The Rhythm of Order and Chaos - Chapter 4 - Carnival_Sleeper - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2024)

Chapter Text

The Rhythm of Order and Chaos

Chapter 4


It was quiet and still as Coriolanus moved down the street. A few shops were starting to open and his favorite bakery already had that pleasant aroma of dough and sugar.

He didn’t even spare the place a glance as his eyes remained fixed on the direction he needed to go.

But what was his plan here? Go in, kill her, and let Dr. Gaul assume Lucy Gray had died from something else? She might do an autopsy and find traces of the euthanasia in her bloodwork. In fact, it was very probable that she would. The doctor often liked to harvest organs from her dead subjects, so she would need to be sure Lucy Gray’s were healthy and viable for continued use.

Coriolanus shuddered at the thought of the girl’s organs being transplanted into something else.

Not dead, then. Not while she was in the lab. Maybe he wouldn’t have to kill at her all, if he managed to get her out of there. He could talk to her and she could promise that she’d never breathe a word about what he’d done to anyone. There was leverage he could use now to make sure of that. The Covey were still in Twelve and Lucy Gray wouldn’t want anything happening to them. He had enough influence now that he could follow through on a threat like that.

So he was going to try and get her out, then? How? He could say she died, sign off on it, and take her out of there in one of the body bags they used to transport subjects to the depository.

But Dr. Gaul usually inspected all of the bodies. He couldn’t hide the fact that there had been five subjects brought in. Too many people had seen it.

Maybe Dr. Gaul wouldn’t make it in. Maybe she had died in her sleep, finally biting the dust and conveniently solving his current problems.

He caught the sign ofThe Golden Lounge,neon letters shut off and looking gloomy in the morning fog. Coriolanus swept past, imagining what Pluribus might say if he found out what hadactuallybecome of Lucy Gray.

Pausing in his steps, Coriolanus tilted his head, then turned to look back at the old building.

I still have a favor or two I could call in.Pluribus’ words echoed in his head.

Howbigof a favor? Enough to keep a district tribute as a singer in his club.

If he could somehow go above Dr. Gaul’s head, if Pluribus had a favor he could call in with the president himself, then maybe there could be a way to get Lucy Gray out of the lab without the use of deception.

Before he had time to question the idea too much, Coriolanus hurried to the back door and knocked on it rapidly. Pluribus was probably asleep, his club being open well into the midnight hour, but he was also a light sleeper. Ever since the war, he’d said.

He waited several moments before he heard the latch click. Coriolanus composed himself quickly, arranging his features into something that conveyed urgency. He hid any signs of alarm or desperation.

Pluribus opened the door, looking rumpled and incredibly aged in his drowsy state. He wore a nightcap that was hanging all askew.

From behind the man, Boa Bell came bounding out and weaved herself around Coriolanus’ legs.

Just like old times, Coriolanus scooped up the elderly, brittle-boned cat and gave her a scratch behind the ears. She started purring up a storm as she nuzzled her head under his chin.

“Coriolanus?” Pluribus gave him a confused look. “What are you doing here so early?”

“There’s something important I need to discuss with you. I’m sorry to wake you, but this couldn’t wait.”

Pluribus blinked the sleep away before nodding and ushering him inside. “Alright, come on in. Let me make us both a coffee.”

Coriolanus followed the man into the dim interior and to the long stretch of counter across from the stage. He took a seat at one of the stools and his eyes strayed to the stage and the mic in the center as his thoughts were invaded by the image of Lucy Gray singing there. Such naive, unrealistic fantasies he’d had of her willingly choosing to stay with him in the Capitol and headlining this place.

But even if shehadbeen willing, circ*mstances had not been in their favor. They never had been.

The sound of the coffee machine and its rich aroma filled the space and Coriolanus absently stroked Boa Bell as he tried to ease his nerves, all too aware of the pressure of time passing.

