn’t…

It’s getting harder to look her in the eye...

Makoto: ...

Ryoko: ...

Ryoko: S-Sorry...

Ryoko: ...I’m gonna go...

Makoto: Ryoko!

She turned and ran away. Soon she was out of my sight.

Makoto: ...

Makoto: ...

Makoto: ...

My body felt heavy.

I couldn’t help but sulk as I looked down in shame.

...I shouldn’t have called her heartless. That was stupid of me. So stupid!

And I’m not a liar, I meant it when I wanted to help Ryoko then and Kyoko now… and I will help Kyoko now!!

Makoto: A-Alright! Let’s do this!

I turned towards at the sleeping detective, who was so tired she managed to sleep through the loud argument that just happened.


Makoto: Kyoko let’s get you back to...

Makoto: ...your...dorm...

Makoto: ...

...The reality of the situation...

Makoto: ...

Makoto: Oh but lets find your key first!

Going through a girl’s clothes while she’s sleeping… it’s weird and I’d rather not do it. But I’ll have to if I’m gonna enter her room to begin with. I’m just going through the pockets anyway.

Makoto: Um pardon me Kyoko…

Making sure I didn’t get too touchy, I slid my hand into her blazer pockets… nothing there.

Then I checked her skirt pockets… nothing there either… darn it...

Makoto: Where the heck are your keys Kyoko? How am I supposed to--?

Can’t even go in her dorm. In the end it’s all just… carrying her would have been…


Saying you’ll help people when you don’t, does that make you heartless?! Or a just a liar?!”

Huh what is it Pants Pisser? Doesn’t your girl need urgent help?”

So much for a boost of strength around cute girls”

You were lucky another Ultimate was there… …you know you don’t belong here right?”

Makoto... I love how positive and hopeful you are... but... ...that way of thinking can lead to more pain if you’re not careful”

Makoto: No…

Makoto: No No No No No No No No

I’m going to Dget Eher Sback nPo matAter IRwhat... EvenH ifO it killsP meE...

JustHO gottaPE keepDE pushingSP forwardAIR ...its my HObest PEtrait

PusDEShing forwPAIRard ...my be DESPst AIR trait

DEmyS PonlyA ItraitR…


...I thought we were doing the right thing…

...but we couldn’t do anything…

... all we could do was watch as the despair took over…


Makoto: *Huff*

Somehow we managed to get to my dorm. I opened the door and led to her to my bed. The thumping in my chest beating as hard as ever. Gotta keep myself under control. Can’t mess up now.

There’s my bed...I cant stop now. I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do it!

Makoto: *Huff*

Makoto: *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

Kyoko: Are you nervous?

Makoto: Huh?!

She shot a smug grin at me as she sat on my bed.

Kyoko: I can hear your breathing.

Makoto: W-Well I mean--

Kyoko: Hehe as always you’re so open… foolishly open… but being an open fool is your charm.

Makoto: Thanks…

I was embarrassed but that didn’t stop me from sitting right next to her.

Kyoko: ...

Makoto: ...

Kyoko: I’m nervous too… I’m just better at hiding it

Kyoko: I just need be opened up the right way.

Makoto: ...

Kyoko: ...

Makoto: ...I know you don’t like showing emotions when there’s no need to.

Makoto: But when your with me you can show as much as you want.

I put my hand on her shoulder...which caused her to shiver...

Kyoko: I’m-I’m still n-nervous about a lot things actually!

Makoto: Oh.

Kyoko: It’s so awkward how my father is living with us… I don’t like talking to him, I don’t want him talking to anyone, I don’t want him revealing anything about my past and I don’t want him peering into my social life, let alone my love life.

Kyoko: And I really don’t like being stuck in here without any detective work. I need something to do, something to solve, something to keep my brain busy, I feel like I’m just wasting away in here… but I know the main reason I want to something to keep myself busy is so that I can ignore everything else!

Makoto: ...

Kyoko: It’s not my fault. I know its not my fault. But I’m scared that everyone thinks its my fault… but its not! If they really think its my fault then its there’s as well!! Why can’t they all just use their brains!? Why can’t they just think for one second?!

Kyoko: I always believed in the power of truth. But now I’m second guessing myself. All because of them... if it wasn’t for them...

Makoto: ...

Kyoko: Sorry...I got worked up out of nowhere. You’re the only one I can be like this around.

Makoto: Its okay I’ll listen to anything you have to say.

Makoto: I just think you need to stop worrying Kyoko. Stop over thinking things. What’s done is done.

Makoto: Forget all everything else and focus on the good. Focus on us. It’s just us now.

Kyoko: Makoto... I love how positive and hopeful you are... but...

