2024 Recipient biographies – Teaching Excellence (2024)

Table of Contents
Certificate of Excellence Laura Noel: Modelling joy and wonder for students Matthew Trask: Making sure students have their own "Eureka!" moments Andrea Misner: Blazing a science education trail from classroom to cosmos Karen Choo: An ally for students hoping to see themselves reflected in STEM Dean Netto: Teaching outside the box Jasmine Sgambelluri: Helping students develop their identities André Cholmsky: Cultivating curious and creative thinkers Rosemary Hill: Empowering a generation of change-makers Jennifer O'Neill-Riggs: Nurturing mindful and curious students Pierre Cook: Giving students autonomy and self-confidence Certificate of Achievement Kathie-Lee Gibbons: Projecting positive energy Karen Goepen-Wee, Danna Galvin Euverman and Tisha Mellor: Making online learning work for all students Taylor Lamb: Nurturing an inclusive classroom Chantal Moroney: Cultivating a safe learning environment Roderick Rivera: Building positive relationships Kirk Wassmer: Building a legacy of musical excellence Stephen Joyce: Helping students dream of a better world Natalie Raedwulf Pogue: Creating a welcoming space for all learners Thomas Ayre: Helping all students thrive Tiffany Gould: Connecting student to their heritage Allyson Bradley: Putting students' individuality centre-stage Angela Burr: Making learning an adventure Christopher Cabacungan: Fostering autonomy, critical thinking and global awareness Christopher Dube: Fostering experiential learning and community engagement Marjorie Hewitt: Fostering inclusion in the classroom and community Tish Jeffrey: Ensuring sports and fitness are for all Daryanaz Kamelan-Zargar: Fuelling passion for the arts Michael Kearns: Bringing energy and innovation to every lesson Jacqueline Lawlor: Inspiring students to take action Chantal Loubert: A voice that encourages self-confidence Lina Riad: Empowering the next generation to change the world Justine Tweyman: Nurturing brilliance in the classroom Kathryn Young: Empowering students to be global citizens Steven Dubinsky: Cultivating a love and aptitude for music Brittany McLennan Rungta: Inspiring brilliance in students and teachers

Certificate of Excellence

Laura Noel

Laura Noel: Modelling joy and wonder for students

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (1)

Parkside Montessori

Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Fine Arts, preschool and kindergarten

Grande Prairie, Alberta

"Laura leads by example within our school community. She is quick to take risks, try new and innovative approaches and work to share her knowledge. She seeks the opportunity to further develop her skills in all areas and is a visible lifelong learner."

Because Laura Noel teaches preschool- and kindergarten-age children, her classroom is often the first school experience for her students. Recognizing the power of the moment, she chooses to foster wonder, joy, empowerment and pride in her young learners in order to start their school journeys on an inspiring trajectory. The collaborative and hands-on environment that Laura creates allows her students to build confidence and be proud of their daily discoveries.

Teaching approach

Students in Laura's classes learn by doing. Her tactile classroom features moveable letters, touch-screen whiteboards, iPads, programmable robots and even baking lessons—each of which blends students' sense of touch with other ways of learning in order to foster self-guided discovery. Students are not just empowered by their own abilities, but are also encouraged to share and learn from others.

In the classroom

  • Tailors learning journeys to reflect each student's abilities and needs
  • Participates in the joy and wonder that students feel in their learning, modelling respectful and encouraging behaviour
  • Empowers students with the freedom to make choices about what they are working on but also the responsibility to ensure they complete tasks within a given time frame
  • Engages students to apply their skills and interests to contribute to their community
  • Follows her students' leads to effectively support and engage all learners in a multi-age classroom and foster skill development beyond those required for academic tasks
  • Uses celebratory occasions, like students' birthdays, to teach layered concepts like numeracy and literacy
  • Fosters understanding, appreciation and friendship between students by celebrating individuality
  • Encourages a feeling of community and care by leading age-appropriate activities and group discussions around current events issues, including environmentalism and Truth and Reconciliation, and by engaging with community initiatives and charities

Outstanding achievements

  • Created a "Knowledge Seekers" program for her students in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action, prompting students to reflect on their school and family experiences and connecting them with Indigenous Knowledge Keepers
  • Integrated the "Kindness Ninjas" program in her class to empower her students to spread positivity in their school and in the broader community
  • Nurtured a "Grandbuddies" program between her students and a seniors' home to build community connections
Matthew Trask

Matthew Trask: Making sure students have their own "Eureka!" moments

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (2)

Rockridge Secondary School

ADST (Applied Design, Skills, and Technology), Chemistry, Engineering, Design, Advanced Placement Physics 1and 2, grades 10–12

West Vancouver, British Columbia

"Matt's classes embody what learning should sound like. Beyond the tools and machines, you can hear the sound of collaboration, the enthusiasm of ideas, and the excitement to learn. Matt's classrooms buzz with an excitement I have yet to be able to replicate, and have yet to hear anywhere else."

For Matt Trask, education isn't just about having students memorize concepts and regurgitate them when asked. To his mind, any phone or computer can do that—so education should be about learning how to think through problems and find solutions you can be proud of. To excel as a mathematician or scientist, you must be creative, open-minded and inquisitive. Matt is proof that when these traits are applied to teaching, new horizons can unfold for students.

Teaching approach

Matt does not consider his high school students to be knowledge banks in which teachers deposit information. That method, he argues in his 2017 TEDx Talk, does not create lasting impressions. Instead, he works with students to examine why they're learning certain concepts and helps them apply STEM theories to solve real-world challenges.

In the classroom

  • Refrains from over-explaining concepts, allowing students the chance to work toward answers and feel the gratification of discovery
  • Incorporates advanced tools, such as robotics kits, laser cutters and Arduino kits, to offer students hands-on experience that brings theoretical concepts to life
  • Uses hands-on approaches to create unforgettable learning experiences, such as teaching physics students about friction and force using controlled zipline designs
  • Focuses on ensuring his students develop core competencies and skills rather than just aiming for content retention
  • Ties concepts (such as probability) to tangible demonstrations to engage students and develop relatable touchpoints
  • Challenges students in his ADST classes to create solutions to societal challenges, such as by developing bioplastics or building assistive devices for people with disabilities
  • Is constantly evolving lesson plans and projects to incorporate new technologies and address real-world challenges
  • Takes a district-wide leadership role by sharing, demonstrating and teaching alternative pedagogical approaches and new resources

Outstanding achievements

  • Launched Rockridge Secondary School's first STEM program
  • Created initiatives like the Women in STEM club and Physics Club to encourage students to explore and excel in these fields
  • Helped develop a collaborative format that students could use to work in teams to solve calculus problems—a structure now regularly used by math teachers
  • Helped overhaul West Vancouver School District's assessment method for senior science classes, from one based strictly on traditional assessments and letter grades to one that accounts for cumulative learning outcomes and skill development
  • Organized mentorship opportunities to build a love of STEM in younger learners
Andrea Misner

Andrea Misner: Blazing a science education trail from classroom to cosmos

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (3)

Maples Collegiate

Science, astronomy and physics, grades 9to 12

Winnipeg, Manitoba

"Andrea is an engaged citizen in her community. By being a positive role model for her students and providing them with important experiences, she encourages them to become active members of their community and engaged, science-literate citizens."

For more than 13years, Andrea Misner has transformed science education at Maples Collegiate while emphasizing real-world applications. She fosters a holistic understanding of science, securing funding for innovative projects and promoting inclusivity by highlighting diverse perspectives. Andrea's commitment to uplifting marginalized voices and engaging students beyond textbooks exemplifies her dedication to creating scientifically literate citizens.

Teaching approach

Andrea broadens the traditional classroom by emphasizing outdoor experiences and self-driven projects, fostering a culture of inquiry. Her interactive teaching methods promote hands-on learning, providing ample opportunities for students to engage deeply with scientific concepts. Thanks to awarded grants, she has made unique experiences possible for her students—such as scuba diving lessons that allowed them to conduct experiments underwater. From arranging remote access to a telescope in Australia to setting up mock lunar rover missions for her students, her classroom initiatives exemplify her commitment to innovative, experiential science education.

In the classroom

  • Explains complex topics in engaging and easy-to-follow ways, encouraging students to ask the hard questions and push the boundaries of what they already know
  • Balances "curriculum as plan" and "curriculum as lived" experiences
  • Offers basic lab instruction and training for grade nine students, setting them up for success in the classroom, lab and field as they progress through their high school years
  • Uplifts marginalized voices by having students explore activities, listen to podcasts, and read about research from the BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and highlights underrepresented groups in STEM through class projects
  • Seeks to decolonize science in the classroom by seeking traditional knowledge from Indigenous Peoples and following Truth and Reconciliation practices

Outstanding achievements

  • Organized a Lunar Exploration Simulation and founded the High-Altitude Balloon Club, encouraging cross-school collaboration in scientific exploration Founded the Maples Science Fair, a biannual event for grade nine students
  • Joined and led the Winnipeg and Halifax chapters of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and worked with the society's national branch on public outreach and educational programs
  • Co-founded the STEAM Fest, a two-day, division-wide festival for hands-on scientific learning and friendly competition
  • Developed and implemented Universal Learning Design projects for grade nine science
Karen Choo

Karen Choo: An ally for students hoping to see themselves reflected in STEM

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (4)

Milliken Mills High School

Science and Chemistry, grades 9–12

Markham, Ontario

"While maintaining an innate sense of humility, Ms. Choo exudes enthusiasm, positivity and optimism; teachers

and students want to work with and learn from her. She works hard to help her students succeed and to support colleagues so their own students can be inspired by the wonders of science."

It takes an exceptional teacher to transform a chemistry experiment into a culture-sharing experience, but that's exactly what Karen Choo does with her classes regularly—for example, titrating teas and traditional medicines from students' respective cultures to search for vitamin C. In all her work, Karen seeks to show students that they belong in the science lab and have something meaningful to contribute.

Teaching approach

Science does not exist in a silo at Milliken Mills High School because Karen consistently seeks opportunities across disciplines for her students to connect with the subject through art, language, music and culture. By weaving it into other subject areas, she makes it more accessible to a wide range of students and entices them to delve more deeply into science.