Dr. Gaul didn’tusuallygo into the lab early. She liked to have her breakfast and pour over her notes before wandering in.

He figured he had a solid hour or two, at least, to get the Lucy Gray situation sorted out.

Pluribus turned on an overhead, neon light above the bar, then walked over and set down a cup and a large scone in front of him. He poured the coffee and set out cream and sugar, which Coriolanus gratefully helped himself to.

He took a long sip as Pluribus prepared his own coffee. Then the elderly man finally came around and took a seat beside him.

“Thank you for this,” Coriolanus told him. “For the coffeeandfor agreeing to speak with me.”

“Of course, of course.” Pluribus waved him off. “It’s been too long since we’ve sat and had ourselves a good chat. What with you being so busy with your schooling and me runningthisplace.”

Not to mention my avoiding you,Coriolanus thought.

Business seems to be going well,” he said to the man. “I see people pouring in here in the evenings.”

“Yes, yes they do. But I’m actually in a bit of a lull. I need to figure out a way to liven things up again. Something new and exciting. Boost the numbers again.”

Andthiswas where the man would usually mention Lucy Gray. Say how much he wished he’d been able to hire someone like her. It led nicely into the reason for Coriolanus’ visit and he decided to beat him to the punch.

“Then you’ll be all the more interested in what I have to say.”

“Oh?” Pluribus’ brows creased in confusion.

Coriolanus did so enjoy the moment before a reveal, when he could dangle information over a person and watch their puzzlement. He could see how much more curious Pluribus was now. He was given a hint and that hint had stirred a need to know more.

But he couldn’t hold this over him for long, as time was pressing. Such a pity.

“I found her, Pluribus.” He caught the man’s eye meaningfully. “Lucy Gray.”

“What?” The lounge owner’s eyes widened with eagerness and surprise. “Where?”

“Here, in the Capitol.”

“Here?!” Pluribus smiled gleefully and slapped a hand down on the counter. “Why, she’d be just the thing this place needs. Do you think she’ll go for it?”

“It’s a little more complicated than that,” Coriolanus answered as he allowed for some of the alarm to cross his face. “Dr. Gaul has her.”

“Dr. Gaul? How? What ever doesshewant with her?”

Coriolanus wasn’t sure how much Pluribus knew of Dr. Gaul’s experiments at the Citadel. He suspected the man knew enough, at least.Mostpeople knew the doctor’s reputation as a madwoman. Most even knew of her sad*stic streak.

“I’m not sure, but it’s not something I want to wait and find out about. I can’t imagine it’s anything pleasant.”

“No, no…” Pluribus scratched at his chin in thought. “I can’t imagine so either.”

Coriolanus allowed for a pause before playing his hand. He allowed time for Pluribus to start to consider the thing for himself first.

“…you had mentioned having a favor you could call in. Any chance your favor could be helpful in this situation?”

Did the favor extend past Dr. Gaul? Did Pluribus have any control here? If not, he was back to square one.

“Maybe.” Pluribus nodded. “If I put in the word with the right person.”

The President himself,Coriolanus concluded.He’s the only one she answers to.

“I can see you’re worried about her.” Pluribus’ eyes shifted to him. So full of sympathy. Coriolanus’ eyes shifted to his hands and he let some of the desperation show through now.

Worried?About Lucy Gray? He was certainly unsettled. He didn’t want Dr. Gaul to have a chance to claim and mutilate what was his. He was also anxious about what his girl might say. But he probably wouldn’t go so far as to call it worry. No. That implied he cared more than he did.

But it worked in his favor that Pluribus thought so. After all, for all the man knew, he was still madly in love with Lucy Gray. Why should he think otherwise?

Pluribus gave his arm a firm pat. “Let me make a call. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thank you.” Coriolanus gave him an attempted smile before letting it fall short. He tilted his head, worry in his eyes. “If you would, though…could you keep my name out of this? I wouldn’t want it getting back to Dr. Gaul.”

