The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (2024)

In the quest for the best Reddit alternative, numerous online platforms have come to light, each with their own unique features and communities. Just like Reddit, these sites offer spaces for open dialogue, discovery, and a sharing of ideas on countless topics. Yet, each has something unique to contribute, making them worth considering for those who are seeking a different kind of social experience.

Why do I need a Reddit alternative?

Recently, a protest against the Reddit API has gained momentum, with users opting to take down their Subreddits in response to the website’s high-price policy and forthcoming changes. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of the protest and provide insights into the Subreddits that have chosen to go dark.

As a form of collective action, thousands of Reddit groups, commonly known as subreddits, will temporarily disable their content and functionality from June 12 to June 14. This protest aims to voice opposition to the upcoming API changes, which are expected to severely impact many third-party applications connected to Reddit.

More details here: Millions gathered to protest Reddit’s latest API changes but will it work?

Best Reddit alternatives you should try out now

In this article, we have compiled a list of websites similar to Reddit that cater to a wide range of purposes. These websites include both general-purpose platforms like Reddit and specialized ones focused on specific niches such as image sharing and more. Regardless of your specific needs, you’ll be able to find websites akin to Reddit. Additionally, we have included a table of contents below to help you easily navigate through the different options mentioned in the list.


When searching for the best Reddit alternative, 4Chan often tops the list. This widely acclaimed community operates as an imageboard, allowing its users to post and comment on various images across different categories, all without the need for an account. Covering a multitude of topics, from music and video games to movies, technology, and Japanese anime, 4Chan has an expansive selection of boards to browse. Additionally, for mature audiences, there’s an NSFW section hosting adult content. Posting is a breeze; you can remain anonymous and choose any name while publishing your content. In sum, 4Chan presents a robust alternative to Reddit, catering to almost any interest you might have.


As the best Reddit alternative, Hive holds its own. Stepping into the space once occupied by platforms like Ruqqus, Hive is a discussion-oriented forum akin to Reddit. Although its user base may not rival Reddit’s magnitude, Hive’s website interface, with a familiar post layout and UX elements, makes Redditors feel welcome. Much like Reddit, Hive endorses the upvote and downvote system, and it’s home to various communities, mirroring Reddit’s subreddits, which you can join and contribute to. Whether your interest is niche or broad, Hive’s varied topic communities are likely to encompass it. As a forum, Hive executes its purpose well, rendering it an appealing choice for those scouting for a social media site that mirrors Reddit. In essence, Hive is an intriguing alternative worth exploring.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (1)


Although Quora is often regarded as a contender to Yahoo! Answers rather than Reddit, it nonetheless deserves a spot as a potential best Reddit alternative due to the quality discussions that emerge from its straightforward question-answer format. Quora enables users to pose questions and receive insightful answers from other knowledgeable users on the platform. You can indulge in either asking questions to be answered by experts or share your expertise by answering queries yourself. Simply select your topics of interest, and Quora will serve you related questions to answer at your discretion. This interaction helps enhance your standing within the community. You can follow other experts and build your follower base. Quora fosters a community where you can engage in intellectually stimulating and meaningful conversations without the clutter of spam posts.

Hacker News

Hacker News is a prime example of the best Reddit alternative for tech enthusiasts seeking a no-frills, direct approach to news aggregation. Stripped of distracting sidebars and widgets, Hacker News delivers pure, tech-centric content from around the globe. It’s a magnet for hackers, tech aficionados, geeks, entrepreneurs, and startup enthusiasts, offering news via the News Y Combinator channel. The significance of news items is determined by a point system where users upvote stories, propelling the most popular ones to the top. All news is sourced from reputable outlets like The New York Times and Washington Post. To submit a story, comment, or upvote, an account registration is required. This space also encourages discussion, allowing users to express their viewpoints on various stories. Essentially, News Y Combinator is a platform designed by and for hackers.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (2)


Minds is an entirely cost-free and open-source platform that enables you to establish your digital brand, social network, and mobile app. Not only does Minds serve as a launchpad for your online presence, but it also functions as a social network in its own right. It boasts a global network comprising interconnected social networks, allowing for extensive engagement and connectivity with various individuals and communities across the world.