In the classroom

  • Fosters student-led discussions about the ethics around emergent technologies, such as artificial intelligence
  • Creates learning opportunities to braid Indigenous ways of knowing with Western science in collaboration with the school's Indigenous Education Co-Liaison
  • Weaves STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) representation and interpretation into arts classes through activities like bacteria-based art projects, photography printing, and presentations from guest speakers who have built careers and interests in both fields
  • Is an unwavering champion of equity and inclusion in STEM, pushing back against stereotypes to show students of all communities that they belong in and can contribute to STEM fields
  • Helps colleagues who are new to teaching advanced science classes understand how to support their students effectively, and offers her time help them set up labs
  • Continues to augment her own education through conferences, workshops and other professional development courses

Outstanding achievements

  • Empowered students with the skills to teach coding, leading to student-to-student mentoring opportunities
  • Worked with senior chemistry students to create and perform chemistry-based magic shows for students in the school's Multiple Intelligence and Developmentally Delayed class
  • Participated as a panellist at TeacherCon 2023, where she presented on best practices for teaching computer science
  • Presented an experiment she designed at ChemEd, North America's largest conference for high school chemistry teachers
  • Helped run Connecting with the Land, a school-wide event that brought community members and Indigenous Knowledge Keepers together with students to support Indigenous education and environmental stewardship
  • Has been instrumental in developing chemistry courses for Milliken Mills High School's International Baccalaureate program
Dean Netto

Dean Netto: Teaching outside the box

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (5)

St. John Henry Newman Catholic High School

Student Success Teacher, grades 9–12

Scarborough, Ontario

"Mr. Netto's unwavering commitment to educational excellence was integral to me as a student and now inspires me every day in my own teaching practice. He has left an enduring mark on my life and undoubtedly the lives of many others for the past 13years, which is the true testament of a brilliant educator."

Dean Netto is not one for the status quo. If no school clubs reflect a student's interests, he'll create one that does. If traditional textbook teaching of mathematical concepts isn't resonating, he'll set out the concepts in TikTok videos, earworm rap videos, or through the lens of current events. Dean seeks to enhance inclusion across all areas of school life for his students so they can flourish as themselves.

Teaching approach

Dean meets his students where they are. Whether they're exhausted from working a late shift on a school night or feeling hungry for whatever reason, he's ready to offer them the space, comfort and nourishment they need to set themselves up for success. His adaptable lessons appeal to a wide range of learning styles, his classroom is welcoming, and his care is profound.

In the classroom

  • Works closely with guidance counsellors and administrators to make sure students' educational environments meet their needs
  • Seeks to understand the demands, stresses and pressures his students face outside the classroom in order to tailor the space and his lessons to their current capacities and needs
  • Fosters a learning environment that emphasizes mastery of concepts over traditional grade achievements in order to empower students with a pride in and love of learning
  • Relates mathematical concepts to relevant life situations, breaking down the sometimes-abstract nature of mathematics
  • Encourages students to embrace their interests and cultural identities by creating school clubs and other opportunities
  • Acknowledges the role of artificial intelligence in a changing world and integrates it into lesson plans to teach students how to use it responsibly and effectively

Outstanding achievements

  • Transformed the Student Success class from a taboo place into a sanctuary where students want to go
  • Created a DJ club to create a space at school where disengaged students could build confidence, teaching members how to mix music, find work and book shows
  • Created a custom late slip for his classes that allowed students to privately share their reasons for being late so he could work with them to accommodate their needs
  • Led the school cricket team to a final championship
  • Encouraged his students to present their statistics work on bullying, gender equality, inclusivity and other issues in the school to create tangible changes in students' behaviours
Jasmine Sgambelluri

Jasmine Sgambelluri: Helping students develop their identities

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (6)

Lakehead District School Board

First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education Resources, kindergarten–grade 10

Thunder Bay, Ontario

"By embracing Indigenous ways of teaching and learning, she creates learning environments that respect and celebrate the unique strengths and perspectives of all students, fostering a sense of pride in identity that is crucial for academic success and global citizenship."

Jasmine Sgambelluri teaches through relationships. Students explore relationships between themselves, their families and their classmates, and teachers within the board. By situating her pupils—whether they're toddlers or teaching professionals—at the centre of her practice, Jasmine helps build within each individual an understanding of how they relate to their world and to each other.

Teaching approach

Jasmine centres her teaching around student well-being. She understands that schools must be welcoming, physically and culturally safe places for students to thrive. By helping students understand themselves and their communities, she enables them to participate in many hands-on learning opportunities, which encourages students to pursue their interests, connect with others, and be proud of who they are.

In the classroom

  • Braids Indigenous ways of knowing with digital learning to create and respectfully share resources and lessons from Elders and Knowledge Carriers with other educators
  • Encourages non-Indigenous educators to learn alongside their students, assuring teachers that it's okay not to have all the answers or to get something wrong
  • Recognizes that learning doesn't come just from a teacher in a classroom and that children need opportunities to learn from their families and communities, too
  • Represents a familiar figure to many students, who see their relations reflected in her as a warm and caring educator
  • Uses the Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada's massive floor map to encourage students to explore and situate themselves in the geography, history and present-day realities of Canada and Indigenous Peoples in Canada
  • Embeds herself in classrooms to ensure that educators and students are working in safe spaces to engage in learning about Indigenous Peoples living in Canada

Outstanding achievements

  • Partnered with a regional school board during COVID-19 to support students who returned to remote communities, working with teachers to design a curriculum that linked to and acknowledged the traditional learning that students were doing in their home communities
  • Collaborated with Elders and Knowledge Carriers to create a guiding resource for the school district that helps teachers ensure that Indigenous communities are represented in district classrooms, thereby allowing students to see themselves and their culture being valued and represented
  • Co-planned Jiikakamigad, a community celebration of Indigenous education and student achievement, in which students spoke in their language, displayed their art, sang, drummed and performed for a proud audience of parents, guardians and educators
André Cholmsky

André Cholmsky: Cultivating curious and creative thinkers

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (7)

Collège Villa Maria

Mathematics, Science, Technology and Physics, secondary 4and 5

Montreal, Quebec

"André's classroom is a place where the content comes alive. The student-led approach he uses enables his students not only to learn content, but to see its relevance to the real world. This way, students learn to transfer their knowledge and find answers to real-world problems."

Since he began teaching nearly 30years ago, André Cholmsky has never stopped evolving. A learner for life, and a dedicated scientist and leader, André has ushered in many new programs, teaching tools, community partnerships and eco-initiatives to inspire his students with rich, relatable, hands-on and energizing science and mathematics experiences.

Teaching approach

André helps his students experience the real-world impacts of what they learn in the classroom. Recognizing that learning in a purely digital realm can be disjointed and abstract (creating a gulf in understanding between concepts and real-world impacts), he creates opportunities for digitally literate students to apply their classroom learnings—such as by growing food on campus, solving sustainability challenges in the cafeteria, and contributing to community initiatives.

In the classroom

  • Engages students through humour, impromptu demonstrations and dynamic hands-on learning opportunities to build rapport and foster familiarity with class concepts
  • Teaches students how to run experiments and interpret data through digital learning tools and spreadsheets in order to grow their digital literacy skills
  • Recognizes that relying too much on purely digital learning can create a cognitive distance from the material world, so aims to use digital tools as a way of interpreting tangible learning
  • Empowers students not just to participate in the classroom, but to pitch ideas that will feed into Collège Villa Maria's transition to becoming more environmentally sustainable
  • Coordinates with teachers at other grade levels to foster cross-cohort collaboration on STEM projects between students
  • Creates collaborative project opportunities between students and universities, non-profits and other STEM professionals so students can see the tangible impacts of the concepts they're mastering and meet mentors who introduce them to career possibilities

Outstanding achievements

  • Introduced robotics and coding programs into classes at Collège Villa Maria
  • Created an on-campus garden, dubbed the "Techno-Farm," where students practise and trial gardening and growing techniques while learning about plant and carbon cycles, biodiversity, climate change and human health
  • Coordinated a school eco-fashion show to promote awareness of the environmental costs of fast fashion while connecting students with local green fashion designers and producers
  • Developed the "Villa in Action" program at school to motivate students to get involved and pursue their own social justice initiatives
  • Mentored students who developed a vermicomposting system (using worms) at school for cafeteria waste, then developed resources, teaching materials and user guides so other schools could adopt the program using Collège Villa Maria as a model
Rosemary Hill

Rosemary Hill: Empowering a generation of change-makers

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (8)

Beaconsfield Secondary School

English, grade 7

Beaconsfield, Quebec

"Ms. Hill aspires to enrich every student's learning experience by providing situations and opportunities for students to think critically, resolve problems in their communities, and reach audiences that they otherwise never would."

In Rosemary Hill's mind, no subject exists in isolation. Instead, her classroom is a doorway to discussions of global issues and community involvement. Language and literature lessons are tools to empower conscientious and involved individuals who create positive change in their world.

Teaching approach

Rosemary views her students as engaged global citizens who happen to be studying grade 7English. Through the prism of literature, Rosemary challenges them to find and tell stories from and about the world around them, and then to consider how they can author their own stories through social entrepreneurship and community involvement.

In the classroom

  • Works collaboratively with other teachers to blend concepts from other subjects with the English curriculum
  • Invites communications experts, such as public speakers and movie industry professionals, to talk about their professions and run workshops with students
  • Encourages students to pursue their passions and contribute to their communities through social entrepreneurship
  • Empowers students to discover and flex personal strengths, problem solve and manage time through entrepreneurship assignments
  • Uses flexible evaluative metrics to gauge students' proficiency levels rather than a one-size-fits-all set of criteria, encouraging students to grow their abilities
  • Ensures that students with varying academic abilities have the resources and supports they need to engage and grow with the content she teaches

Outstanding achievements

  • Rewilded and planted gardens in the school courtyard with students who sought to take eco-conscious actions on campus
  • Championed the integration of technology in classrooms, from advocating for laptops and smartboards to facilitating podcast and movie productions
  • Partnered with community organizations like food banks, hospitals and a seniors' home to build a sense of community involvement in her students
  • Helped develop a new curriculum for the school board to help students grow their sense of self-awareness and understanding of career opportunities
  • Empowered students to develop provincially celebrated social entrepreneurship initiatives supporting women's shelters, organizations focused on accessibility, and environmental initiatives
  • Mentored more than 25student teachers over the course of her career
Jennifer O'Neill-Riggs

Jennifer O'Neill-Riggs: Nurturing mindful and curious students

"Mrs. Riggs is the epitome of the greatest teacher. She exemplifies what it means to be a passionate educator by consistently surpassing expectations in the realms of innovative teaching practices, commitment to students' success and dedication to fostering a love of learning."

No matter the time or place—from summer break to after hours or out of province—Jennifer O'Neill-Riggs' mind is always on her students' well-being. She breaks down barriers while building launch pads to success, ensuring that all students at her school have the chance to fall in love with science.

Teaching approach

Jennifer meets her students wherever they are at: if they're hungry, she feeds them. If they're stressed, she helps them with mindfulness and stress management. And then, when they're raring to learn again, she puts them to work, exploring the phenomena that animate the natural world around them.

