The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

PAGE THREE THE EVENING TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1941 1 ix 'i i rn a ziacl 1 adaaVMaaWlaMaalaaUaattaftlaaCEaaaW IN tl BRANCHES Civil Service For Policemen Effective Today NOW TOM MO Bullet Ends Life Complete System for Appointment, Promotion, Suspension and Removal of Officers Provided by Law HARRISBURG, Aug. 1 (UP) The little -known act placing hundreds of policemen in Pennsylvania's 937 boroughs. 60 first class townships and its single incorpo If IiTI Occasional Berns Auust Sale starts to fvTS X. I Tomorrow VO Chair fl morrow promptly at 9 o'clock! Values ff wJ ii lomorrw y-gy IncIuded If are greater than ever before and P. SAT.

FREE jf for tomorrow, Saturday, the opening ffl jtI'X with Any il day, Me feature one of the most sen- chair I Purchas" sational gift offers the city has ever (f TCST nnf 14 VV 1 seen. With any furniture purchase Sat Lamp 3k over jSW of 533 or over you get your choice of fl IPMiS 'gp a beautiful, 6-way Reflector Floor 11 Only u.thw amp or a hankome Occasional Chair urnjture jpjf IURDAY Phone photo This is a recent photo of Mary Alice Haley, 20-year-old college student of Piedmont, for whom a 10-day search was believed ended with finding of a body at nearby Monterey, a bullet fired through hex head and the gun nearby. The Haley girl had recently inherited from her father. Don't Miss This Event Iiiiiif tl I sjijaSssSi? 1 Bid Ssvieiqs i luy low! IE! OTTAWA (UP) With a total population of fewer than 000, the Dominion of Canada had 12,500 permanent personnel in the armed service when at declared war on Germany on Sept. 10, 1939.

Today, with the second anniversary of the declaration approaching, the hemisphere's northernmost nation has a volunteer active army of 220,000, plus a home defense reserve of more than plus a home defense reserve of more than 170,000, a navy of 20,000 and an air force of 55,000. In terms of the population of the United States, Canadian forces are comparable with an armed strength on active service of something over teh 3,000,000 mark. Dominion war expenditures this year, at 35 to 40 per cent of the national income, total more than 52,000,000,000, amounting to a comparable figure of by the United States. Volunteer System So far, all recruiting for the ac- tive services has been on a voluntary basis, in line with 1940 election promises of both the continuing Liberal administration and Conservative opposition. The nearest thing to national service has been the calling up of unattached age groups from 21 to 24 in small groups.

After a four-months training course, each group is posted to reesrve units on home defense, freeing other ac- tive units for duty anywhere. However, entire battalions of home defense troops have volunteered en masse and have been accepted into the regular army. Estimated cost ftlie air plan alone for a three-year period is $824,000,000, with Canaia paying the lion's share. Eighty per cent of the students are Canadians, most of the rest coming from Empire countries. But trained, or in ttain- ing, are about 1,500 Americans, while 600 skilled United States pilots are acting as instructors.

Garrison West Indies Canadian army units garrison the West Indies and Gibraltar. In "addition, they succeeded the first British occupation troops in Iceland and were relieved just before American marines were landed. In Newfoundland, Canadian troops stand side by side with United forces. Under Dominion colors, according to July figures, approximately 1,000 Canadians have lost their lives in action so far. The navy, which has lost two destroyers, lists 335 killed, 21 missing, 35 dead and 63 wounded.

In the army, 56 have been killed, 84 are missing, 214 have died and 150 have been wounded. Canadian sailors, manning a fleet of 13 destroyers, three merchant cruisers, corvettes, minesweepers and smaller craft daily are playing a big role in the Battle of the Atlantic and in the wa- ters off Britain and the coast of orth America. Canadian units took part in the evacuations from France, in which an R.C.N. destroyer was lost. They have con rated town Bloomsourg on a civil service basis became effective today.

by Reps. John L. Bon-ey and Walter Grey Gryskewicz, Luzerne Democrats, the measure became law July 1 and made it mandatory on the municipalities to establish three-member civil service commissions by today. Under its provisions, all new police force applicants must pass physical and mental merit tests to qualify for jobs in those communities. Police chiefs and present law enforcement personnel, however, are not affected and need take the tests only for promotions.