“Of course.” Pluribus tapped his nose. Fortunately, the man had an entire history of keeping the Snows’ secrets. Coriolanus felt comfortable trusting him to be discreet.

Even if Lucy Gray mentioned Mayfair to the man, he would probably keep that to himself as well. He wasn’t one for selling anyone out, which was probably how he had incured these mysterious favors from the president in the first place.

It’d be a simple enough thing to leave out his name. Plenty of people could have seen Lucy Gray being brought off the train and any one of them could have mentioned it to Pluribus.

“I assume time is of the essence?” Pluribus made to stand.

Coriolanus nodded. “Dr. Gaul hasn’t seen Lucy Gray yet. She was waiting until this morning to inspect her new…guests.”

“Wherever did she find her, I wonder? People were talking about how she had gone missing.”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” Coriolanus replied smoothly.

The man shook his head as he excused himself to his office to make the phone call, mumbling to himself about what a great addition Lucy Gray would make to the lounge.

When he closed the door, Coriolanus exhaled and tightened his hand around the coffee cup, the heat seeping into his skin.

Lucy Gray was a fugitive, a runaway, atraitorto Panem. The president might deny Pluribus because of that. Dr. Gaul would no doubt raise it as a point in her favor. But perhaps some sort of arrangement could be made. Her crime wasn’t so very awful and there wasn’t much precedent to it.

He alsohadto be certain Lucy Gray kept quiet about more than just Mayfair. He had also attempted to run away, though he hadn’t actually gone through with it.

And there was also that fact that he’d tried to kill her…Pluribus might turn a blind eye to all of the rest, butthat?Given how fond he was of Lucy Gray, that fact might bother him. She might even manage to turn Pluribus against him, andthatwas a really terrifying thought. The man knew far too much about him to be made an enemy. He didn’t think he could easily convince the man that she was lying either.

Would threatening the girl even work? If she and Pluribus plotted in secret, he would be none the wiser until it was already too late and his reputation was ruined. There was the matter of Sejanus too. Lucy Gray knew, so word could get back to the Plinths. Financial ruin and disgrace would follow…

He felt Dr. Gaul could spare him from execution over Mayfair, at least, but life would not be easy for him in the fallout and any chance of a political career would be gone.

Something deep and unsettling took root in the pit of Coriolanus’ stomach. He exhaled heavily, wondering how to keep this whole fragile thing together. It all hinged on Lucy Gray. Was there any chance that shewouldn’tturn on him? He was, after all, saving her from the snares of Dr. Gaul. From a life of torture.

But he had betrayed her and he knew what she thought of people who did that. How she treated them.

She never betrayed Billy Taupe…he realized. Even knowing he was involved in a rebel plot, she never would have sent him to the noose.

She only resorted to those lethal measures if she felt threatened, like in the arena. How ruthless she’d been! Perhaps a different tactic was called for here. No threats. No reason at all to put her on the offensive.

He’d be as pleasant as could be. After all, out in the forest,she’dattacked first. He had thought she was trying to kill him! His actions were purely out of self-defense. He could make her understand that, couldn’t he? Turn the thing around on her. Cast the blame where it was due.

Yes. That would be the best strategy.

He’d just about worked it all out when Pluribes stepped out of the office with a smile.

“It’s all been arranged. The President is sending over Peacekeepers now to collect her from the Citadel. Should be here within the hour.”

“That’s good to hear,” Coriolanus released an exhale he hoped came across as immensenly relieved.

He had mixed feelings about it, honestly. He wanted Lucy Gray out of that lab, but having her around the lounge was still a risk that didn’t rest easy with him. Maybe in a few weeks, once things had settled down, he could find some way to get rid of her. A little slip of poison. Maybe small amounts over a week or so. People would assume she’d fallen ill and that “illness” would slowly kill her.