In the classroom

  • Consistently seeks new resources and tools to foster greater engagement, discovery and success among students
  • Recognizes the importance of positive mental health for students, and blends STEM lessons with mindfulness, time management and stress management—such as by using student-coded breathing monitors to demonstrate the impact of breathing exercises on stress levels
  • Responds to students' interests and learning styles by adapting lessons into animated videos that capture students' attention and asking students to demonstrate their own research through animation
  • Consistently seeks students' feedback on lessons so she can refine and adapt them, giving students a voice in their education paths
  • Serves as a member of the curriculum development team for Newfoundland and Labrador's Health and Wellness curriculum while also piloting a new grade 7science curriculum in her own classroom

Outstanding achievements

  • Collaborated with an art teacher to come up with visual and interactive ways to help students who did not speak English as their first language learn about the impacts of climate change
  • Worked with student volunteers over the summer to develop and refine new ideas for science lessons that would respond to students' interests and engagement levels—including building water rockets and making ice cream to learn about states of matter and viscosity
  • Supported a student's science fair project on alternative energy production (the project went on to earn awards at provincial and national levels and was published in the Canadian Science Fair Journal)
  • Advocated for a dedicated makerspace in the school, where students could engage in hands-on learning, develop collaboration skills, and explore their interests in areas like Lego robotics, 3D design and video production
  • Has led the school breakfast program by recruiting community volunteers, building relationships with program sponsors, and purchasing and preparing breakfast items for students to ensure physical hunger does not stand in the way of their ability to learn
Pierre Cook

Pierre Cook: Giving students autonomy and self-confidence

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (10)

École Boréale

Preschool to Grade 12, music, technology, physical education, woodworking, student and cultural life

Hay River, Northwest Territories

"With his personality, Pierre helps develop our students' sense of belonging and their desire to improve the school experience, even if those who will benefit most are the students of tomorrow. Above all, he boosts his students' confidence in their ability to take action to bring about change."

Pierre Cook is not one to hold his students' hands. In fact, as a sign of his impact and leadership, he regularly sets up initiatives in his classes and at school, ensuring that they can continue without his direct involvement. He reinforces his students' skills, confident that they have the self-discipline needed to complete their tasks.

Teaching approach

Part facilitator and part coach, Pierre imparts tools, knowledge and self-confidence to his students. His lessons offer students opportunities to explore their areas of interest, learn from their mistakes and come out of their shells, to discover that their contributions to the classroom, the school and the community are useful and appreciated.

In the classroom

  • Uses a multitude of digital technologies in the classroom, from French to music to technology.
  • Goes beyond traditional musical instruments to teach students how to create electronic music with applications such as Garage Band and Logic.
  • Works with other teachers in the school to use existing projects to teach students to research reliable sources online, while practising digital safety and ethics.
  • Exposes students to a variety of cultures that are part of La Francophonie by playing music by artists from Canada and abroad, in order to create a real passion for these artists and spark an interest in discovering other cultures and regions of the world.
  • Allows students to gain independence by giving them a list of weekly tasks that they can then complete in the order they want.
  • Ensures students see themselves reflected in the content of their courses, offering lessons that include sources from different cultures, including an Indigenous reading project.
  • Sets an example when it comes to global citizenship and community involvement by getting involved in running several school and community sports clubs and teams.
  • Invites colleagues to join him in aerobic or strength training at lunchtime.

Outstanding achievements

  • Created Radio Boréale, a weekly podcast hosted by his students as part of their French class, which is broadcast on the Northwest Territories' French‑language community radio station.
  • Worked with the school librarian and the Grades 3and 4students to modernize the labelling of library sections, to show students that using certain digital tools (in this case, Google Slides) can have a real impact on their school environment.
  • Established a class council for Grades 5and 6, so that students can have their say about how the class is run and find solutions as a group.
  • Set up a student parliament, giving secondary students the opportunity to become more involved in student life and in improving various aspects of their school experience.
  • Received a $6,000grant to purchase new musical instruments for his school.

Certificate of Achievement

Kathie-Lee Gibbons

Kathie-Lee Gibbons: Projecting positive energy

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (11)

Duclos School

All subjects, grade 1

Bonnyville, Alberta

"Kathie-Lee Gibbons stays on top of current educational trends and puts new learning into practice. She tailors her lessons and teaching style to the needs of her students, even if it means she is pushed out of her comfort zone. She will spend hours of her own time researching, reading and looking for professional development opportunities to provide quality instruction."

Kathie-Lee Gibbons blends attention to detail with a creative routine to keep her students engaged and eager to learn during every lesson she delivers. By taking the time to build meaningful relationships with each student, she creates a positive energy that students can perceive the moment they walk into her classroom.

Teaching approach

Kathie-Lee is always looking for new ways to make lessons fun and interesting, and is dedicated to creating an inclusive and dynamic classroom where every student feels valued and challenged. She incorporates hands-on activities, interactive projects, and educational games into her lessons, reinforcing a deeper understanding of concepts.

In the classroom

  • Creates an environment that allows students to feel comfortable and safe sharing thoughts and ideas
  • Incorporates a range of digital technologies into lessons, such as using the SMART board to implement a game-show approach to help students learn and practice sight words
  • Integrates literacy programs, such as Teach Your Monster and Raz-Kids, to enable students to access books at their own reading levels while also introducing them to Chromebooks
  • Ensures that alternative communication devices are seamlessly handed over to parents of nonverbal students at the end of each school day so these students and their families can communicate at home
  • Instills a sense of ownership and leadership by having a new student helper each day, ensuring each student gets the opportunity to take on key classroom responsibilities
  • Sends home detailed monthly calendars, email reminders of important events or updates, and daily communication in students' agendas to build strong relationships with her students' families
  • Teaches her students what it means to be inclusive and how to accept each other's differences, not only in how they look but how they learn

Outstanding achievements

  • Helped students learn about changes in matter by having them create "shape shifter" animals out of playdough, then getting them to reshape the animals by bending, twisting, rolling, stretching, cutting and breaking
  • Created the "Royal Reader" program in which each student invites someone to read a story of their choosing to the class; the royal guest wears a special robe and crown, sits in a special chair and is introduced by the student
  • Incorporated digital technology into students' holiday gifts by taking the time to record personalized videos of each student and linking to these using a QR code attached to each child's handmade ornament
  • Started an annual community service project where students create birthday bags and cards to distribute to a local senior citizens' lodge
Karen Goepen-Wee, Danna Galvin Euverman and Tisha Mellor

Karen Goepen-Wee, Danna Galvin Euverman and Tisha Mellor: Making online learning work for all students

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (12) 2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (13) 2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (14)

Rundle Studio

English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, grades 7–9

Calgary, Alberta

"Together, Mrs. Euverman, Mrs. Goepen-Wee, and Mrs. Mellor have created a school community where any student, anywhere, can be seen and heard. These teachers understand that all of our students can succeed if their learning disabilities are accommodated, and they explicitly teach students about these accommodations so they can learn to self-advocate and be empowered."

When Danna Euverman, Karen Goepen-Wee and Tisha Mellor were hired at Rundle Studio, their task was clear: find a way to ensure that students with learning disabilities and complex learning needs could thrive in an online learning environment. There is no question that they rose to the challenge, creating a universal design for virtual education that works for all students.

Teaching approach

Using innovative methods, Danna, Karen and Tisha have found ways to elevate students' learning experiences, creating interactive lessons that break down the barriers of online education and give students more autonomy in their school experiences. Understanding that every student at Rundle Studio has a diagnosed learning disability, they create lessons designed to reduce cognitive load and provide opportunities for enrichment.

In the classroom

All three teachers:

  • Embed accommodations—such as audio, text-to-speech and guiding templates—into lessons to create equal learning opportunities for students and scaffold the learning process
  • Create Individual Program Plans (IPPs) that include specific, measurable goals as well as strategies that will help support students
  • Prepare differentiated lessons and look for ways to help all students access and demonstrate learning
  • Ensure that accommodations like immersive readers and videos are readily available to all learners
  • Give students opportunities to join breakout rooms according to their interests in order to keep them socially engaged
  • Build relationships with both students and parents to best support students' mental health
  • Record lessons and upload them to a learning management system so students and parents can access them any time
  • Use a teacher advisor (TA) model, in which students from various grades are grouped into cohorts and paired with a teacher for several years

Outstanding achievements

  • Used a learning management system called Canvas to design and build lessons that would reduce students' cognitive loads; embedded students' accommodations in their teaching; and provided a framework enabling students to access the classes and resources 24/7
  • Enabled students to engage with each other using a 2-dimensional metaverse called Gather, in which students roamed a virtual playground using avatars, seeing and talking to other students through Zoom-like camera bubbles
  • Created "flex blocks" where students were given time to reflect on their learning, seek out extra support, and complete assignments and tasks that might otherwise not be completed
  • Initiated a weekly "CORE" class, in which students learned more about how the brain works so they could better understand the learning process and strategies that will work for them
Taylor Lamb

Taylor Lamb: Nurturing an inclusive classroom

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (15)

St. Martha School

ELAL, Math, Science, Social, Art, Religion, Life Skills, grade 1

Calgary, Alberta

"Taylor recognizes the unique needs of each student and tailors her approach accordingly, creating a classroom atmosphere where every student feels valued and supported. She goes above and beyond to ensure that her students receive the individualized attention and accommodations necessary for their academic and personal growth."

Taylor Lamb creates a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that is welcoming to all students and caters to their diverse learning styles. She works tirelessly to cultivate a positive atmosphere, not only for her students, but for the entire school community.

Teaching approach

By combining specialized training, multisensory approaches, digital tools and personalized projects, Taylor ensures that every student has the tools to excel. She tailors her approach to each learner's unique strengths and challenges, using personalized tools to create a supportive learning environment that nurtures a love for learning and creative expression.