Kyoko: You assume the best in people too easily, you assume everything will work out somehow…but when you do that you ignore the inconvenient truths...

Kyoko: ... that way of thinking can lead to more pain if you’re not careful

Makoto: I believed in you didn’t I?

Kyoko: ...Exactly what I mean

Makoto: ...

Makoto: I don't regret following you Kyoko. I don't regret anything with you!

Kyoko: Makoto...

I went in and hugged her. And she hugged back. We stayed in each other's embrace.

I didn't want to think about anything else right now, I just wanted to be in the moment with her, I wanted her to just think about me.

I don't know why Kyoko keeps doing this, it'll be unhealthy for her if she keeps focusing on the negative stuff. Lord knows I've done too much of that before whenever I compared myself to the Ultimate Students.


Maybe she’s right. If I didn’t follow her then maybe things would've been different... but who really knows for sure?

I can't have regrets. Even if it was pointless, there's comfort in knowing I did my best.



...Is there comfort though? Did I really do my best? Am I just lying to myself?

*Ding Dong Bing Bong*


Monokubs: Rise and shine, ursine!

Monokid: This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy!

Monokid: It’s 7 a.m you bastards! Wake up or shut up!

Monotaro: ...

Monophanie: ...

Monosuke: ...

Monokid: I didn’t mean you guy’s shut up! Why are you so f*cking quiet? Being worthless is Monodam’s job!

Monodam: I-think-they-are-all-depressed-from-father’s-untimely-death

Monokid: Yeah and whose fault is that?!




Makoto: ...

Makoto: Crap...

I placed my hands on my face and covered my eyes, but I could still see Ryoko’s disappointed face.

Why is the first thing I do when I wake up is think about depressing stuff?

Monokuma is gone! We had that fun pizza party! Everyone was happy! But then Ryoko and I just had to...



Jeez I’m snoring so loudly... wait what?

As far as I know I’m the only me around. I turned my head to the left and saw lavender hair.

Makoto: Oh its just you Kyoko.

Kyoko: *Snooorreee* *Snoreeee*

She was sleeping on her side as I only saw the back of her head. Usually being so close to a girl makes me nervous but...

...Ugh... that smell… girls are supposed to smell nice and perfumey, but Kyoko… did she skip the showers so she could investigate more?

Kyoko: *Snooorreee* *Snoreeee*

Makoto: ...

Makoto: ...

Makoto: AGHHHHHH!!!


I fell off my bed and landed on the floor!

Makoto: Wh-what the hell?! What are you doing here?!

What’s she doing on my bed?! In my dorm?! Unless… this isn’t my dorm again?

I got back up and walked over to the closet to confirm if this was my room or not. The black blazers and green hoodies seem to answer my question, but I was still left with the confusion of Kyoko’s presence in my room, sleeping on my bed no less.

Kyoko: *Snooorreee* *Snoreeee*

Makoto: She didn’t even hear me scream. Jeez she must be more tired then I thought…

For a second I thought she was gonna slap me like some dumb anime cliche .

Well I guess she already did slap in the basem*nt… and then she kicked me in the balls!

Makoto: …

Makoto: Kyoko! You’re a…Bi-

Makoto: *Ahem* Big Jerk!

Kyoko: *Snooorreee* *Snoreeee*

Makoto: Welp got that out of my system…

...so I really... slept next to Kyoko last night? Why would I do that ? Wait why can’t I remember...?

Thinking about last night with Ryoko put me in a bad mood, but trying to think further just makes my head worse. It almost...hurt trying to remember… like my mental vision was fuzzy and when I tried concentrating I just felt an ache in my head.

Makoto: Agh why can’t I remember how Kyoko got here?!

**Knock Knock Knock**

Someone’s at my door. I looked back at Kyoko who was still asleep on my bed, and I could already feel the dread from the kind of misunderstandings that will pop up from this scene...

Well its not like we did anything bad, if anyone asks I’ll just tell them the truth...wait I don’t know the truth… what do I do?!

This doesn’t really need to be said but Kyoko probably doesn’t know how she got here either, she’s was asleep the whole time.

Makoto: Did someone else help her? Did somebody carry me?

**Knock Knock Knock**

Oh it’s probably Ryoko knocking on my door, she’s done it a few times before. But would she want to see me after what happened last night…? I called her heartless and in hindsight I was being too pushy on trying to make her help Kyoko…

Still though I wasn’t expecting Ryoko get so upset in the first place. Even before I called her “heartless” she was getting pretty heated. Does she just really not like Kyoko?