“Yes, well, thereisa caveat. Dr. Gaul was given the go-ahead to round up runaway traitors, and that is how she found your girl. Out there in the wild. The President couldn’t allow for that to go unanswered, so this arrangement only stands if she works for me. An Avox, of sorts, who gets to keep her tongue. Lucy Gray can never leave my employment. She can never leave the Capitol.”

Pluribus sighed and folded his hands. “This whole thing required a lot of finagling, but Mrs. Ravinstill loves this place and her husband was in a mood to indulge her.” He took a sip of his coffee. “The arrangement works well enough for me, but I worry about Lucy Gray. I will make things as pleasant as possible for her here, of course, and it’scertainlybetter than the alternative…but I do hope it doesn’t kill her spirit. Hers is such a wild, rare thing.”

It was rare and wild alright. Coriolanus knew that better than anyone. He nodded at Pluribus and took a moment to process what he’d just been told, occupying himself with a slow sip of coffee.

Ownership had apparently been passed to Pluribus. Now Lucy Gray belonged tohim. She’d be forever in his care. The Capitol’s hostage. That struck a cord in Coriolanus that he didnt like, but he knew it was the only accetable option.

As for that spirit of hers…Lucy Gray was unhinged and wild. Unpredictable and dangerous. A life of servitude might not be the worst thing. It might tame her a little — like a bird with clipped wings. She wouldn’t be able to just fly off whenever or wherever it suited her.

He liked the idea of that. Having her tethered, so to speak.

“She isn’t an easy one to break.” Coriolanus reassured the man. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much.” A soft smile crossed his face. “She’ll adapt. She’s good at that.” She could bend any situation and any person in it to accommodate her.

“You’re probably right. I suppose you’d know better than anyone.”

Yes, don’t forget that, you silly old man. She belonged to me first.

He just shrugged and finished off the coffee before looking at the clock. He wished there was some way he could go to the Citadel and make sure this all got handled the way it should. He could head off Dr. Gaul and stall for time if need be.

But it was probably best to steer clear and stay as removed as possible from the situation. He didn’t want to give Gaul any reason to suspect his involvement.

“How exciting foryouthough!” Pluribus chuckled. “They said at the academy that you had pulled a lot of strings to help her survive those Games. That you loved her so much you followed her to Twelve. I heard from your cousin that the two of you had been reunited there.”

Coriolanus carefully arranged his features, not allowing for any of the tension to show. “Yes, that’s true. We were.”

“Ah. But how unfortunate that the two of you had to part. You being summoned back here the way you were.”

“It was unfortunate. We didn’t even have the chance to say a proper goodbye.”

“Argh,” the man held a hand over his chest. “Well, at least now she’ll be right here. You can come see her anytime you like.”

Coriolanus’ eyes narrowed at the man, automatically hating that he needed his permission at all to do that.

“That’s true. You might get sick of me,” he smirked. “Coming around so much.”

“Oh, nonsense, boy. You almost feel like family. Might even give you a key to the place.”

Nowthatwas something. His smirk widened. “If you’ll trust me with it.”

“Of course, of course. Like I said, family. Been seeing so little of you lately, I’m glad you’ll have a renewed incentive to be here.”

He said it like he hadn’t believed Coriolanus’ excuses at all. Judging by the twinkle in the man’s eye, he was sure that was the case.

“I suppose the real mystery is why she ran into the wild though.” Pluribus wondered, changing the subject as he scratched his chin.

“Well,she’sa bit of a mystery, Pluribus.”

The man chuckled. “That she is.”

Coriolanus glanced at the clock again before making to stand. He didn’t want to be seen here when the Peacekeepers arrived with Lucy Gray.

“I’m going to head home and take care of a few things. I have an assignment to turn in later. Do you mind phoning over when she arrives?”

“Sure thing. No hurry. You’ll have plenty of time to visit with her now.”

Coriolanus gave him a beaming smile, putting all he had into making it convincing. “Can you keep my involvement from her for now? I’d like to surprise her.”