In the classroom

  • Integrates digital and creative literacy, drawing on her specialized training in Orton-Gillingham, a methodology rooted in the science of reading
  • Uses a range of hands-on activities—from introducing student choice centres to tracing letters in the sand to incorporating online videos—to ensure students are actively engaged in their educations
  • Seamlessly integrates educational support students into regular education courses, fostering inclusivity and empathy among all students
  • Turns the learning process into a physical and kinesthetic experience, enhancing muscle memory while making the acquisition of writing and language skills more engaging and effective
  • Uses online decodable readers to foster familiarity with online resources and prepare students for the digital landscape they will encounter beyond the classroom
  • Employs art projects and science experiments to develop core words, language skills and clear communication
  • Incorporates yoga movements, mindfulness practices and breathing exercises into the daily routine to create a holistic and supportive classroom
  • Uses clear visual schedules and sign language to enable students to express basic needs, like bathroom breaks, and to build to a more inclusive learning environment
  • Uses a large AAC core board to empower students to construct sentences and express themselves, ensuring that all students, regardless of language proficiency or verbal abilities, can actively participate in language learning

Outstanding achievements

  • Sought out private donors to secure a TouchChat device for a 14-year-old student with limited communications abilities to ensure he had access to the tools he needed to succeed
  • Established the ESII life skills program, which includes daily walks around the school and pathways, to help students develop essential life skills and gain a deeper understanding of their role within the broader community
  • Instilled a sense of environmental responsibility among her grade 1students through a unique experiment that had them place garbage inside a carved-out pumpkin, bury it in dirt, and observe its decomposition on Earth Day
Chantal Moroney

Chantal Moroney: Cultivating a safe learning environment

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (16)

École Our Lady of the Rosary School

French Language Arts, Math, Science, Art, Music, Religion, Social, grade 1

Sylvan Lake, Alberta

"Chantal Moroney leaves a lasting impression, shaping a positive future for our children as she instills confidence, love and wisdom. With her warm smile and a voice brimming with excitement and joy, she radiates a beautiful light that echoes in the hearts and minds of her students."

Chantal Moroney celebrates each child's uniqueness. She has the ability to seamlessly balance individualized attention, innovative techniques and behavioural management to create a positive classroom environment where every child feels valued, safe and eager to learn.

Teaching approach

Chantal is committed to understanding and recognizing her students' diverse learning styles, and her teaching practices engage and inspire even the most reluctant students. Her infectious positivity and innovative teaching techniques create an environment bursting with creativity that motivates students to consistently strive for excellence.

In the classroom

  • Provides opportunities for all children to learn in ways that are tailored to their unique needs and learning styles
  • Empowers students to take the lead in their own learning by giving them the autonomy to express themselves in different ways, from reading to imaginative play to creative artistry
  • Integrates movement breaks into the daily routine, not only to allow for a more engaging learning experience, but also to demonstrate the importance of physical activity in development and overall health
  • Gives students suitable classroom management roles—from distributing worksheets to carrying out tasks that contribute to the classes' overall function—to ensure that they feel like an integral part of the learning journey
  • Teaches mindfulness techniques, like belly breathing, to promote students' well-being and support their mental health
  • Uses a visual calendar to help students establish a routine and understand expectations in the classroom
  • Uses decodable books, mirrors and whisper phones to break down pronunciation and demonstrate how to produce French sounds correctly
  • Employs Accelerative Integrated Methodology (AIM) to ensure authentic learning is achieved through scaffolding techniques, such as storytelling, gestures, active collaboration, and repetition
  • Emphasizes cultural education by introducing diverse books and initiating conversations about the beauty of differences

Outstanding achievements

  • Established a morning routine where students dress "Felix" the class sloth according to the weather, helping them evaluate their ever-changing environment while developing language skills
  • Created a reward system where students with behavioural issues earned stones for positive actions, trading them in to pursue activities of their choice once they accumulated five stones
  • Used "talking circles" as a tool for communication to instill listening skills and create respect and positive relationships in the classroom
  • Conducted a project to have students harvest vegetables they had planted in kindergarten and then donated all surplus vegetables to a local food bank
Roderick Rivera

Roderick Rivera: Building positive relationships

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (17)

École Our Lady of the Rosary School

French Language Arts, English Language Arts, Science, Reading Support, grades 1–3, and grade 4French Immersion

Sylvan Lake, Alberta

"M. Rivera is such a kind and gentle teacher. He gives his students his full attention and expresses true interest in them as people. He inspires them to learn and be their own selves and proud of it."

Roderick Rivera lives by the philosophy that individuals should strive to be the best versions of themselves to better serve others—and this perspective drives his teaching. He builds positive relationships with every student, showing them that they possess untapped potential and have valuable contribution to make.

Teaching approach

Roderick recognizes the value of tailoring the learning experience to fit each child's unique needs and goals, providing students with the opportunity to choose the learning approaches that work best for them. He focuses on enhancing student memory, developing problem-solving skills, and cultivating thinking skills using a variety of approaches that meet the varied needs of all his students.

In the classroom

  • Uses visual, auditory and kinesthetic approaches to tailor his teaching to students' varying needs
  • Fosters a supportive and positive classroom culture where students feel comfortable expressing themselves without judgement
  • Uses websites and digital platforms, such as Raz-Kids, Classcraft, Jamboard and Kahoot, to bring learning alive and build digital literacy
  • Incorporates music into his classroom as a tool to calm minds and develop greater connections and plays classical music when assignments require focus
  • Reinforces the academic curriculum with real-world applications, stimulating students' practical knowledge
  • Has students assist with daily responsibilities in the classroom, from turning the lights on and off to helping distribute tools and supplies for upcoming activities
  • Discusses current events with students to develop their critical thinking skills and awareness of global issues
  • Infuses Indigenous practices and "Talking Circles" into his lessons to develop the whole child and help students build positive relationships

Outstanding achievements

  • Used the Classcraft website to turn learning into a role-playing adventure for a grade 3French immersion class, inviting students to use their imaginations to create characters and earn points, all while working together to achieve a common goal
  • Taught physics concepts in a fun and engaging way through an "egg drop" experiment that challenged students to create a structure to protect an egg from a 10-foot (3-metre) drop
  • Established an after-school reading club to promote students' reading comprehension and confidence
  • Initiated a Reading Buddies program that paired grade 3students with those from younger grades to assist with reading skills and foster positive relationships between students of all ages at the school
Kirk Wassmer

Kirk Wassmer: Building a legacy of musical excellence

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (18)

Didsbury High School

Band 9, Jazz Band 9, Instrumental Music 10/20/30, Instrumental Jazz 15/25/35, grades 9–12

Didsbury, Alberta

"Kirk's passion for music is evident in his expertise and genuine joy for sharing this art form with young minds. His exceptional contributions to music education, innovative teaching practices and unwavering dedication set him apart as a true leader in education."

Kirk Wassmer is dedicated to fostering a love of music in his students, the school and the broader community. He has spent the past 20-plus years growing Didsbury's music program into one of the best in the country, raising the standard of what excellence in music education can look like.

Teaching approach

By exposing students to a variety of platforms and musical contexts, Kirk creates a learning environment that not only supports their academic and musical growth, but also nurtures leadership skills and a holistic appreciation for the arts. He provides enriching experiences that go beyond the regular classroom, inspiring students to reach unprecedented heights in their musical pursuits.

In the classroom

  • Fosters a dynamic and participatory environment that enhances students' understanding and retention of musical concepts
  • Breaks learning into instrument-specific components, catering to individual needs and allowing each student to focus on their instrument's nuances—and then bringing everyone together, creating a sense of unity and collaboration
  • Acknowledges the importance of pacing and ensures that students can approach challenging pieces with a refreshed perspective, promoting better understanding and retention
  • Provides opportunities that extend learning beyond the classroom—such as having students participate in festivals, perform in concerts at home and away, and get involved in band experiences
  • Collaborates with professional composers and musicians to provide students with a valuable glimpse into the contemporary music landscape
  • Provides students with opportunities to take on self-composed solos, encouraging them to trust in their abilities and step out of their comfort zones
  • Meets with students outside of regular class hours to help them learn difficult parts of pieces and support their musical endeavours outside of school
  • Encourages students to take advantage of available digital music resources, such as tuner and metronome apps as well as musical notation software

Outstanding achievements

  • Collaborated with a professional record producer to create a CD of his students' music, providing them with a hands-on and immersive experience in modern music production
  • Commissioned several pieces for the Symphonic Winds band—including one by Spanish composer Javier Pérez Garrido, another by Canadian composer Cait Nishimura, and another by Canadian composer Matt Neufeld
  • Has organized music tours for students in Scotland, England, Spain, the United States, and almost every province in Canada, offering them firsthand experiences with different countries and communities
  • Coordinated the hosting of band students from Germany and the Netherlands to enrich his students' cultural experiences
Stephen Joyce

Stephen Joyce: Helping students dream of a better world

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (19)

Timberline Secondary School

Social Studies, Outdoor Education, English, Geography and Comparative Cultures, grades 9–12

Campbell River, British Columbia

"Steve has been one of my greatest role models and mentors…So much of my journey out of high school I owe to him. He shared with students the opportunities he had and the lessons he learned from travelling and exploring the world. He would implore us to have an open mind and open heart, and tell us that if we could dream of a better world, then we could make it possible."

Stephen Joyce's classroom boasts old military uniforms and maps of J.R.R. Tolkien's "Middle-earth" (the fictional setting for the author's well-known fantasy novels)—not to mention ancient cedar trees, bears, beaches and jaw-dropping vistas. He draws on his own passions for literature, history and the great outdoors to instill a love of learning, nature and global citizenship in his students.

Teaching approach

Long before Stephen set foot in a classroom as a teacher, he was trekking across some of BC's iconic parks as a ranger, outdoor program educator and competitive telemark skier. These experiences allow him to merge classroom-based subjects with outdoor activities to help students be present in their learning and connect academic concepts to the world around them.

In the classroom

  • Takes advantage of spontaneous learning opportunities that arise outside—for example, delving into geography lessons based on geological formations spotted on excursions, or launching discussions of atmospheric science when there are changes in the weather
  • Aims to connect students to nature and themselves by taking them beyond the classroom walls (and out of cellphone reception) to engage more directly with their thoughts and the natural world
  • Builds trust with his students so they can fully and safely enjoy learning outdoors
  • Nurtures a love and appreciation for nature and community involvement by asking students to consider their ability to influence their world
  • Considers his students' interest levels in relevant activities to support their learning outcomes
  • Uses his Outdoor Education excursions to connect students with community businesses and individuals whose work is related to nature, such as trails groups, recycling businesses, industrial design outlets, and small-scale farms

Outstanding achievements

  • Helped Timberline Secondary School's Global Issues Club raise more than $100,000for humanitarian causes
  • Created a landmine awareness course with support from the Canadian Red Cross and Canadian Armed Forces
  • Grew Timberline Secondary School's Outdoor Club into a full-time educational stream that invites grade 11and 12students to build a close-knit community of support through outdoor learning experiences
  • Introduced a "Middle-earth 12" course that models the general plot of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit to dissect concepts of symbolism, myth and geography while encouraging students to follow their own paths and interests
  • Connected his students with young women in Kandahar, Afghanistan to build understanding and foster friendships
Natalie Raedwulf Pogue

Natalie Raedwulf Pogue: Creating a welcoming space for all learners

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (20)

Carihi Secondary School

Learning Support Teacher, grades 9–12

Campbell River, British Columbia

"Natalie wholeheartedly believes that in addition to empowering students, that our responsibility as educators demands of us to ensure that student have access to inclusive, diverse, supportive educational spaces and that we listen to the voices of disabled and other marginalized people to inform our practice."