Kyoko: *Snooorreee* *Snoreeee*

**Knock Knock Knock**

Well I can’t just do nothing. I walked towards my dorm door and opened it--

Kiyotaka: FINALLY!! You really need to work on your reaction time Makoto!!

Makoto: Huh? Taka? What are you doing here?

Kiyotaka: No matter how intensely the stormy seas may batter me, I will not fall as long as my feet are firmly planted!! You agree right?!

Makoto: U-Um, I’m not sure I understand...

Kiyotaka: If you can’t do it alone, find someone to support you, and you can support them back!! That’s how you can overcome any storm!!

Kiyotaka: Last nights pizza social event was a resounding success! However I was thinking about how to continue strengthening our bonds...

Kiyotaka: And so I realized! Every morning from now on, after the morning announcement everyone should have breakfast together!

Kiyotaka: Daily Breakfast Meetings! Through sharing meals our camaraderie will surely grow into a well functioning student body!

Makoto: That sounds like a good idea. Yeah I’ll come.

Kiyotaka: Of course you’ll come, your attendance is required! Despite the way you entered this school, you are still a part of this class!!

Makoto: Uh...okay?

Kiyotaka: Great! Then I shall see you soon-WHAT IS THAT ON YOUR BED?!?!

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Oh right the girl on my bed. Of all the people to show up now it had to be Taka...

Kiyotaka: MAKOTO!! You...! You...! You DEGENERATE!!

Makoto: Whoa Taka calm down! If you could just let me explain--

In his rage Taka ignored me and walked towards my bed.

Kiyotaka: Kyoko!! Wake up!!

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Makoto: Taka just let her sleep! She’s been overworking herself--

Kiyotaka: Did I not just explain the daily breakfast meetings?! And did you not just say that you would attend?! You two must attend and then face punishment!!

Makoto: Listen to me! I let Kyoko sleep here because I found her passed out on the floor and I couldn’t find her key!

Kiyotaka: I don’t want to hear your excuses!!

Makoto: That’s literally what happened!

I don’t know *how* she got here exactly but we can figure that part out later

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Kiyotaka: KYOKO!!! WAKE UP!!

Makoto: Stop making things worse! Leave her alone and mind your own business!

Kiyotaka: The public morals of this school is my business!! You need to start acting like a real Ultimate Student!!

Makoto: What?! I am a real Ultimate Student!!

???: Hey will you two like shut up?!

The two us turned towards the door to see the Ultimate Fashionista with a dour expression on her face.

Makoto: G-Good morning Junko.

Kiyotaka: Junko I told you moments ago that you should go to dining hall for the breakfast meeti--

Junko: Yeah and I did, but… Leon and Mondo started fighting.

Kiyotaka: They what?!!

Junko: Since your like the ultimate moral guy or whatever I thought you would like do something about it.

Kiyotaka: And I very much will! I’ll head to the dining hall immediately!!

Kiyotaka: Makoto we’ll continue this conversation later!!

Taka ran out… no more like speed-walked out of my dorm. Junko made sure to get out of the door way for him… only to block me when I tried leaving my dorm too.

Makoto: Um Junko? Shouldn’t we be going to the breakfast meeting too?

Junko: I thought I could catch you with my sis in the morning when I saw your door open. But here you are with another girl...

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Junko: You think you can just use my sister for fun and move on to the next girl so quickly?

Makoto: H-Hold on this is all just one big misunderstanding!

Junko: ...

Junko: “BOO”!

Makoto: Aahhh!

She yelled... and I fell down on my butt...


Junko: Pfthahaha! Don’t pee your pants again shorty, I’m just messing with you. I overheard you telling Taka you couldn’t find her key.

Makoto: oh thank goodness...

Feeling safer I got back up again. It looks like Junko is in a better mood since yesterday. I knew all we had to do was wait for her to calm down. Hopefully the two sisters can start talking together more now.

Junko: I also heard about the notebook yesterday.

Makoto: Huh? Ryoko’s notebook?

Junko: Hina told me about it during the pizza party.

She did? Kinda wish Hina consulted Ryoko and I before telling Junko about it.

Junko: Or it’s more like she accidentally let it slip.

Okay that makes more sense… wait a second… how much does Junko know about the notebook?

Does she know Kyoko had the notebook originally? Or that Sakura was the traitor and took the notebook from Kyoko?

...Or that I currently have it…?

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Junko: Are you guys still looking for Ryoko’s notebook?

Makoto: ...

Makoto: Ryoko told me she doesn’t care about it anymore so we decided to not worry about it.

Junko: I see...I just don’t get it though. Was that notebook seriously the “secret thing” Ryoko didn’t want people knowing yesterday? Why is that big deal to her?