Purpose of the law, its sponsors said, is to furnish a "complete and exclusive system for appointment, promotion, reduction, suspension or removal of police force members in every borough, incorporated town and first class township." The civil service commissions are composed of three members appointed by the municipality council or township commissioners, as the case may be. Members initially will serve staggered two, four and six year terms; thereafter six years. An elective office is incompatible with a commission post, except that one member of a borough, board of township commissioners or the incorporated town may serve. The commissions, given power to investigate and issue subpenas, will establish rules and regulations for physical and mental examinations and promulgate minimum qualifications. All tests must be practical and relate to matters as will "fairly test" fitness of police aspirants.

Examinations may be refused applicants who do not meet minimum requirements, are physically disabled, addicted to drinking or use of drugs, guilty of a crime involving "moral turpitude, or are affiliated with any subversive group." Rejected applicants have the right of appeal to the commission CHANGE 15 VETOED HARRISBURG, Aug. 1 (UP) The measure of Sen. M. Harvey Taylor, Dauphin, to remove the internal affairs department from control of the chief executive, was vetoed by Gov. Arthur H.

James to keep the department under budgetary control. James reminded that he has already approved a measure giving the internal affairs secretary "substantially'- the same general independent powers now enjoyed by the auditor general and state treasurer. The fiscal officers, James said, are the "so-called watchdogs of the treasury" and have a "colorful reason'' for not coming under executive control. He said he could see no reason, however, why the internal affairs secretary, en joying power of independent ap pointments, should not have his finances under the governor's scru tiny despite the fact it is an elective office. A bill to use proceeds from sale within 10 days and if still aggrieved by the second decision may appeal to the common pleas court.

Tests will establish eligible lists from which applicants will be selected as vacancies occur. Veterans will receive additional credits. Police chiefs, however, will not be selected through the merit system. In iase of a police chief vacancy, the appointive power may nominate a person to the commission and he will be given a non-competitive examination for the top 'f'lZ I Mf)' Set3 pieces 3 pc-BEU 0UTF1T "('T a 'ii! jf iljrTCt, St Stainless porcelain top table and Simmons Metal Bed. Sim- I 'M- --fWi four sturdy chairs.

Q4t "Jl" nons SprineMQ Af" August Sale Price glS.j ind comfort- ulOaJ ''fh il'l, able Mattress WW TfH n7f': I I IT! August Sale i NW ''Al 1 A I -Jr tor 4 I I Price Jl fl LIVING KOUK STPrTT Davenport Magazine Rack Floor Lanp Sale 0 1 Chair smoker ixWj' Occasional Chair End Table Hassock I Vl'WL, Sirfe-. Tonr Cholct cr REFLECTOR FLOOR LAMP ORtOCCASION'AL CHAIR 'tiSui t' iI -rS Sif -i 1 Included FREE with anj Llvini Room Group purchased tomorrow, "7 SMALL D0W YMXT EUVERS -lj i 1 LS The Group Includes: I IrfimmJW BED MATTRESS 3 LAMPS tit I PffffX I DRESSER or WBEG 2 PILLOWS 'vxif9afJ-fMfi Tour choice of REFLECTOR FLOOR LAMP OR OOCASIOXAL CHAIR la- JT 1 I 1 MS 'M -M 3 flijS 1 eluded FREE with njr Bedroom Group purchased tomorrow, Saturday. Vt. llyMfifsMMaOi A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS 9 ilWMm 9 Al'GLTST SALE 4 4 rjr -j FREE 2 2 DELIVERY BEAM-OF-LIGHT (SSs RADIO-PHONGGRAPH ImlM iVrS Ko eedl In -1iiiiik-! Sew gm 'V1' NNfeSSii)k rrfc' irrxr AA .95 WhS liiKt Jill 1 "AS-l WMA of produce grown on farm lands now a part of the Indiantown Gap Military Reservation for improvements at the cantonment also was vetoed. James said it would require establishment of a special fund in the military affairs de job.

ah applicants must be 21 or over and a resident of the particular municipality for at least a year. All appointments will be for a probationary period of six months and if those selected prove unsatisfactory they must be given partment at an unjustifiable cost. James also vetoed bills for from the motor fund for construction of roads leading to the Ephrata Cloisters, and $10,000 for a museum on the Bushy Run battlefield, Westmoreland county. That batch of rejections ran the number of bills James has vetoed to 21. He still has to act on 171 measures.

voyed 27,000,000 tons of shipping and captured or caused the scut-tling of numerous Axis merchantmen in the Atlantic and Pacific. In British Defense An army corps of two divisions under command of soldier-scien-4 tist A. G. McNaughton has been holding key posts in Britain. Two more divisions, one of them armored and the other infantry are proceeding to England while a tank brigade and rein-f forcements for units now overseas are on the move.