Natalie Raedwulf Pogue is an Autistic and disabled educator and advocate who is passionate about changing stereotypes. She wholeheartedly believes that an educator's responsibility is not only to empower students, but to ensure that they have access to inclusive, diverse, supportive educational spaces.

Teaching approach

Natalie is an exceptional learning support teacher committed to bettering the lives of students who are neurodivergent, disabled or queer. She listens to the voices of students who are disabled or otherwise marginalized to inform her teaching practice, and is always striving to foster positive identity, connection, empowerment and celebration of diverse identities among her students, colleagues and community.

In the classroom

  • Creates a physical environment in the Learning Support Room that is welcoming to all learners by offering things like low lighting, different seating options (such as couches, hammocks, bean bag chairs), and even a tea station
  • Promotes the use of various apps, tools and assistive technologies to support students with diverse learning needs
  • Regularly gives presentations to students and staff in order to challenge stereotypes or misconceptions and promote the acceptance of people with disabilities
  • Advocates for BIPOC students who have learning, intellectual or neurodevelopmental disabilities and works to connect them to appropriate supports
  • Uses her own lived experiences as an Autistic and disabled person to demonstrate that students can learn in different ways and at different speeds
  • Invites community members into the classroom to encourage students to connect and engage with the broader community

Outstanding achievements

  • Created several presentations and displays in the school's front entrance to engage students, staff and community members in conversations around issues such as neurodiversity, the rights and laws impacting LGBTQ2S+ people in Canada, and Transgender people in Indigenous cultures in North America and across the world
  • Has co-hosted weekly Gender/ Sexuality Alliance meet-ups with self-identified students and uses these opportunities to engage in student-led initiatives and foster peer-support
  • Helped ensure that students could have their chosen pronouns used in classrooms by finding ways to enable teachers to feel comfortable asking about pronouns
  • Created the "The Spices of Life" club for students who identify as autistic, or who have ADHD or other learning disabilities, to provide neuro-affirming support and strategies, and to build positive-self-identity and peer support for neurodivergent learners
Thomas Ayre

Thomas Ayre: Helping all students thrive

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (21)

St. Michael's Elementary School

English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Religion, grade 4

Stephenville Crossing, Newfoundland

"Mr. Ayre is everything you would want in your child's teacher. He is a patient, caring individual who uses his talents and abilities to provide the best possible environment for his students and all members of the school community."

Thomas Ayre's smile says it all: he loves his job. He's the kind of educator that every parent hopes will teach their child. A deeply caring individual, he is always willing to dedicate his time and energy to improving the lives of his students, going above and beyond to ensure their happiness and success. His commitment to his students and the community at large provides a wonderful example of what it means to be a global citizen.

Teaching approach

Thomas is dedicated to creating lessons and activities that students of all levels can succeed at. He fundamentally believes in meeting students where they are, both socially and academically, and helping them to grow as people. His approach to solving any issues that arise in the classroom is to resolve them independently using a firm, yet kind and caring, demeanour.

In the classroom

  • Uses digital tools, such as 3D printing, Minecraft, and stop-motion photography, to make literacy learning more interactive and engaging
  • Involves parents, community members and Elders in classroom activities and lessons to demonstrate the importance of cultural learning
  • Designs lessons that meet the diverse needs of all students, from more advanced students to those who need alternative approaches to learning
  • Instills a sense of responsibility in students by having them teach social and emotional learning (SEL) concepts to students in younger grades
  • Collaborates regularly with other classes through art projects, cultural activities and school-wide initiatives, like the Reading Buddies program
  • Incorporates the use of Chrome Books to teach technology skills while achieving curriculum outcomes

Outstanding achievements

  • Used stop-motion videography to have students work in groups to create and film short stories and poems they had written
  • Initiated the "Are you smarter than the Principal?" program to encourage students to interact with school administrators and view them as other "helping adults" they can turn to
  • Used 3D printing to allow students to print and build components for dioramas to illustrate important or favorite parts of stories, both ones they had read and others they had written
  • Encouraged the love of reading by turning off all the lights and reading the book The City of Ember, by Jeanne DuPrau, using a headlamp to create an atmosphere that evoked the story's setting
Tiffany Gould

Tiffany Gould: Connecting student to their heritage

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (22)

We'koqma'q Mi'kmaw School

Mi'kmaw Language, Kindergarten, grades 3and 4

We'koqma'qFirst Nation

"Tiffany Gould's dedication to saving the Mi'kmaw language in her classroom reflects a rare combination of passion, innovation, parent involvement and leadership. I am confident that her continued efforts will contribute significantly to the preservation and revitalization of the Mi'kmaw language, leaving a lasting positive impact on the students and the community."

Tiffany Gould is a young educator who is committed to saving her Indigenous language by instilling a love of culture, language and Mi'kmaw ways of knowing and being in young learners. She believes that living what you teach sets an example and model for her students. She is driven by her passion to preserve the Mi'kmaw language and brings this energy and love of her culture to her students and school community.

Teaching approach

Tiffany recognizes the importance and value of grounding students in who they are culturally at a young age and is dedicated to fostering the development of her students through language preservation. She consistently integrates play-based instruction, music and outdoor learning into her teaching to share her love of Mi'Kmaw language, beliefs and ways with students. She infuses cultural knowledge into her lessons to decolonize education while increasing students' understanding of the world they live in.

In the classroom

  • Employs diverse strategies to ensure every child knows that they matter and that their learning style is respected and valued
  • Uses hands-on experiences, interactive games, and a variety of materials to foster creativity and encourage problem-solving skills
  • Engages students in outdoor events like play-based fishing, hunting and other culturally appropriate activities to teach them to celebrate who they are
  • Integrates interactive technology, such as language learning apps and interactive language buttons, to capture students' interests and provide a modern approach to language acquisition
  • Designs units around nature, community events and themes relevant to young Mi'kmaw learners' lives to make language learning more meaningful and applicable their experiences
  • Uses traditional Mi'kmaw music, songs and rhymes to reinforce language patterns
  • Implements programs that encourage parental involvement in students' language acquisition
  • Fosters connections with the We'koqma'q and Mi'kma'ki community, involving Elders, native speakers, and community members in language teaching sessions
  • Ensures that the Mi'kmaw concept of Netukelimk—our relationship with the land, water and animals—is embedded in everything she does in the classroom

Outstanding achievements

  • Invited Elders into her classroom—and even had one designated daily to her class—to support language learning and enhance cultural education
  • Taught students how to sing Christmas carols in the Mi'kmaw language so they could perform them at the school's holiday concert
  • Hosted the Elder's Tea, an event where the community was invited into the school and students served Elders and listened to their stories
Allyson Bradley

Allyson Bradley: Putting students' individuality centre-stage

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (23)

Chinguacousy Secondary School

Dramatic Arts and Science, grades 9–12

Brampton, Ontario

"Ms. Bradley is a phenomenal and caring individual and teacher. She values honesty, acceptance and overall respectfulness of any and all people of different genders, sexualities, religions, race and any other identities. She encourages people to be the best versions of themselves and allows people to grow and learn without judgement."

Much like how a talented movie director creates opportunities to let their stars shine, Allyson Bradley relentlessly seeks to build stages meant to show off her students' skills. Her unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive school environments enriches her students' school experiences.

Teaching approach

Allyson Bradley's classroom is sometimes the school's 750-seat theatre, sometimes the science lab, but it is always a welcoming space for all learners. By insisting that each student has something of value to contribute to a given production or research project, she allows individuals to embrace their particular skills and interests—and deepens their appreciation of other students' contributions.

In the classroom

  • Encourages students to learn how to use tools such as artificial intelligence and other technologies in arts fields responsibly
  • Emphasizes the importance of the creative process—not just the final result—to remind students that learning and achievement are measured by the entire process involved in developing an idea into a performance
  • Insists on inclusion by working with students to demonstrate that theatre productions and science involve many more elements than on-stage presentations and experiments
  • Adapts course themes and instructional strategies to empower students
  • Equips students with the skills to integrate real-life experiences and "verbatim evidence" into their artistic creations and to help reflect the world around them through the lived experiences of others

Outstanding achievements

  • Empowered students to produce The Neurodiversity Project, an original 1-act play that represented the experiences of students with autism in high school and called for schools to be more accessible for neurodiverse students (the play was described by a National Theatre School Festival judge as "mandatory viewing" and by the current Chinguacousy principal as "the best piece of professional development I've ever witnessed")
  • Hosted the Peel District School Board's first Courage Tour Conference, to which she invited Gay-Straight Alliances from neighbouring schools for a day of networking and learning from experts and participants of Canada's Drag Race
  • Founded the Chinguacousy Activism and Revolutionary Executive (CARE), a student group that aims to equip students with the skills, knowledge and resources needed to empower equity-seeking communities at school and in the community
  • Helped CARE coordinate learning opportunities around the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, raised money for various Red Cross efforts, and created safe spaces at school for marginalized students
Angela Burr

Angela Burr: Making learning an adventure

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (24)

Madoc Township Public School

Mathematics, Language, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and the Arts, grades 3and 4

Madoc, Ontario

"As a creative and innovative teacher, Angela transforms each lesson into a world of possibilities. She goes beyond teaching facts—she sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning."

Angela Burr's calling cards are inclusivity, patience and the ability to cultivate and grow students' natural curiosity. She has an aptitude for building a classroom that feels like a community and family, where every student feels valued and included.

Teaching approach

Angela focuses on her students' natural curiosity—not just encouraging and feeding it, but harnessing it to ensure learning becomes an adventure. Approaching each school day through a lens of inquiry, she emphasizes active listening and uses her students' ideas to engage them in developing the curriculum. The result is an educational experience that reflects her students' voices and interests.