Pluribus laughed and tapped his nose again. “I think I can manage to do that.”

He left the lounge and made his way home, all the while feeling unsettled. Lucy Gray would be alone with Pluribus for a stretch of time and he wasn’t at all sure how it might go. The man had agreed not to mention him, but would she bring it all up herself?

No, she was smart. She’d want to assess the situation first. Figure out what sort of person Pluribus was.

It’ll be fine,he told himself.She won’t say anything yet.

“What were you doing out so early?”

Coriolanus startled slightly when he saw Tigris standing in the entryway. She had probably seen him approaching through the window.

There was something suspicious in her eyes. What did shethinkhe’d been doing? That he’d been out on some early morning murder spree?

“Felt like taking a walk,” he answered vaguely.

As he made to step past, she lifted a hand to stop him, resting it lightly on his chest.

“I know something’s going on, Coryo. Iknowyou.”

He sighed, tempted again to tell her everything. But he held his tongue as his eyes slid to hers.

“…how bad is it?” She struggled to say.

Tigris didn’t usually assume the worst, not the wayhedid, but she’d lately started to when it came to him.

He held her firm, anxious stare a long time before his tense posture deflated a little.

“It’s notbadat all, Tigris. That’s all I can say though. It’s a…” His eyes lifted as he searched for the right way to describe it. “Sensitive situation.”

She looked even more confused and he reached up to gently remove her hand before continuing on his way to the study, where he would sit and wait for the call from Pluribus.

He threaded the bronze earring over and over again through his fingers, eyes never leaving the black receiver before it finally broke the silence with a shrill ring.

“They’ve just brought her to me. She’s here!” Pluribus sounded overcome with excitement.

Coriolanus closed his eyes. It was impossible to name everything he was feeling in that moment. Relief was among them — relief that she’d been freed of Gaul’s lair. But he felt apprehensive about that too. He was apprehensive that he might’ve overlooked something and that the doctor would tie him to the events of today. He also felt apprehensive of Lucy Gray herself. She had the power to completely ruin him, after all, if she chose. This knowledge was accompanied with anxiety and dread.

There was some part of him that dreaded the fact that he was going to have to silence her for good.

He also dreaded seeing her again. Face to face. Talking with her. Because what on earth was going to happen to him when he did? For all of his resolutions and defenses against the foolishness of loving another person, Lucy Gray had the power to destroy that too. He’d had such a weakness for her in the past. Would it all come creeping back?

He turned and left the room, heading to out into the hall and to the set of elevator doors that would bring him to the penthouse roof.

When he stepped outside, the city overcast and ominous-looking, Coriolanus strode toward the pristine roses that were now in his care. His grandmother rarely made it up here anymore, so she’d reuluctantly entrusted her precious beauties to him.

Their soothing fragrance filled the air and he drifted among them, passing over the many vibrant, colorful blossoms before he stopped beside a rosebush of brilliant white.

Coriolanus chose one and wore a trace of a smirk as he reached out to pluck it up. He stared down at the dew-dropped petals as the vivid memory of his and Lucy Gray’s first meeting entered his thoughts.

It was tradition, really, to welcome her to the Capitol in this way.

It would be a way to let her know that he was involved in all of this — in her rescue from the lab, in her delivery to Pluribus. It might smooth the way, while I also containing a veiled warning. It might urge her to keep quiet until she fully understood all of the pieces at play.

He’d have it delivered to the lounge for her and wait to make an appearance himself until later in the evening, after his classes at the university were over. He didn't want to show that he was concerned at all that she was here.

Yes, the white rose would be the perfect greeting.

Pure as the driven snow, and all that.

Prying one of the petals free, Coriolanus stared down at it for a long moment, running his thumb across the smooth surface before placing it on his tongue. Like bedtime, Lucy Gray had described its taste.

But it only tasted bitter to him.


The Rhythm of Order and Chaos - Chapter 4 - Carnival_Sleeper - The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.