As a strong contender for the best Reddit alternative, Product Hunt, as the name suggests, is a treasure trove for those in pursuit of the finest products on the market. It delivers the best in technology, including superior website designs, top mobile apps, and the most engaging games. Users have the liberty to curate their own lists and share them globally. Interaction is encouraged; users can comment on others’ creations or share their own. This tech-centric community is perfect for those wishing to discover something new, be it a novel mobile app or an intriguing game. Product Hunt stands as an excellent platform to explore the next big thing in the tech space.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (3)


Steemit, once a formidable Reddit competitor, still holds a significant position among forums like Reddit, thanks to its passionate user base. Similar to Reddit, Steemit allows users to post, comment, and vote (upvote or downvote) to express their opinions on varied topics. A unique feature of Steemit is its incentive system – it financially rewards users based on the upvotes their posts receive. However, this has led to a surge in click-bait and spammy posts, detracting from the overall user experience. Nevertheless, for those involved in the realm of cryptocurrency, Steemit is a compelling Reddit alternative to consider.


FlingUp is a recently launched social media and link aggregation platform that is currently accessible in 41 countries. Its primary objective is to provide users with a minimalist daily content experience while consciously avoiding the implementation of dark design patterns, such as infinite scroll.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (4)

Mix (StumbleUpon)

When it comes to discovering unique and engaging content online, Mix stands as one of the best Reddit alternatives. Known previously as ‘StumbleUpon’ and now merged with Mix, this platform enables users to unearth exceptional content shared by contributors worldwide. Users submit a variety of content, from news and stories to discoveries, which is then displayed on the Mix mobile app or browser extension. Despite being quite distinct from Reddit, if your goal is to explore a curated selection of articles and websites, excels in that department.


Renowned among gamers, Discord, while predominantly used for voice chat and in-game communications, also emerges as an excellent Reddit alternative for gaming discussions. Discord hosts thousands of servers that you can join to dive into conversations about your favorite games, fan theories, and a plethora of other subjects. Moreover, with its rich assortment of bots, you can enhance and personalize your Discord experience.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (5)


Though not a direct Reddit competitor, 9Gag undoubtedly claims the title for being one of the funniest corners of the internet. Initially a simple platform where users shared memes and humorous images, 9Gag has evolved into a vibrant community. Users now share content that not only incites laughter but also sparks meaningful discussions in the comments section—often, the comments are even funnier than the posts themselves. If you’re seeking a place to unwind and enjoy a good laugh, 9Gag is the ideal destination. With its recent expansion into various sections catering to diverse interests, there’s something for everyone on 9Gag.


Digg presents itself as a solid Reddit alternative for those seeking a platform reminiscent of Reddit’s style, ideal for unearthing the latest trends across multiple categories. Although Digg leans more towards being a link-sharing site than a discussion hub, users can navigate through it without needing an account, or sign up to start sharing links to captivating websites, blog posts, and other intriguing online content. Despite Digg’s user base being significantly smaller than Reddit’s, you can still expect your posts to reach a substantial number of the site’s frequent visitors.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (6)


While not a traditional forum like Reddit, Imgur offers an unparalleled repository for those in search of an endless source of images. Many images shared on Reddit actually originate from Imgur links. The website functions as a massive image storage, enabling users to easily search for their desired content, be it sports-related images, tech-related pictures, or a vast collection of memes. While Imgur may not have a feature akin to Reddit’s subreddits, it uses tags to categorize images, allowing users to explore tags like food, cats, pets, and more.


Offering an uncensored platform for free speech, SaidIT presents itself as an alternative to the highly polarized Reddit and Voat forums. The platform embraces a democratic and civilized approach, guided by Graham’s Debate Pyramid, which encourages thoughtful and respectful discussions. SaidIT strictly prohibits illegal transactions and adult content, maintaining a focus on fostering genuine discourse.

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (7)


For the tech enthusiasts out there, Slashdot is a one of the best Reddit alternatives. If you crave the latest tech news, Slashdot should be your go-to bookmark. The platform brings together technology news from thousands of sources, eliminating the hassle of scouring multiple websites. With Slashdot, the latest news from hundreds of different sources is conveniently displayed on its front page. This offers users the chance to participate in discussions and comments, sharing their thoughts on the featured stories.

Exploring is always good

The journey to find the best Reddit alternative is filled with intriguing options. From community-centric platforms to tech-focused forums, there’s an alternative to Reddit that fits everyone’s preferences. Each platform presents a unique way of sharing and consuming content, encouraging vibrant discussions, and fostering communities. The alternatives listed above each have their own distinct strengths and could offer a refreshing new venue for those looking to expand their online social horizons.

Tags: Reddit

The best Reddit alternatives worth trying (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.