In the classroom

  • Views her students not just as receivers of knowledge, but architects of their own learning, adapting the curriculum to their interests
  • Looks beyond academics to ensure the holistic development of each student
  • Recognizes each student's capacity to learn and contribute regardless of diverse learning and behavioural profiles
  • Teaches students how to navigate the digital world with knowledge and confidence
  • Draws on innovative techniques to foster a love of reading, even among reluctant readers
  • Blends different subjects (such as art, science and literature) to help students understand how everything connects in the real world
  • Brings in experts from the community to share their knowledge

Outstanding achievements

  • Launched a project aimed at encouraging students to reconsider their self-perceptions and celebrate themselves just the way they are by bringing a professional photographer into the classroom to capture the children's "genuine" beauty
  • Forged a professional relationship with an Indigenous lead teacher to create opportunities for her students to explore Indigenous learning
  • Helped her students create a Google survey to discover what their peers would be most interested in reading to better understand why some children might be reluctant readers—then used the data to create Google Jam boards tailored to the preferences of not only the students in the class, but in another class and even in another schoo.
  • Raised enough money to buy 10additional Chromebooks to support the school's goal of ensuring that all students have equal access to technology
  • Connected students to a paleontologist after they found real fossils on the school playground, leading students to use scientific and language lenses to unravel the mysteries of fossils
  • Built a greenhouse in the classroom and later had the class work with a local farmer to move the plants into his garden
  • Brought her class to a local municipal meeting to ask for support to organize a garbage clean-up in the township to teach students about how litter can harm the environment and wildlife
Christopher Cabacungan

Christopher Cabacungan: Fostering autonomy, critical thinking and global awareness

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (25)

Forest Hill Junior and Senior Public School

Homeroom, Math, Language, Social Studies, Science, Arts, Health and Physical Education, grade 6(gifted)

Toronto, Ontario

"Initially hesitant, my son evolved into a more confident individual, willing to take risks and embrace a broader range of life experiences. This transformation underscores the profound effect that Mr. Cabacungan's innovative teaching methods have on his students."

Christopher Cabacungan ensures his students are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, instilling in them a sense of responsibility toward their community and the wider world. His holistic approach to education creates a positive classroom atmosphere where independent thinking and mutual respect flourish. His students' enthusiasm for learning and school is a testament to the nurturing environment he creates.

Teaching approach

Christopher empowers his students to explore and understand a range of complex, real-world issues by providing realistic learning experiences that transcend traditional classroom boundaries. He fosters autonomy, critical thinking and global awareness using a range of teaching methods, integrating digital and creative literacy and developing unique, hands-on projects.

In the classroom

  • Models respect, responsiveness, honesty and empathy, playing a pivotal role in shaping students' characters
  • Encourages students to venture out of their comfort zones and embrace new tasks and responsibilities
  • Seamlessly integrates digital tools into lessons, assisting students with any technical issues they may face
  • Promotes critical thinking and active discussions about contemporary issues (such as cyberbullying), empowering students with the practical knowledge and skills they need to face them
  • Initiates innovative lessons and projects that cultivate key life skills, such as budgeting
  • Enhances students' understanding of environmental issues by educating them about the latest developments in biology and environmental science
  • Champions student autonomy, regularly allowing them to vote on classroom activities
  • Cultivates a global citizenship mindset by integrating principles of global awareness, community engagement, and cultural diversity into his teaching projects
  • Participates in sports with students, customizing activities to cater to unique interests and strengths

Outstanding achievements

  • Conducted the "Make a Meal" project, where students created instructional videos using the digital platform FlipGrid to explain recipes, from ingredients to step-by-step instructions
  • Challenged students to make the airplane that could fly the farthest using principles of engineering mechanics
  • Held a class debate where students developed summaries, arguments, counter-arguments and conclusions, deepening their understanding of the debate process
  • Introduced the class currency "Cababucks" to encourage financial literacy, allowing students to earn, trade and spend within a playful yet educational class economy
  • Launched the "Pedro Family" project, which requires students to conduct extensive research to identify the most suitable Canadian city for a fictional newcomer family to settle in
  • Held class council elections, where students ran for positions, created campaign materials, crafted persuasive speeches, and conducted polls
Christopher Dube

Christopher Dube: Fostering experiential learning and community engagement

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (26)

Lake Superior High School

Science, Chemistry, Biology, Outdoor Environmental Science, Learning Strategies, grades 9–12

Terrace Bay, Ontario

"Christopher has played a pivotal role in fostering relationships with local First Nations partners. His efforts have led to an annual experience for his students, who travel to Pays Plat First Nation for cultural activities, Truth and Reconciliation discussions, canoeing, camping and community-building."

Christopher Dube has built Lake Superior High School's Outdoor Environmental Science (OES) Special High Skills Major program from the ground up, securing grants, planning diverse activities and arranging experiential learning opportunities that enrich students' education and personal growth.

Teaching approach

Christopher believes students and schools should be an integral part of a community. He looks for opportunities for local activism and project-based learning activities that allow students to develop critical thinking skills and become global citizens. Thanks to his passion for providing experiential programming and authentic learning experiences, his students spend most of their class time on the land with First Nations and local community members and organizations.

In the classroom

  • Introduces students to problem-solving, time management, communication, and planning and preparation
  • Helps students recognize where they can get involved, understand their role in and responsibilities to their community, create goals for self-development and growth, and participate in projects that have real impact
  • Fuses digital and creative literacy with experiential environmental education to foster holistic student development
  • Speaks about northern sustainability and food sovereignty to help students deepen their understanding of local food systems, ecological footprints, and the importance of self-sustaining practices in rural communities
  • Uses innovative teaching practices that seamlessly merge traditional sciences with Indigenous Knowledge systems to create a holistic learning experience for students

Outstanding achievements

  • Collaborated with Lakehead University's Department of Environmental Sciences to develop parts of the OES course, then integrated global positioning system (GPS) and geographic information system (GIS) technology and water testing equipment into the curriculum so students could learn how to use them to collect data and create map data
  • Integrated Indigenous ways of teaching and learning with modern educational tools to enrich students' educational experiences while also promoting cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Completed the Community Building and Powwow Revitalization Project, which saw students camp together on the Pays Plat First Nation powwow grounds and take part in cultural teachings with Elders and Knowledge Keepers. He and his students also raised almost $30,000in grant funding to buy new bleachers for the grounds, then worked over the course of several days to install them
  • Served as the staff representative for the Anishinaabemowin Boodawe Committee and Indigenous Youth Council and collaborated on grants to support the school's Powwow for Truth and Reconciliation
  • Has been instrumental in bringing Elders, Knowledge Keepers and the Anishinaabemowin Boodawe Committee to the school to empower Indigenous students to begin to reclaim their Anishinaabe language and culture
Marjorie Hewitt

Marjorie Hewitt: Fostering inclusion in the classroom and community

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (27)

Glendale Secondary School

ESL, ELD, Guidance, grades 9–12

Hamilton, Ontario

"Marjorie has touched thousands of lives with her warmth, care, compassion and unprecedented service. I am unable to think of another name that matches her dedication, kindness and eagerness to help students and their families as they try to find a sense of belonging in Canada."

Marjorie Hewitt is committed to equity and inclusion and to supporting newcomer students and their families. Under her leadership, Glendale Secondary School became the first secondary school in North America to receive the official "Language Friendly School" designation.

Teaching approach

Marjorie is an extremely skilled English Language Learner (ELL) teacher who works to foster a vibrant, multilingual environment where students feel a profound sense of belonging. She ensures that the entire school community recognizes and values the lived experiences and unique identities of every student. Her innovative teaching practices—and novel courses tailored to the needs of ELL students—foster not just academic success, but holistic growth.

In the classroom

  • Organizes events that encourage students to share their traditions and bring their families into the school, such a dinner hosted during Ramadan that was open to Muslim and non-Muslim students, their families, community partners and staff
  • Encourages students to critically consider real world issues such as climate change, human rights, gender equality, cultural diversity and inclusivity
  • Embraces and promotes digital technologies and creative literacy to enhance and support student success
  • Ensures students are regularly engaged in creative, well-planned learning activities that enable them to regularly read, speak and collaborate so they can become fluent speakers
  • Coordinates and supervises a weekly after-school sports program for newcomer students to provide them with a sense of community and support their physical fitness and leadership skills
  • Builds partnerships with community organizations, such as the YMCA, YWCA, Mental Health and Addictions Nursing, and Settlement Workers in Schools to ensure newcomer students and their families have equitable access to services
  • Breaks down historic barriers for newcomer families by offering first-language home-school communication, information sessions, school tours and home school visits

Outstanding achievements

  • Led an initiative that resulted in Glendale Secondary School becoming the first secondary school in North America to receive the official Language Friendly School designation
  • Created an "English Language Learner" room that newcomer students can use for lunch, as an extra prayer space, for extra help, or just to hang out with friends
  • Developed a student ambassador program where students volunteer at school events to support parent and community members who want to communicate in their first language
  • Partnered with Hamilton's Islamic community to initiate a "Friday Prayer" for Muslim students, including finding imams to volunteer to lead prayers, soliciting prayer mat donations, and creating an attendance system for teachers
Tish Jeffrey

Tish Jeffrey: Ensuring sports and fitness are for all

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (28)

Glendale Secondary School

Personal and Physical Fitness and Healthy Active Living Education

Hamilton, Ontario

"All exceptional teachers dedicate themselves to their work, but Tish is exemplary in her dedication to students as a whole. She dedicates thousands of hours outside of class time, away from her family, to provide opportunities for students to compete athletically and grow and learn through their athletic experiences."

Tish Jeffrey is a teacher and coach dedicated to her students' health, wellness and fitness. In more than three decades as an educator, she has coached more than 150sports teams and been the driving force for more inclusive and equitable health and physical education.

Teaching approach

Tish ensures that equity and inclusion are at the forefront of everything she does. When she encounters barriers that limit her students' opportunities, she immediately sets to work tearing them down. She empowers her students to be collaborative, creative problem-solvers by providing them with opportunities that enhance both their creative and physical literacy.

In the classroom

  • Instills core values about the importance of hard work, collaboration, problem-solving and resiliency
  • Integrates digital technology platforms, such as the Sworkit app, to enable students to track their progress and collaborate with each other
  • Teaches students how to navigate social media platforms safely while also promoting the importance of screen breaks
  • Brings in CPR and first aid instructors, sexual assault speakers, and sports and fitness presenters to educate students and empower them to support their health, safety and well-being
  • Creates inclusive lessons that value multilingualism and reflect the diverse backgrounds of the student population
  • Invites head coaches and players from Canadian university/college basketball teams into the school to expose students to the possibility pursuing sport at the next level
  • Coaches multiple sports, including basketball, badminton, volleyball, soccer, touch football, slo-pitch and many others

Outstanding achievements

  • Advocated for a universal change room to be built in the school's physical education facilities after students voiced the need for an inclusive, safe space for all
  • Created Glendale's Hall of Fame to recognize former students who have achieved athletic success and to remind current students that their goals are attainable
  • Obtained a $10,000grant from the Wismer Foundation to buy new, state-of-the-art fitness equipment after listening to students' concerns about the poor quality of the school's equipment
  • Applied for a grant to support online physical education classes during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing her department to continue focusing on student leadership, well-being and accountability
  • Created multilingual "Welcome" signs in school hallways where ESL classes are located to ensure that newcomer students and their families felt included and welcomed when entering the school
  • Arranged for Glendale students to act as coaches and referees for middle schools nearby that needed them
Daryanaz Kamelan-Zargar

Daryanaz Kamelan-Zargar: Fuelling passion for the arts

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (29)

Bramalea Secondary School

Visual Arts, grades 9to 12

Brampton, Ontario

"What sets Daryanaz apart is her ability to instill passion and curiosity for the arts in her students. She creates an atmosphere where students feel empowered to express themselves artistically, fostering not only artistic skills but also confidence and self-expression."