Makoto: Ryoko told me that she didn’t want anyone possibly stealing notebook if they knew she didn’t have it on her

...For a second I thought I saw Junko’s eye twitch.

Junko: Tch...

Junko: But why keep it a secret still? If Ryoko doesn’t care then why does Hina?

Makoto: Wait Hina wants to keep it a secret? Why?

Junko: Huh? I thought you would know. All Hina told me was that you two went on search for Ryoko’s notebook. As soon as she blurted that out she begged me not to tell anyone else.

That’s all Junko knows? Oh wait… Sakura… Hina is probably keeping it a secret for Sakura’s sake. Revealing herself as a traitor is a big deal, they both probably want to hold onto that information until Sakura is more comfortable telling everyone.

Makoto: Hina is a good person so I’m sure she has he reasons. I’m sure if it’s important she’ll tell us eventually.

Makoto: Oh and during our search for the notebook, Ryoko wanted to check my bathroom, that’s why you overheard her mentioning it. Even though I told her she never even entered my bathroom before, she wanted to make sure.

Makoto: So yeah, nothing weird going on! No need to get worked up over us. In fact the way you entered in to my room early morning is what she did yesterday, she didn’t spend the night here. I mean I guess Kyoko did, but we didn’t do anything weird either...

Junko: I had a perfectly reasonable reaction to you two being in the bathroom together.

Makoto: “Reasonable”? You looked like you were gonna strangle me...

Junko: You have a sister right? Imagine if...

**Disclaimer: Junko’s Dramatization/Makoto’s imagination**

Komaru: Oh Hifumi-kuuun~ when I read your doujins I get sooooo wet~

Hifumi: Nyuck Nyuck well you’re about to get even more wet Komaru-chan. Wet all over

Komaru: Alpha-and-Omega-Goshujin-Sama~

Mondo: Hey did someone call for a plumber? Cause Imma bout to lay some pipe

Komaru: Hehe I think your pipe is about to leak Mondo-kun~

Mondo: My pipe is as hard as a diamond, and its going crazy for you baby.

Aoi: Guys watch out! She might drown! Also there are sharks in the water!!

Komaru: Sharks? This is a bathtub!

Aoi: Don’t worry Komaru-chan I’m a life guard! Now quick, drink the pee from my girlco*ck, the smell will drive away the sharks!!

Hifumi: Go! Triple Finish!!!

Mondo: Time to rev it up!!!

Komaru: *Gargle gargle gargle*



Junko: Hahahaha see? Really despairing right?

Makoto: Okay I get your point...

Forget, Forget, Forget Beam!!!

Junko: Come on we should head to the dining hall. Guessing she’s not coming?

Kyoko: *Snoreeee* *Snoreeee*

Makoto: If Taka couldn’t wake her up no one can. She was really tired the past few days so I think letting her rest is the best course of action.

Junko: Hopefully she won’t bitch at us again like she did yesterday...although… she wasn’t wrong about my sis.

Makoto: Huh? What do you mean?

Junko: Never mind. Come on lets go.

Before we left I took one more glance at Kyoko still fast asleep on my bed.

Sleep well Kyoko...




**Dorm Hall**

*Knock* *Knock*

Sayaka: Good morning Jill!

Jill: ...

Sayaka: Jill?

Jill: Wh-what are you doing here so early in the m-morning?

Sayaka: Taka wanted all of us to meet in the dining hall for a Breakfast Meeting. He already got most us there, but right now he’s lecturing Leon and Mondo for fighting, even though they weren’t which is weird.

Jill: S-so the only reason y-you’re here is because you w-were told to?

Sayaka: Come on Jill I wanted to see you too! We’re friends right?

Jill: What? Wh-why would you think that?

Sayaka: ...well I enjoyed talking to yesterday you during the party. I hope I didn’t bore you or anything.

Jill: …?

Sayaka: Erm… yesterday I also said that I wanted to hang out with you more too and I still do! So today after the meeting let’s--

Jill: Are you m-making fun of me? You’re making fun of me!

Sayaka: Jill what are you talking about? Am I upsetting you in any way?

Jill: Th-there’s no way you would want to hang out with me!! You popular girls are always up to something!! Stop lying to me you skan*!

Sayaka: Did you just call me a skan*?! That’s so rude!!

Jill: L-Leave me alone skan*yaka!!

Jill: Graaaaaaaaghhh!!!!

Sayaka: D-Dont run away! And don’t call me that!

Sayaka: ...she didn’t even close her door...I hope she’s running to the cafeteria at least

Sayaka: But seriously what was that all about...?

V3make: Truth Trigger Havoc - Chapter 11 - chesternut (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.