The year's program calls voluntary enlistment of 72,000 more men, with 40,000 being called for home a written notice of dismissal. Provisional appointments are permitted but persons chosen that way must take and pass competi tive examinations within three weeks to remain on the job permanently. Policemen may be dis Milan missed for many reasons, including intoxication on duty, disobedience, conduct unbecoming an Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. Eiffert of Ulster called on Mr. and Mrs Phillip Eiffert Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Anthony and son Robert and Mrs. Hannah Anthony of Sayre were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Lucky MALONE, N. Y. (AP) Ralph Sherwin escaped with a ducking in a four-foot pool when a bridge over the Salmon river collapsed under his truck and toppled into the river.

officer, neglect and inefficiency. There can be no firings for religious, racial or political reasons. If for reasons of economy it becomes necessary to reduce the force, then all officers, 65 years or over and eligible for pensions, must be retired immediately. Another alternative is to furlough the last appointed men. Those laid off for reasons of economy must be considered first when the munici- I pality again is able to increase the force.

Clyde Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Loomis and ICE CREAM SOCIAL and BAND CONCERT BAKED GOODS ON SALE SATURDAY, AUG. 2 8:00 O'CLOCK P.M.

EAST SMITHFIELD VILLAGE GREEN Auspices Methodist Church Commission members found guilty of permitting "unfair" appointments will be subject to a $100 fine, three months imprisonment, or both, they, incidentally, will serve without compensation. Big Value IXNERSPRIXG MATTRESS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loomis and children spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.

Harvey Baumgartner at Norristown and at Atlantic City, N. J. Mary Ellen Fitzgerald of Athens spent Wednesday with her grandmother, Mrs. Ella Fitzgerald. Mr.

and Mrs. P. R. Phelps and daughter Thelma and Miss Carrie Vosburg attended the Vosburg reunion at Mountain Lake Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Judson Burlin-game and son of Waveiiy spent the weekend at the latter 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. K.

Loomis. William May left Thursday for Camp Brule where he will spend the next two weeks. Mrs. Robert Strong of Columbia Cross' Roads spent Sunday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Anthony.

CHT Choice of patterns and TUNI oA ti Special August QQ1 QC wjTii AT Sale Price. JjjJJ BERN'S BETerms il-, HS I REMEMBER I JnrTfm Vour choice of a beautiful Reflector Floor Lamp or an Occasional Chair ith any Furniture purchase of or over. Saturday Only. Deeply tufted, roll pdge, attractive covers, regularly $14.95. August Sale Price Four Brothers With Colors CHOCORUA, N.

H. (UP) Four sons of Mr. and Mrs. Adbert Fortier are scattered through the various armed services and a fifth is sitting on the front doorstep waiting for his draft questionnaire. Meanwhile a couiin, Edward of Laconia, is on his way to Panama to bolster Canal Zone de- I fense forces.

GENERATOR STARTER IGNITION SERVICE AND PARTS BATTERY CHARGING Wlllard nnit Delco Sale, Cnr Lubiiratliin Service BENEDICT Service Station "Let George Do It" At R.R- Croaelng Atheaa. Pa. Open Every Evening by Appointment Dial 1-6952 New York's borough of actually includes 11 farms. Delayed WATERTOWN, N. Y.

(AP) A postcard mailed from Fulton 31 YOU DON'T NEED CASH Pay Weekly STUDIO C8UCH A splendid oualitv GAS RANGE Modern in design. Beautifully enameled. Economical to operate. August) nan ip Sale Price QHUJO fi $2475 PRICES No Raise in Prices But We Are Always Trying to Raise the Quality of Our Work. Anrrcrs; asd Gfsrk, 2-1781 fURNITURE INCm easily and ouickly converted into full i years ago has just reached the Blackriver postoffice, less than 70 miles distant.

Addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ring August 5, 1910, the card will be forwarded to widowed Mrs. i Ring, now living in Utica. or twin betSs.

Offered at a real saving during our grrst Au-ru-t 100-102 S. ELMER SAYRE, PA..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.