Daryanaz's students say she "walks into every classroom with an open mind" and treats every experience as one from which she can grow. Along with teaching visual art, she is a qualified special education teacher, and is committed to ensuring that all students receive a quality education and opportunities for growth despite any physical or intellectual obstacles they may face.

Teaching approach

Daryanaz Kamelan-Zargar creates a dynamic, inclusive learning environment in which students are encouraged to explore their artistic abilities and develop a genuine passion for the arts. She creates many assignments with a social and environmental focus that gives students a chance to consider and convey their views on global events and issues.

In the classroom

  • Creates units and lessons that incorporate elements of digital literacy and expose students to digital culture
  • Takes the time to explore students' creations and delve more deeply into the topic their art focuses on
  • Develops engaging lesson plans that inspire students to think critically while enjoying the process of creating art
  • Accommodates all students by offering a variety of opportunities for each one to showcase their understanding of art techniques
  • Recognizes when students step out of their comfort zone to experiment and encourages creativity by offering ongoing constructive feedback
  • Ensures student voices are heard by inviting open discussion and feedback, including asking students to identify their own greatest strengths and weaknesses
  • Comes up with open-ended assignments that allow students to learn about themselves through art

Outstanding achievements

  • Worked with students from several schools on an art project called Hope to honour the victims of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752, which was shot down by surface-to-air missiles south of Tehran in 2020
  • Arranged for students from one grade 12class to assess the work of another grade 12class, which inspired students to do their best, knowing that their peers were evaluating them
  • Organized school events on behalf of the art department, such as the "Snowshow," which included a gallery of students' works displayed around the school
  • Opened up her classrooms to students from special education classes, allowing them to participate as observers to learn how to regulate themselves in a mainstream classroom environment
  • Welcomed a new visual art teacher to the school by sharing lesson plans and providing other support
  • Facilitated the art club and collaborated with the new visual arts teacher to run it
  • Oversaw the Student Activity Council and ran the grade 12commencement
  • Served as the School Equity Representative and on the School Improvement and Equity committee
Michael Kearns

Michael Kearns: Bringing energy and innovation to every lesson

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (30)

Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School

Business, Social Sciences, Drama, grades 9to 12

Cambridge, Ontario

"Michael's unwavering dedication to student well-being fosters a supportive environment in which every individual thrives. Through tireless efforts, he has built strong community connections while showing compassion and care for our students and their families."

Students who have been taught by Michael Kearns recall his innovation, creativity and determination to nurture their personal and professional growth—all with an unforgettable voice and a flair for the dramatic. His belief in and empathy for his students inspires their confidence while his teaching style emphasizes critical thinking.

Teaching approach

Michael infuses his lessons with energy: classes often begin with students on their feet, working together on whiteboards to share ideas, and sometimes he plays different characters in the classroom (costumes and all) to support lessons. For example, he once dressed as a detective as part of a storyline he created to teach students about the prisoner's dilemma (a game theory situation that assesses the benefits and opportunity costs of cooperation versus betrayal).

In the classroom

  • Integrates e-learning, simulations, gamification, AI avatars and real-world events into class projects to deepen students' engagement and boost their digital literacy
  • Uses lessons and class work to connect students to the larger world and awaken them to their responsibility to the larger global community
  • Uses random student groupings to encourage diverse thinking, socialization and knowledge mobility
  • Develops innovative approaches to help students acquire research, public speaking and presentation skills, such as a final project called the "Doyle Talk," which sees students use a Ted Talk-like approach to research and publicly present on a global issue
  • Sets up simulations and role-plays for his classes to allow for simulated, real-world representations of the topics he teaches—such as about international trade, emergency response, or collective bargaining

Outstanding achievements

  • Shaped the school's academic landscape by implementing innovative strategies and introducing real-world applications and industry-relevant content into classrooms
  • Contributed to the school board's Cooperative Education Program by designing interactive lessons
  • Developed the school's Global Leadership Program, which includes elements of economics, international business and world issues to prepare university-bound students for the world ahead
  • Used the revenue from a project he completed on behalf of a United Nations agency to create a scholarship for students in the Global Leadership Program
  • Provided hands-on training to fellow educators about how to make their classrooms more engaging
  • Wrote and directed several school plays, opening up auditions to the entire school community and accepting students of all skill levels and talents
  • Produced a play remotely during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in hopes that when school returned to normal, students would be ready to share the production with the community
  • Worked with students to rebuild their confidence in public speaking and communicating after the COVID-19 school closures
  • Served on the Board of ActOut KW, a local theatre group providing low-cost children's theatre to the Waterloo Region
Jacqueline Lawlor

Jacqueline Lawlor: Inspiring students to take action

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (31)

St. George School

English Literacy, Science, Math, Arts, Physical Education, Health, Religion, grades 3—4

Ottawa, Ontario

"Jacqueline has the breadth of teaching experience that every parent dreams of, and I found that the students in our daughter's class were excited, engaged and stimulated to learn."

Jacqueline Lawlor seeks out innovative ways to connect with her students and in turn, connect them with the world around them. She provides her students with important building blocks upon which to further their own academic pursuits and develop into integrated members of their communities.

Teaching approach

Jacqueline demonstrates outstanding creativity in her teaching, integrating environmental awareness and social justice themes through both digital platforms and cultural projects. She seamlessly integrates several subjects into single multi-faceted projects, whether organizing projects within the school's immediate neighbourhood or partnering with a community thousands of kilometers away.

In the classroom

  • Finds creative ways to integrate digital technology into projects, such as incorporating math and coding into lessons about Indigenous culture
  • Invites guest speakers into the classroom to expose students to real-world applications of subject material and provide them with invaluable insights from professionals
  • Incorporates the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seamlessly into the curriculum to instill a sense of responsibility and awareness regarding global issues
  • Welcomes Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, Elders, aunties and parents into the classroom to promote "two-eyed seeing" and "place-based" education
  • Partners with parents to increase student success by hosting different events, such as a "watch party" to hear author and educator Hannah Beach speak about the importance of play in child development
  • Has partnered with an Inuit community and school in Hopedale, Labrador, organizing video chats with students and teaching staff to enable students to learn about their diverse cultures

Outstanding achievements

  • Launched "Water Wednesday," a weekly event devoted to collaborative, play-based learning focused on protecting water ecosystems and access to clean drinking water
  • Had students use the Minecraft Education System to create and build virtual wastewater treatment plants (which they later presented to City of Ottawa staff) and environmentally sustainable housing (which they then conducted energy audits of)
  • Organized a bee preservation project in which students designed a pollinator meadow for their schoolyard and then designed and sold greeting cards online to raise the funds to have it built
  • Led the year-long "ReconciliAction" water inquiry project, in which students teamed up to research water-related issues and then created websites, logos, video games and videos about them
  • Initiated a project where students created their own business called "Every Last Sip," designing coasters made from recyclable plastic and then selling them (using Shopify) to raise money to help bring clean water to a community in Labrador
Chantal Loubert

Chantal Loubert: A voice that encourages self-confidence

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (32)

École élémentaire catholique Roger-Saint-Denis

Grade 1, French, math, science, social studies, religious education

Ottawa, Ontario

"Chantal never tires of saying that she loves her students and that she wants to give them as many opportunities as possible to succeed so that they can build their self-confidence. Her people skills and expertise undeniably make her an exemplary member of the teaching profession."

Whether it's a student struggling with a subject or a colleague looking to use new technology in their class, Chantal is often the first person we turn to. Her team spirit and infectious enthusiasm combined with her talent as a teacher allow others to discover the answer to their question, while feeling heard and respected. Chantal recognizes that every person, whether a student, parent, teacher or someone else, has unique qualities to offer the world.

Teaching approach

In Chantal's dynamic classroom environment, the unique skills and identities of her students are recognized and celebrated for what they bring to the group. She strives to foster deep, lasting and meaningful relationships with her students. By giving them frequent opportunities to discover new skills, Chantal builds her students' confidence and ensures that everyone feels valued and encouraged. Her approach reflects core values, encouraging her students to appreciate and embrace the diverse backgrounds and perspectives that make up the world around them.

In the classroom

  • Uses video clips to explain certain concepts in order to capture her students' attention and creates others so that students can review lessons at home
  • Creates a supportive classroom atmosphere by fostering connections between students, encouraging them to push beyond their comfort zones
  • Focuses on building modern day skills such as communication, technology, collaboration and citizenship
  • Focuses on students' skills to build confidence, then challenges them to develop resilience so they have the mindset to tackle STEM challenges eagerly
  • Fosters a spirit of cooperation among her students by giving them various responsibilities in the classroom, such as messenger, mini-teacher, distributor, gardener, etc
  • Broadens students' perspectives by relating learning projects to real-world issues
  • Boosts students' pride by encouraging them to share their culture, interests and personal stories with others

Outstanding achievements

  • Long-time union delegate for her school, acting as spokesperson for her colleagues, advising and representing them with conviction
  • Wrote her own teaching tools and materials, adapted to her students' unique needs and interests
  • Participated in a number of school committees, including the cultural activities and identity-building committee
  • Welcomed and supervised students from the secondary co-op program and an intern from the University of Ottawa's Faculty of Education
  • Has cultivated a reputation among other teachers as an involved, interested colleague who keeps abreast of pedagogical and technological developments
Lina Riad

Lina Riad: Empowering the next generation to change the world

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (33)

Loyola Catholic Secondary School

Geography, History, Civics & Careers, Credit Recovery, General Learning Strategies, grades 9–12

Mississauga, Ontario

"Lina has the ability not only to ignite a spark for learning in her students, but to convince them that their voices have the power to change the world."

Lina Riad's students and colleagues recognize her as a compassionate teacher who is personally invested in her students' well-being and will go the extra mile—even outside the classroom—to make sure they have the tools they need to succeed, whether it means creating safe spaces, teaching life skills, providing leadership opportunities, or teaching students that their views and voices matter.

Teaching approach

Lina connects current events to the historic ones she teaches about, going beyond "What happened?" to "Why should you care?" She takes the time to organize engaging activities and creative assignments that help students make emotional connections to the histories they learn about, and shares her own books and other resources with interested students.

In the classroom

  • Begins every class with an anecdote about "this day in Canadian history" to engage students right away
  • Focuses on equity during history lessons by shining a spotlight on groups of people who were marginalized during the eras being studied
  • Brings the curriculum to life through imaginative activities and outings—like a field trip to the Ontario Legislature, a simulation of the Great Depression and stock market crash, and a school-wide student vote
  • Helps students find their communities and empowers them to speak out about social justice issues, such as gender-based violence, intersectional feminism and climate justice
  • Introduces Indigenous students to opportunities and activities at the school board level so they can connect with their culture, other students, and board members
  • Harnesses digital tools to bring history to life—for example, using Google Slides and Forms to create digital escape rooms

Outstanding achievements

  • Arranged for classes to attend an Orange Shirt Day event that included Indigenous music and regalia and powerful guest speakers
  • Served as the Teacher Lead for the school's Equity Committee and helped the committee run at least one event per month on topics like allyship, hom*ophobia, racism, gender-based violence and more
  • Went out of her way to take Equity Committee members to an International Women's Day event organized by Mississauga's mayor to learn about representation in politics
  • Adapted her usual in-person field trips during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as by arranging for a virtual museum tour
  • Ran Loyola's Student Council for several years, using the experience to teach students how to navigate challenges, write proposals, and consider the needs of an entire school community
  • Played a key role in implementing the French immersion program at the secondary level in Loyola's school board
  • Worked as a supervisor for Focus On Youth, a free summer camp for students in grades 5to 8organized by the school board with a focus on art, dance and literature that reflects the world's diversity
Justine Tweyman

Justine Tweyman: Nurturing brilliance in the classroom

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (34)

Eitz Chaim Schools

Social Studies, Math, Science, Language Arts, grade 4

Thornhill, Ontario

"Justine Tweyman's classroom is like a garden of growth, where brilliance is cultivated, nurtured and coached towards."

Dr. Justine Tweyman has a gentle and multifaceted way of nurturing brilliance in her students. Because she incorporates global values into her teaching and weaves digital and creative literacy into her classroom, her influence extends far beyond textbooks, leaving an enduring impact on her students' lives.

Teaching approach

Justine takes every element of teaching to the next level, seamlessly integrating digital and creative literacy into lessons in a cross-curricular approach. She ensures student success and supports skills development by using techniques such as scaffolding, developing partnerships with parents and staff, and even getting the students themselves to aid each other in their learning.

In the classroom

  • Creates an environment that nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and technological proficiency
  • Uses technology as a catalyst for learning and exploration and to prepare students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital age
  • Focuses on student-centered learning, providing space for students to offer their own insights into the development of deep and meaningful educational activities in the classroom
  • Cultivates a love of learning by engaging each child at just the right level
  • Provides direct assistance when students encounter challenges and fosters a collaborative learning environment by training students to support one another
  • Fosters parent partnerships through frequent communication to ensure that consistent messages are reinforced at home and school to promote student success and skill development
  • Arranges field trips that complement the curriculum and provide students with firsthand encounters that bring theoretical knowledge to life
  • Instills a profound appreciation for sustainability, volunteerism and charitable giving, guiding students to be well-rounded individuals who are interested and involved in their community

Outstanding achievements

  • Reinforced mathematical concepts while cultivating digital, creative and oral communication skills through "Math Monsters," a project that had students create a unique creature using angles, then write a biography about it, prepare a digital presentation using Google Slides, and give an oral presentation
  • Has held an annual "Wax Museum Exhibition" where students pick a famous historical character, research their life, create a visual biography, and then dress as their chosen character to present what they've learned to visitors, including parents
  • Instilled a sense of ownership in the learning process by getting students to work collaboratively to select themes and words that reflected their interests for weekly spelling quizzes
Kathryn Young

Kathryn Young: Empowering students to be global citizens

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (35)

Holy Trinity School

English, Social Justice, Internship, grades 9–12

Richmond Hill, Ontario

"From teaching and co-designing our social justice course to serving as the faculty advisor for our Feminism for Change Club, Ms. Young's passion lies in equipping students with the skills they need to become advocates for themselves, for others, and for the issues that matter to them."

Kathryn (Katie) Young is a tireless advocate for gender equity and social justice who always ensures that her classroom is a place where students feel safe and valued. Her support for every student is a testament to her love for teaching.

Teaching approach

Katie is an educator dedicated to community service and creating global citizens. Everything she does is to support her goal of making the world a better place and helping her students do the same. Her teaching style is practical, her lessons interactive, and she consistently gives her students the tools, direction and support they need succeed.

In the classroom

  • Empowers students with the tools to become proficient digital citizens, equipping them for any possible future challenges
  • Holds weekly "Intellectual Salons" that emphasize the importance of engaging people in deeper discussion, understanding and reflection
  • Nurtures a space where students feel comfortable challenging each other's ideas and questioning their own biases
  • Recognizes the potential of AI and uses it as a powerful support to enhance learning experiences
  • Creates safe spaces for students to critically examine their identities and engage with controversial topics
  • Encourages students to contribute their ideas and perceptions about concepts like respect, safe space and inclusivity in her classrooms
  • Leads the Holy Trinity School Internship Program, making social justice and service to marginalized communities key components of the program

Outstanding achievements

  • Led the development of a brand new, dual-credit interdisciplinary course—colloquially known as the English Social Justice course—that teaches English through a social justice lens
  • Helped the school's Feminism for Change Club raise more than $2,000for breast cancer research, attract world-class speakers, and plan a social justice conference
  • Challenged students to create and implement a social justice action plan, which led to initiatives such as the provision of free menstrual products in school bathrooms, the painting of murals around the school, advocacy for scholarships for disadvantaged athletes, and more
  • Spearheaded a two-day Hackathon for all grade 10students, with companies such as Apple, Egale Canada, InStage and McKesson Pharmaceuticals providing relevant problems for students to solve
Steven Dubinsky

Steven Dubinsky: Cultivating a love and aptitude for music

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (36)

Westwood High School Senior Campus

Music and Ethics, secondary 1-5

Hudson, Quebec

"Mr. Dubinsky has been able to show students that there is more to his music program than just the beautiful music they produce as a collective band. Students realize that music teaches math and teamwork—that rhythms are math and teamwork is the balance in the band."

Steven Dubinsky believes there is a place for every student within his music program, and he works diligently to ensure all can flourish. With his truly infectious joy in music, he is creating a legacy of musical excellence in his school and community.

Teaching approach

Steve's dynamic teaching style and caring approach engages learners and fosters a love of learning through music. Although he also provides individual teaching support, he focuses on creating a group dynamic where students feel empowered to solve problems together and improve collectively. His calm and positive demeanour creates an inviting classroom environment that helps his students learn and develop into confident, responsible citizens and stellar musicians.

In the classroom

  • Provides varying levels of instruction and diverse teaching approaches to ensure all students can participate in (and get the most out of) the music program
  • Uses videos and movies to allow students to see and hear a new piece of music before they start working on it
  • Breaks new music down into smaller portions so each student and the group collectively can learn to come together to produce it
  • Welcomes feedback from students and looks for new ideas and approaches to help all students succeed
  • Encourages students to mentor each other and find different ways to help each other solve problems
  • Connects with parents through open houses and curriculum nights to encourage them to be as involved as possible
  • Contributes to an elementary school tour every year, where his students play music to expose incoming students to the idea of choosing music as a high school elective
  • Challenges students not only to participate in class, but to improve by bringing their instruments home to practice

Outstanding achievements

  • Received the I. Keith Mann NAC Orchestra Outstanding Band Director Award in 2021 from MusicFest Canada
  • Received the 2018 Quebec Federation of Home & School Associations (QFHSA) Gordon Patterson Award, which recognizes an outstanding educator who has given long service to Quebec education and has encouraged the participation of parents
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, enabled his students to participate in MusicFest virtually, where they were awarded a gold performance
  • Researched ways to enable the music program to continue during the pandemic and set up plexiglass dividers for social distancing, recruiting parents to help him construct the dividers and sew bell covers for the instruments
  • Helped coordinate a café and bake sale at the Westwood Home and School Annual Craft Fair to raise funds for a New York City band trip
Brittany McLennan Rungta

Brittany McLennan Rungta: Inspiring brilliance in students and teachers

2024 Recipient biographies– Teaching Excellence (37)

Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's School

Language Arts, Math, Ethics and Religious Culture, grade 4

Montreal, Quebec

"Passionate, dedicated, and truly inspiring, Ms. Brittany Rungta encapsulates the very essence of an exceptional educator. Her profound impact not only extends to each student fortunate enough to be under her guidance, but also resonates among her colleagues."

With love, care and unparalleled expertise, Brittany McLennan Rungta consistently elevates the standard of teaching for educators. Her classroom is not just a place of learning—it's a safe space where students feel empowered to explore, make mistakes, and grow together without hesitation.

Teaching approach

Brittany embraces digital and creative literacy in her classes, employing innovative and exemplary approaches that go beyond conventional boundaries. Her holistic and dynamic teaching approach creates an environment where students thrive intellectually and personally, and her steady care and commitment to their progress creates a nurturing environment where students feel valued and supported.

In the classroom

  • Works with students to co-construct criteria and set goals, using formative assessments and feedback to make sure students understand their progress and are aware of areas for improvement
  • Tailors teaching methods and content to accommodate diverse learning styles, abilities and interests within the same classroom, circulating in the room to provide differentiated support as needed
  • Embraces the use of technologies in the classroom, such as greenscreens for news reports and other projects, CANVA to create projects based on students' interests, Seesaw (an online portfolio) to showcase students' learnings, and various video editing applications
  • Incorporates project-based learning through extended, real-world projects that foster collaboration, problem-solving, and knowledge application
  • Integrates flexible seating, such as standing desks, cluster tables and quiet spaces, so students feel more comfortable
  • Promotes peer teaching and mentoring, empowering students to take on teaching roles and fostering a supportive learning community
  • Engages in open communication with parents, providing glimpses into students' work through platforms like Seesaw and personalized feedback
  • Challenges students to embrace their mistakes and encourages them to push their boundaries to foster resilience and a thirst for continual self-improvement

Outstanding achievements

  • Developed a journalism unit, where students interviewed fellow classmates and teachers to craft articles and produce newspaper clippings, which they also shared with entire junior student body
  • Brought theatre and scriptwriting into the classroom after noticing students' interest in writing plays
  • Worked closely with a group of students who wanted to improve the school's food program, helping them conduct research, write letters and create a proposal for improvements
  • Co-directed the junior grades' annual theatre production, spending countless hours helping students rehearse lines, practice songs, learn choreography and design sets
  • Supported the Lovin' Literacy initiative, where students volunteered with a literacy service to record readings of popular children's books that could be shared with children who had limited access to books
  • Helped students create and run a learn-to-skate program for newcomers
2024 Recipient biographies – Teaching Excellence (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.